Student Safety

Feather River College makes every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for all members of the college community. All safety concerns, odd or unusual behavior, and/or criminal activities should be directed to the following:

Safety Officer

Campus Switchboard

Library Assistant

Mental Health and Wellness Center

LGBTQ+ Resource Contact

Title IX

530-283-0202, ext. 259/307 or 530-394-7503

530-283-0202, ext. 200

530-283-0202, ext. 236

530-238-0202, ext. 234 or 205

Breanna Fisher Black, LCSW 530-283-0202, ext 234

Carlie McCarthy, 530-283-0202, ext. 273
Contact Breanna Fisher Black, LCSW for confidential counseling

If there is an Emergency or Immediate Threat:  Call 911

Click for Crisis Intervention and Referral Services


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