Student Services
Preventing Sexual Assault and Abuse
- The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) protects people of all genders.
- Four main categories covered in VAWA are: sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking.
- Sexual Assault is defined as rape, fondling, incest, and statutory rape.
- California law defines a minor as a person under 18.
- Dating violence includes physical, psychological, or emotional abuse, or coercion in sexual activity without consent.
- Domestic violence can be committed by a former spouse or intimate partner or a person with whom you share a child.
Affirmative Consent Law (SB 967) - in effect in California on January 1, 2015
- Affirmative Consent is defined as an affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity. Neither the lack of protest or resistance nor silence constitutes consent, and consent may be withdrawn at any time.
- Affirmative consent must be given by all parties to sexual activity.
- Under this law a student cannot consent if they are asleep or unconscious, incapacitated due to drugs/alcohol/medication, or unable to communicate due to a mental or physical condition. (Ed. Code, 67386, subd. (a) (4).)
- Follow this link to view a video on this topic.
Rights of the Victim/Survivor
The following are the rights of any victim/survivor of sexual misconduct including, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking on Feather River College property or while participating in college sponsored activities.
- To be treated with respect, dignity, and courtesy and without prejudice based upon race, class, lifestyle, sex, age, occupation or religious beliefs;
- To the strictest possible confidentiality unless or until release of information is authorized;
- To receive support and advocacy;
- To receive information about the importance of preserving evidence;
- To have the assistance of college personnel in obtaining and securing evidence, receiving transportation to a hospital if necessary, and notifying law enforcement, if desired;
- To receive a copy of the District’s policy and procedure regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking (BP/AP 3435);
- To obtain a list of college personnel who should be notified and the procedures for such notification, if desired;
- To obtain a description and contact information of available on-campus and appropriate off-campus resources;
- To receive alternate modes of instruction to complete current courses, if necessary;
- To be provided alternate living arrangements if living in college owned housing;
- To obtain a copy of the Districts disciplinary procedures for both students and employees (AP5520) ;
- To file a disciplinary complaint and seek a temporary restraining order;
- To be informed of the status and outcome of any student or employee disciplinary proceedings or appeal.
Reduce Your Risk of Sexual Violence
- Trust your instincts.
- Make your limits known as early as possible.
- Say “NO” clearly and firmly.
- Notice when your boundaries are not being respected.
- Assert your right to have those boundaries respected.
- Be “situationally aware” by taking note of your surroundings and who is present.
- Do not be afraid to ask for help in situations where you do not feel safe.
Be an Upstander When an Incident Could Occur
- Provide a distraction that interrupts an interaction.
- Directly engage one or more of the involved parties.
- Get law enforcement involved.
- Ask the person if he/she is okay and wants to leave.
- Make sure he/she gets home safely.
- Provide options and a listening ear.
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