Incarcerated Student Program/Rising Scholars

The Incarcerated Student Program, as part of the California Community College Rising Scholars Network, provides justice-impacted students, who are currently incarcerated, the opportunity to complete an AA-T in Sociology, an AS-T in Business 2.0. The program emphasizes skills essential for employment and reintegration into society: communication, critical thinking, and lifelong learning habits. ISP is part of FRC's commitment to the California Community College mission and the Vision for Success.

About the Program

Curriculum in ISP adheres to the college’s approved course outlines, ensuring that all students, regardless of modality, are taught the same curriculum, with identical learning outcomes and course topics.The primary difference is that the courses are delivered through traditional correspondence (via mail) or through Canvas correspondence. In the latter, students' internet access is controlled by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR), and they do not have access to the World Wide Web. The program’s focus is on fostering self-motivation and ensuring a strong connection between students and instructors, leveraging the learning modalities that best support these goals.

Contact Information

Feather River College
Attn: Incarcerated Student Program
570 Golden Eagle Anenue
Quincy, Ca. 95971

530-283-0202 ex. 264 |

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