Student Leadership
Student Ambassadors and ASFRC officers (student government) participate in the most rewarding and fun jobs on campus, and are PAID positions! Student Ambassadors play a central role in helping new students transition to FRC, as well as planning and running events to support student life on campus. The Associated Students of Feather River College (ASFRC) is a self-governing body recognized by the College President and Board of Trustees and get to be involved in the processes by which policies are made and college actions are determined.
Ambassadors and ASFRC officers will develop leadership and professional skills, which look awesome on college applications and resumes. And as a reminder, all elected Student Government Officers may also participate in the Student Ambassador Program. If you like making an impact, working with a fun team, and making money while doing so, these roles are for you!
Click below to explore positions. Note - elections and interviews occur every April for appointments the following year.
If you're looking to have a voice on campus and enhance your resume, start here with ASFRC. A position in Student Leadership is the perfect opportunity to help advance your professional development while at FRC and get PAID while doing so! Each year students elect new ASFRC Officers. Keep an eye out for ballot statements and election details each spring semester. Click below to view your current ASFRC Officers or apply for the upcoming semester.
Student Ambassadors are PAID student leaders who participate in one of the most engaging jobs on campus by helping new students transition to FRC, as well as planning events that promote a sense of community and student life. This is a very rewarding paid position on campus and really allows students to help make a difference through student engagement and events. Click below to learn more and to apply!
Student clubs are open to all students and provide an opportunity to pursue special interests with those who share them. Students can join any club that interests them or they can start their own! Clubs are required to have a club adviser (an FRC faculty or staff member), and must file for club approval with the Associated Students of FRC (ASFRC), and the Chief Student Services Officer. Learn more below!
Video created by Spanish Peak Productions
- Student Services Home
- Advising
- Basic Needs
- CARES Team
- Community Ed (opens in new window)
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Financial Aid (opens in new window)
- Health Services
- Housing (opens in new window)
- Student Discounts
- Student Employment Services (opens in new window)
- Student Equity and Achievement Services (opens in new window)
- Student Life
- Student-Parent Resources
- Student Policies (opens in new window)
- Support Services (opens in new window)
- Student Safety (opens in new window)
- Student Leadership & Government
- Student Success Programs
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