Safety Information for Students & Staff

Emergency Notifications

In the event of an emergency, including situations that impact campus operations such as winter weather that causes a late start, we make every effort to send an announcement as soon as possible.

Primary Notification Method

Secondary Notification Methods

  • Alert message posted on the FRC home page and FRC Social Media pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter).

Plumas County Alerts

Our local emergency alert system managed through the Plumas County Sheriff's Office is called Plumas County Alerts and is operated by Genasys. More information can be found on the Plumas County website.

Public Safety Power Shutoff

PG&E provides electricity to Feather River College and student housing facilities. If fire danger conditions threaten our community, PG&E may have a public safety power shutoff, which may last for hours or days. Visit the PG&E webpage for more information including how to prepare for outages, create an emergency kit, and receive their notifications.

Plumas Transit System

All FRC students pay a transportation fee which provides access to Plumas County Transit services in Quincy and the surrounding areas. Join their text group to receive notifications regarding route changes.
FRC Student Photo ID cards (with current semester sticker) serve as the bus pass and are to be presented upon boarding. ID cards are issued at the Admissions and Records office. 

Safety Resources

Feather River College makes every effort to provide a safe and secure environment for all members of the college community. All safety concerns, odd or unusual behavior, and/or criminal activities should be directed to the following:

If there is an emergency or immediate threat, please call 911 immediately!

Click here for Crisis Intervention & Referral Services

Important Campus Safety Contacts for non emergency
Safety Officer (Office) 530-283-0202, ext. 259/307 or (Cell) 530-258-7540
Campus Switchboard 530-283-0202, ext. 200
Library Assistant
(evening contact M-R until 9pm)
530-283-0202, ext. 236
Mental Health and Wellness Center 530-238-0202, ext. 234 or 205
LGBTQ+ Resource Contact Breanna Black, 530-283-0202, ext 234, or
Title IX*

*Contact Mental Health & Wellness Center for confidential counseling

Clery Act

FRC keeps record of any crimes reported on campus per the Clery Act requirements. You can view these statistics on our FRC Crime Statistics page

Reporting Forms

All forms for reporting incidents can be found on our Reporting Forms & Referrals webpage.



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