Meet Our FRC Faculty
Explore the dropdown links below to view the current directory of full-time and part-time faculty members at FRC.

Terry Baumgartner
Faculty - Head Baseball Coach/Health and Exercise Science

Zack Brown
Faculty - Rodeo Coach/Equine Studies

Susannah Campbell
Faculty - Equine Studies/Agriculture

Ashley Chavira
Faculty (Interim) - Head Women's Basketball Coach/Men's Basketball Assistant Coach/Health and Exercise Science

Dr. Joseph K. Clottey
Faculty - Program Coordinator/Business
Dana Flett
Faculty - Environmental Studies/ORL

Saylor Flett
Faculty - Program Coordinator Outdoor Recreation Leadership

Conrad Gooley
Faculty - Head Men's and Women's Soccer Coach/Health and Exercise Science

Nick Goulet
Faculty - Head Football Coach/Health and Exercise Science

Dr. Nikki Grose
Faculty - English
Dr. Tom Heaney
History Instructor

Kinderlin Hoznour
Faculty (Interim) - Program Director, Early Childhood Education

Derek Jensen
Faculty - Head Men's Basketball Coach/Health and Exercise Science
Rick Leonhardt
Agriculture Business Instructor
Degrees M.S. Finance, Golden Gate University;B.S. Business Administration, California ...

Dr. Will Lombardi
English Instructor
Expertise Composition; Ecocriticism; Literature of the U.S. West; California Literatur...
Nancy Moore
Faculty - Allied Health/Nursing

Erin O'Connor
Faculty - Earth and Physical Sciences

Darlene Oertle
Director and Faculty/Allied Health

Josh Olivera
Faculty - Program Coordinator/Art
Monica Potter
EOPS Counselor, LPCC, CRC
Schedule an Appointment  Monica Potter comes from the San Joaquin Delta are...

Kurt Smart
Chemistry/Statistics Instructor
BS CSU Chico, MS University of Mississippi, MEd The College of New Jersey

Darryl Swarm
Library Director

Ethan Taber
Faculty - Environmental Studies

J.P. Tanner
Faculty - Agriculture
Anna Thompson
Faculty - Biology
Expertise Plant Biology, Plant Paleobotany, Microbiology, Animal Biology, Cell and Mol...
Bridget Tracy
Faculty - Environmental Studies/Earth Sciences

Dr. Paul Vaughn
Faculty (Interim) - Program Coordinator Political Science/Sociology

Gina Warren
Faculty - English
Associate Faculty

Kinderlin Hoznour
Early Childhood Education and Elementary Teacher Professor -Program Coordinator

Elisa Adler
English Instructor

Crystal Anderson
Instructional Assistant/AGEQ Instructor

Marco Aragon
Assistant Softball Coach/COLL Instructor

Meredith Aragon
Head Softball Coach/HES Instructor

Travis Baker
Equine Faculty
Gretchen Baumgartner
Director of Admissions and Records/Registrar
  I wander, but am never lost. Just buy me some peanuts and cracker jac...

Kim Beaton
Administration of Justice Instructor

James Boffenmyer
Math Instructor

Evelyn Braz
Sociology Instructor

Bryar Byrne
Assistant Rodeo Coach/Equine Studies Instructor

Alyssa Castillo
Assistant Soccer Coach/HES Instructor

Collin Chu
Humanities/Music Instructor

Michael Clarke
Business Instructor

Jacob Cloutman
Welding Instructor

Sean Conry
Nutrition and Culinary Arts Instructor

Jason Damron
Art Instructor

Mark Donnelly
Theater Instructor

Sally Donovan
Art Instructor

Jon Dvorak
Environmental Studies Instructor

Scott Dwyer
Assistant Baseball Coach/HES Instructor

Madison Eide
COLL Instructor/Assistant Rodeo Coach

Lauren Erickson
Assistant Volleyball Coach/HES Instructor

Holly Foster
Agriculture Studies Instructor

Donald Fregulia
Environmental Studies Instructor
Dr. Adam Fuller
Instructor Environmental Studies/Hatchery

Michelle Fulton
Environmental Studies Instructor

Tyra Garcia
COLL Instructor/Assistant Softball Coach

Jason Gay
Assistant Baseball Coach/HES Instructor

Vincent Gill
History Instructor

Claire Guynes
Equine Studies Instructor

Linda Hale
Art Instructor

Jamel Hamler
Assistant Football Coach/HES Instructor

Sean Harris

Donald Helfrich
Environmental Studies/Geography Instructor

Bryon Hughes
Business Instructor

Morgan Hughes
Assistant Volleyball Coach/HES Instructor

Wendy Jacobus
Spanish Instructor

Sara James
Administration of Justice Faculty

Joan Jarrett
Program Coordinator-IRC/ENGL Instructor

Shane Kelso
Assistant Baseball Coach/HES Instructor

Katie King
Psychology Instructor

John Kocurek
Assistant Football Coach/HES Instructor

Shane Koskinen
Outdoor Recreation and Leadership Instructor

Devin Kutil
Sociology Instructor

Andrew Lavin
Philosophy Instructor

Orion Liggett
English Instructor

Nick Maffei
Adjunct Business Instructor

Danny Manning
Environmental Studies Instructor
Greg McCarthy
Academic/Athletic Advisor

William (Bama) McKenzie
Student Life & Engagement Specialist

Gabe Miller
Cooperative Work Experience Faculty

Leslie Mohawk
Social Work and Human Services Instructor

John Moore
Anthropology Instructor

Ty Moore
Humanities Instructor

Tanya Morgan
AG Instructor

Jared Morris
Environmental Studies Instructor

Juan Nunez
Athletic Trainer/HES Instructor
Michelle Petroelje
Director SSSP/BIOL Instructor

Cydney Piper
Program Coordinator, Incarcerated Student Program/Associate Faculty Administration of Justice

Phil Rader
Administration of Justice Instructor

Jachin Reilley
Software Support Specialist/ICT Instructor

Sarah Ritchie
Head Volleyball Coach/ Student Housing Manager/ HES Instructor

Bethany Rouse
Environmental Studies Instructor

Josh "Bubba" Saenz
Assistant Football Coach/COLL Instructor

Corbin Salyer
Assistant Soccer Coach/HES Instructor

Shauna Schultz
HES/HLTH Instructor

Carolyn Shipp
FRC Internship Director

Alma (Hsuanhua) Smart
Mathematics Instructor

Dan Smith
Biology Instructor

Richard Sprague
Business Instructor

Nate Steffen
Political Science Instructor

Stacey Svilich
Academic Success Advisor / History Instructor

Jared Walker
Business Instructor

Ed Ward
EMT Instructor

Joe Willis
English Instructor

Hannah Wrenn
Agriculture Instructor
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