CARES (Campus Assessment, Response, Empowerment & Support)
The mission of the CARES Team at Feather River College is to provide support and build a relationship with students in distress to ultimately prevent threats or actual violence before it occurs. The CARES Team is not tasked with responding to emergencies. If this is an emergency and you are in need of immediate assistance, please contact 911.
Ready to make a referral and are familiar with the CARES Team and services provided?
What is the CARES Team at FRC?
The purpose of the CARES Team at FRC is to function as an interdisciplinary at-risk behavioral assessment and support system, focused on early intervention, as well as threat assessment. The team tracks data and examines patterns, trends, and disturbances in behavior. The Team receives reports of concerning behavior from staff, community members, students, friends, etc. The Team then investigates, performs a risk assessment, and determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, and response. The team then creates a plan utilzizing campus and community resources to support the student in order to increase wellness, ease distress, and reduce or prevent violence.
If you notice:
- concerning behavior
- behavior that feels threatening, racist, or discriminatory
- difficulty with concentration or focus
- dramatic changes in appearance (hygeine, weight, demeanor, etc.)
- noticeable changes in appetite or sleep patterns
- problems at home, with classes and/or work
- disturbing comments in conversation, email, letters, social media postings and/or papers
- sad, anxious and/or experiencing dramatic mood shifts
- abuse of alcohol and/or drugs
- social isolation
- paranoia and/or suspicion
- frequent anger and/or easily frustrated
- struggles with health problems
The above list is intended to provide example. It is not exhaustive.
If you want to make a referral based on something not listed here, please visit the reporting page for the approproiate form or contact.
Anyone - If you are concerned about a student, we want to hear from you!
- FRC’s CARES Team will seek to connect students to the proper department(s) that will provide the best resource(s). CARES reports are reviewed during normal business hours by people who are trained to assess and act. We conduct an initial assessment on every report. In many cases, the outcome of the initial assessment is to offer support and resources to either the individual who reports the concern, the person of concern, or both.
- Being mindful of the privacy of all involved (FERPA), the Team will collaborate with the person making the report and with other campus and community resources as needed.
- If there is a concern for safety, the CARES Team can help those who report to contact the appropriate on- and off-campus support and resources. While maintaining privacy is the CARES Team's goal, please be aware that reports and other communication may be subject to review as outlined in federal and state laws. Retaliation for reporting will not be tolerated.
- If there is a potential threat, the CARES Team provides guidance and recommendations to the appropriate individuals to mitigate or manage the threat. The CARES Team retains all reported information to assist in identifying potential behavioral patterns.
- Carlie McCarthy – Lead, Vice President of Student Services
- Breanna Black, LCSW – Director of Mental Health and Wellness
- Anthony (Tony) Warndorf – Director of Facilities / Safety Officer
- Erin Ellingson – Director of Human Resources (Title IX Coordinator)
- Sarah Ritchie – Student Housing Manager
- Billy Ogle – Director of Disability Support Programs for Students
- Thomas Armstrong – Athletic Director
- Stacey Svilich – Academic Success Advisor
- Representative from California Highway Patrol
- Representative from Plumas County Sherriff’s Office
Ready to make a referral through the FRC CARES Team? Click to submit a referral and a CARES team member will follow up with you shortly.
Questions or Concerns Regarding CARES?
Please contact our lead CARES team member at cmccarthy@frc.edu.
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