NextUp/Foster Youth

What is NextUP?
NextUp provides community college students like you with resources that make a difference. The program offers eligible current and former foster youth support and services that could include help with books and supplies, transportation, tutoring, food and emergency housing.
To be eligible students dependency must have been established on or after their 13th birthday. Not sure if you are eligible? Stop by the Student Wellness and Success Center or contact Tara Hamler for assistance to find out.
- Textbook and supply assistance
- Educational Planning
- Priority registration
- Food Assistance
- Housing Support
- Workshops & Activites
- And more!
You are not alone! Check your eligibility today
Tara Hamler
Director of Student Success Programs
530-283-0202 ext. 301 thamler@frc.edu
Book time with Tara Hamler
Monica Potter
530-283-0202 ext. 354 mpotter@frc.edu
Book time with Monica Potter
College and Financial Aid Resources for Foster Youth Students
To begin, we encourage students to meet with a Financial Aid staff member.
You may be Chaffee grant eligible! Currently or formerly in foster care between the ages of 16-18? Applicants may qualify for $5,000 a year.
Additional resources for Foster Youth
For tax year 2023, the Foster Youth Tax Credit (FYTC) provides up to $1,117 per eligible individual or up to $2,234 if both primary taxpayer and spouse/RDP qualify. FYTC may provide you with cas back or reduce any tax you owe. For more information
Information about foster youth Bill of Rights, dependency letters, extended foster care placement, assistance with foster youth rights violations and more.
John Burton Advocates for Youth improves the quality of life for youth in California who have been in foster care or homeless by advocationg for better laws, training communities to strengthen local practice ans conducting research to inform polic solutions. There are a plethora of resources available on their website

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