Clery Act - Crime Statistics at FRC
Any criminal activity may be reported to the Switchboard Operator, 530-283-0202, ext. 200 who will immediately contact the Safety Officer, appropriate administrator or other responsible authority. Offenses requiring intervention by law enforcement agencies should be reported directly to the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office by dialing 911.
Criminal actions occurring on campus should be reported immediately and directly by campus authorities to the Plumas County Sheriff’s Office. Investigation and any subsequent action on reports of campus crime will be handled as required by law and the relevant local law enforcement agency. The College may elect to pursue administrative and/or disciplinary action consistent with Board Policies, Education Code and/or Penal Code against students who are found guilty of crimes committed on campus or at college events.
Feather River College's crime statistics are reported to the Department of Education website: http://ope.ed.gov/security/. At this site search on: Feather River Community College District, Quincy, California for reported crimes on campus.
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