Welcome to the Feather River College Foundation

The Quincy Star Follies
What an incredible show for 2025! We owe so much to our cast, our volunteers, our supporters, and our community. It takes a village. In the absence of our fearless leader, Don Hertel - founder and director of the Star Follies, who taught so many people myriad skills, we were grateful to have our very own Quincy Star and Foundation Board Member, Lisa Kelly. Thank you, Lisa, for keeping the faith and working with our amazing volunteers. Donate now to the Feather River College Foundation ~ Star Follies, a non-profit, so that we can continue to put on a great show and support our FRC students and community!
Who We Are
The Feather River College Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting the students and programs here at FRC through fundraising and financial investments. Our mission is to be a catalyst for positive change within FRC and its community. We appreciate tax deductible donations that help support our causes. Take a look below at what we do and how to give a one-time, recurring donation, or a planned giving option from your estate. We greatly appreciate the support you provide!
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