Veteran Services
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.
To begin, we encourage students to meet with our Director of Student Success Programs first to learn more about Veteran resources available to them.
Stop by the Student Wellness and Success Center and make a bagel to go on your way to a...
Presented by FRC Undocumented Student Services and Social and Behavioral Sciences Depar...
Director of Student Success Programs
Tara Hamler
Phone: (530) 283-0202 ext. 301
Email: thamler@frc.edu
Director of Financial Aid & Certifying Official
Vanessa Gibson
Phone: (530) 283-0202 ext. 241
Email: veterans@frc.edu or vgibson@frc.edu
How to Apply
There are three ways to apply for Educational Benefits:
- Online at https://www.vets.gov/education/
- Plumas County Veteran's Services Office (530) 283-6275
- At Feather River College
*Eligible students must bring a Certificate of Eligibility or Statement of Benefits to the School Certifying Official when applying for benefits.
The State of Veteran Students In California Community Colleges - 2018 Statewide Survey
Education Benefits
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.
As a child, spouse or unmarried surviving spouse of a service-connected disabled or deceased veteran, you may be entitled to system-wide tuition and fee waiver benefits at Feather River College. The program is administered by the California Department of Veterans Affairs (CalVET).
For more information and eligibility requirements or to obtain an application visit the CalVET website or the Plumas County Veterans Service Office located at 270 County Hospital Road, Suite 206, Quincy, CA, 95971. Get Directions Now!
The Post-9/11 GI Bill® provides financial support for education and housing to individuals with at least 90 days of aggregate service after September 11, 2001, or individuals discharged with a service-connected disability after 30 days. You must have received an honorable discharge to be eligible for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® .
You can receive up to 36 months of benefits, including:
- Tuition and fee waiver
- Money for housing (if students are in school more than half time)
- Money for books and supplies
- Money to help you move from a rural area to go to school
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website.
The MGI-AD program provides up to 36 months of education benefits. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training and correspondence courses. Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances. Generally, benefits are payable for 10 years following your release from active duty.
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website to apply.
The MGIB-SR program may be available to you if you are a member of the Selected Reserve. The Selected Reserve includes the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve and Coast Guard Reserve, and the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard. This benefit may be used for degree and certificate programs, flight training, apprenticeship/on-the-job training and correspondence courses. Remedial, deficiency, and refresher courses may be approved under certain circumstances.
The MGIB-SR program offers up to 36 months of education and training benefits. If you’re a member of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, or Air National Guard, you may be eligible for this benefit. Find out if you qualify.
Available Benefits:
- up to $384 per month in compensation
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website to apply.
VR&E is available to Veterans who have a service-related disability that limits their ability to work or prevents them from working. Eligible Veterans must contact the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Vocational Rehabilitation Employment department.
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website or call 1-800-827-1000 for additional information.
The DEA provides education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition, or who died while on active duty or as a result of a service related condition. The program offers up to 45 months of education benefits.
Available Benefits:
- Education and training
- Money for tuition
- Money for housing
- Money for books and supplies
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website to apply.
VEAP was established to assist Veterans in continuing their education by using part of your military pay to help cover the cost of school. VEAP is a government-match program for educational assistance at a $2-to-$1 rate.
Available Benefits:
- Money for tuition
For more information and eligibility requirements visit the VA website to apply.
Eligibility Info
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Benefits Coverage
When applying for benefits the student must declare a major. Payment of educational benefits is based on the number of units in which a student is enrolled. Benefits will only be paid for courses required for the declared major. Once a satisfactory grade has been earned, the student may not receive benefits for a repeated course.* Benefits are restricted on some types of courses. Students should always check with the Feather River College Certifying Officers before registering for courses.
Eligibility Requirements for Each Program
- Served at least 90 days on active duty on or after September 11, 2001
- Received a Purple Heart on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged after any amount of service
- Served for at least 30 continuous days on or after September 11, 2001, and were honorably discharged with a service-connected disability
Are a dependent child using benefits transferred by a qualifying Veteran or service member
The Post - 9/11 GI Bill® has a few specific components that are unavailable in other GI Bill® programs:
Post - 9/11 GI Bill® Links:
The MGIB-AD program—sometimes known as Chapter 30—provides education benefits to Veterans and Servicemembers who have at least two years of active duty. You may be an eligible if you have an honorable discharge; and you have a high school diploma or GED or in some cases 12 hours of college credit; and you meet the requirements of one of the categories below:
Category I
- Entered active duty for the first time after June 30, 1985
- Had military pay reduced by $100 a month for first 12 months
- Continuously served for three years or two years, if that is what you first enlisted for or if you entered the Selected Reserve within a year of leaving active duty and served four years (the 2 by 4 program)
Category II
- Entered active duty before January 1, 1977
- Served at least one day between 10/19/84 and 6/30/85, and stayed on active duty through 6/30/88
- (or through 6/30/87 if you entered the Selected Reserve within one year of leaving active duty and served four years)
- On 12/31/89, you had entitlement left from Vietnam-era GI Bill®
Category III
- Not eligible for MGIB under Category I or II
- On active duty on 9/30/90 AND separated involuntarily after 2/2/91
- OR involuntarily separated on or after 11/30/93
- OR voluntarily separated under either the Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) or Special Separation Benefit (SSB) program
- Before separation, you had military pay reduced by $1,200
Category IV
- On active duty on 10/9/96 and you had money remaining in a VEAP account on that date and you elected MGIB by 10/9/97
- OR you entered full-time National Guard duty under title 32, USC, between 7/1/85, and 11/28/89, AND you elected MGIB during the period 10/9/96 - 7/08/97
- Had military pay reduced by $100 a month for 12 months or made a $1,200 lump-sum contribution
MGIB Links:
MGIB-SR program provides education and training benefits to eligible members of the Selected Reserve, including the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard or Air National Guard. Eligibility for this program is determined by the Selected Reserve components and VA makes the payments. To qualify, you must meet the following requirements:
- Have a six-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve signed after June 30, 1985
- If you are an officer, you must have agreed to serve six years in addition to your original obligation
- For some types of training it is necessary to have a six-year commitment that begins after Sept. 30, 1990
- Complete your Initial Active Duty for Training (IADT)
- Meet the requirement to receive a high school diploma or equivalency certificate before completing IADT
- You may not use 12 hours toward a college degree to meet this requirement
- Remain in good standing while serving in an active Selected Reserve unit
- You will also retain MGIB-SR eligibility if you were discharged from Selected Reserve service due to a disability that was not caused by misconduct
- Your eligibility period may be extended if you are ordered to active duty
MGIB-SR Links:
VEAP is available if you elected to make contributions from your military pay to participate in this education benefit program. The government matches your contributions on a 2-for-1 basis. You must meet the following requirements to qualify:
- Entered service for the first time between January 1, 1977, and June 30, 1985
- Opened a contribution account before April 1, 1987
- Voluntarily contributed from $25 to $2,700;
- Completed your first period of service and were discharged or released from service under conditions other than dishonorable
- If you are currently on active duty and wish to receive VEAP benefits, you must have at least three months of contributions available
VEAP Links:
REAP provides educational assistance to members of the Reserve components called or ordered to active duty in response to a war or national emergency declared by the president or Congress.
Effective November 26, 2019, REAP benefits are no longer payable to claimants. Claimants with remaining entitlement under REAP will be evaluated without the claimant needing to request an election. Conversions will be automatic for claimants who do not have Post-9/11 GI Bill® entitlement based on another Period of Service (POS).
For more information regarding REAP, visit the US Department of Veterans Affairs website.
There are two main GI Bill® programs offering education assistance to survivors and dependents of Veterans:
- The Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (Fry Scholarship) is available for children and spouses of Servicemembers who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001.
The Survivors' and Dependents' Educational Assistance (DEA) Program offers education and training opportunities to eligible dependents of Veterans who are permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition or of Veterans who died while on active duty or as a result of a service-related condition.
For more information regarding transferability, visit the US Department of Veterans Affairs website.
Advancing your education often requires you to take costly national tests. Students can be reimbursed all required (mandatory) fees charged for national admission tests, national tests for college credit, and national tests that evaluate prior learning and knowledge and provide an opportunity for credit at an institution of higher learning (IHL).
The following tests are approved for reimbursement:
- SAT (Scholastic Assessment Test)
- LSAT (Law School Admission Test)
- GRE (Graduate Record Exam)
- GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test)
- AP (Advanced Placement Exam)
- CLEP (College-Level Examination Program)
- ACT (American College Testing Program)
- DAT (Dental Admissions Test)
- MAT (Miller Analogies Test)
- MCAT (Medical College Admissions Test)
- OAT (Optometry Admissions Testing)
- PCAT (Pharmacy College Admissions Test)
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
- DSST (DANTES Subject Standardized Tests)
- ECE (Excelsior College Examinations)
- PLA (Prior Learning Assessment) testing through Learningcounts.org
- TECEP (Thomas Edison College Examination Program)
National Testing Program Links:
Satisfactory Academic Progress
The Veterans' Administration requires that veterans maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) toward a degree. This includes:
- maintaining a cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and
- completing at least 67% of attempted units
Veterans who become academically disqualified must follow the school's criteria for reinstatement after academic disqualification. Feather River Colleges SAP policy can be located here.
*Course Repetition
A course may be repeated for VA benefits only if repetition is necessary to successfully satisfy specific major requirements. Veterans may repeat a class more than once and receive VA educational benefits if the condition that required the initial repetition still exists.
Student Responsibilities
Before benefits are received, the student must provide the VA Certifying Official with the following:
- Certificate of Eligibility
- Completed Educational Plan through the Veterans Services Academic Advisor
- Transcripts of all previous coursework
- A copy of your DD-214 (Veterans Only)
- Completed assessment test
Each semester the student must meet with:
- The Academic Advisor for Veteran Services to update the Educational Plan
- Certifying Officers to complete additional paperwork
Important: Report any changes in enrollment or academic status that may affect VA benefits to the Veterans' Certifying Officials at FRC. When changes are not reported, the result is often underpayment or overpayment of VA benefits.
Veterans Certifying Official
Vanessa Gibson
Email: vgibson@frc.edu
Phone: 530-283-0202 ext. 241
- Checklist for Veterans & Eligible Dependents
- Notification of Added and/or Dropped Courses
- Notification of Prior Education
- Request for Advance Pay (Contact the School Certifying Official for more information)
- Request for Change of Place of Training
- Request for Enrollment Certification
- Statement of Understanding
- VACA Nonresident Enrollment Fee Exemption Form
Miscellaneous Forms
- Request for Military Evaluation of Coursework/Credit
Need a copy of your DD-214 for employment or educational purposes?
It’s official; DD-214s are NOW online! Click here to Request your DD-214.
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.
Veterans Resources
Use the GI Bill® Comparison Tool to lookup current amounts and calculate your benefits.
The cost of attendance for a student is an estimate of that student's educational expenses for the academic year in which they plan to attend. In order to assist students with making a more informed choice about the Cost of Attendance at Feather River College.
Whether you’re just getting out of the service or you’ve been a civilian for years now, the VA Welcome Kit can help guide you to the benefits and services you’ve earned.
Based on where you are in life, your VA benefits and services can support you in different ways. Keep your welcome kit handy so you can turn to it throughout your life—like when it’s time to go to school, get a job, buy a house, get health care, retire, or make plans for your care as you age.
Downloadable Welcom kits can be found here
The California Veterans Resource Book assists you with accessing the wide variety of services and benefits available to Veterans and family members. This resource book includes detailed information about getting a driver license Veteran designation on page 21, along with much more. Please use it – and share it – to learn more about Veterans benefits available from local, state, and federal governments and how you may access them.
PTSD Coach App - Click Here to download
The PTSD Coach app can help you learn about and manage symptoms that often occur after trauma. Features include:
- Reliable information on PTSD and treatments that work
- Tools for screening and tracking your symptoms
- Convenient, easy-to-use tools to help you handle stress symptoms
- Direct links to support and help
- Always with you when you need it
Need a copy of your DD-214 for employment or educational purposes? It’s official; DD-214s are now online. Click to request your DD-214 now.
591 West Main Street
Quincy, CA 95971
Phone: (530) 283-5515
Fax: (530) 283-3539
The PTSD Coach app is a digital resource provided by the National Center for PTSD aimed at helping veterans learn more about and manage their symptoms of PTSD from anywhere. Through the PTSD Coach app you are able to:
- use the built-in coping tools when you are feeling upset or stressed
- create your own support network
- track your progress to see if symptons are approving
The PTSD Coah app is available to download for iPhone and Android users.
Learn what the VA can do for you! VA can support you and your loved ones in different ways throughout your life. Your VA Welcome Kit provides a broad overview of services such as your:
- Benefits – understand how VA can meet your needs;
- Eligibility – understand more about it and how it affects your VA benefits;
- Disability Rating – understand how your disability rating affects your eligibility;
- Journey – see how VA can support you throughout your life;
- Checklist – learn about ways to access the benefits and services you deserve;
- Emergency Resources – find mental health resources and access immediate care
Veterans Crisis Line
The Veterans Crisis Line connects Veterans in crisis and their families and friends with qualified, caring Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text. Veterans and their loved ones can call 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1, chat online, or send a text message to 838255 to receive confidential support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
Some key elements of the Guide to Getting Hired include: job search tools for Veterans, unique job search challenges and opportunities for Vets job searching, various vocational rehab programs for Vets and a whole lot more!
Looking for a Job?
Check out the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services for Veterans with Disabilities
Date: 2nd, 3rd and 4th Wednesday of Each Month
Time: 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
Location: Sacramento VA Medical Center Women's Health Clinic | Directions
To schedule an appointment, please contact Rebecca Stallworth at (916) 366-5453.
Wells Fargo’s Emergency Grant Program helps veterans already enrolled in post-secondary education meet their household expenses when faced with unexpected financial setbacks. Ranging up to $1,000, these immediate, one-time grants will ensure that recipients are able to stay in school without creating undue financial hardship for themselves or their families.
If you know of alumni who pursued a military career after graduation, they can start taking advantage of these programs right away! Applications for the Wells Fargo Veterans Scholarship are open until February 28, 2020; applications for emergency grants will stay open on an ongoing basis while funds are available. Both programs are accessible via wellsfargovets.scholarsapply.org -- please take a moment to share the link with veterans, military families and relevant student organizations in your community. Thank you!
The Wells Fargo Veterans Scholarship Program provides scholarships up to $7,000 per year, to fill gaps for veterans and the spouses of disabled veterans after military benefits and other grants and scholarships have been utilized. To ensure that recipients can focus on completing their degree, these scholarships will be renewable, and award amounts will grow by $1,000 each year.
Application status: Closed
Click "Notify Me" to be notified when the program opens.
The WVA mission is to empower women that have served or are currently serving through networking, career and professional development, and mentorship.
The goals of Women Veterans Alliance are:
- Equip women with the tools to pursue a rewarding career
- Empower those women who want to become entrepreneurs
- Encourage women veteran through Mentorship to include young women that want to join the military
- Strengthen the sisterhood bond between women veterans
- Develop and Maintain strong community of women veteran supporters
- Educate the community that Women that have served are Veterans
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
810 Vermont Avenue
NW Washington DC 20420
Toll Free: 1 (800) 827-1000
Click here to find another VA Office Location
California Department of Veterans Affairs
2811 W. California Avenue
Fresno, CA 93706
Phone: (559) 493-4400
Plumas County Veterans Service Office
270 County Hospital Road #206
Quincy, CA 95971
Phone: (530) 283-6275
Plumas County Library in collaboration with Brainfuse JobNow/VetNow provides help to job seekers, veterans, and their families with everything from live job coaching, real-time interview practice, full-service resume lab, 24/7 access to local job resources, resume assistance, skill building, academic assistance, and more, as well as veteran specific personalized assistance from a VA navigator to learn more about your eligibility for VA benefits and access local and nationwide resources in education, employment, housing, and healthcare. Please Note: You will need a library card to access this https://www.plumascounty.us
VA Work-Study Program
The VA Work-Study Program is available to any eligible veteran or their dependents who are receiving VA education benefits and attending school three-quarter time (9+ units) or more. An individual working under this program may work at a school's veterans office, VA Regional Office, VA Medical Facility, CalVet or other approved State employment office. Work-study students are paid at either the State or federal minimum wage, whichever is greater. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official US government web site at benefits.va.gov/gibill.
The VA work-study allowance is available to persons training on a full-time or ¾ time basis under the following programs:
- Post-9/11 GI Bill® - (38 U.S.C. Chapter 33) (Veterans and transfer-of-entitlement recipients)
- Montgomery GI Bill® - Active Duty (38 U.S.C. Chapter 30)
- REAP Participants
- Montgomery GI Bill® - Selected Reserve (10 U.S.C. Chapter 1606)
- Post-Vietnam Era Veterans' Educational Assistance Program (38 U.S.C. Chapter 32)
- Dependents' Educational Assistance Program (38 U.S.C. Chapter 35)
- Eligible dependents under 38 U.S.C. Chapter 35 may use work study only while training in a State.
- National Call to Service Participants
- Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment Program - (38 U.S.C. Chapter 31)
To apply for an internship with an approved State Office, the student must attain an enrollment certification VA Form 22-1999-6 from their schools veterans office. The work the veteran actually does will depend on the veteran's interests and the type of work available; however, it must be related to the VA. Want to know more? Visit the California Department of Veterans Affairs website.
Ready to Apply? Complete VA Form 22-8691.
Mail Completed form to:
VA Regional Processing Office
PO Box 8888
Muskogee, OK 74402-8888
Veterans Benefits and Transition Act
Effective August 1, 2019, Feather River College will adhere to the requirements of and comply with the Veterans Benefits and Transition Act of 2018, specifically S2248 PL 115-407 Section 103.
Feather River College permits any covered individual utilizing VA chapter 31 or 33 to attend or participate in their course of education during the period beginning on the date on which the individual provides a certificate of eligibility for entitlement to educational assistance.
Feather River College does not impose any penalties due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33. Students with payment delays will not be charged late fees, prevented from enrolling, or denied access to courses, libraries, or other institutional facilities. Nor are students required to borrow additional funds due to the delayed disbursement of funding from the VA under chapter 31 or 33.
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