CARES (Campus Assessment, Response, Empowerment & Support)

The mission of the CARES Team at Feather River College is to provide support and build a relationship with students in distress to ultimately prevent threats or actual violence before it occurs. The CARES Team is not tasked with responding to emergencies. If this is an emergency and you are in need of immediate assistance, please contact 911.

Ready to make a referral and are familiar with the CARES Team and services provided?

What is the CARES Team at FRC?

The purpose of the CARES Team at FRC is to function as an interdisciplinary at-risk behavioral assessment and support system, focused on early intervention, as well as threat assessment. The team tracks data and examines patterns, trends, and disturbances in behavior. The Team receives reports of concerning behavior from staff, community members, students, friends, etc. The Team then investigates, performs a risk assessment, and determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, and response. The team then creates a plan utilzizing campus and community resources to support the student in order to increase wellness, ease distress, and reduce or prevent violence.

Ready to make a referral through the FRC CARES Team? Click to submit a referral and a CARES team member will follow up with you shortly.

Questions or Concerns Regarding CARES?

Please contact our lead CARES team member at

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