Physical Science
Physical science includes several disciplines aimed at explaining the functioning of our planet and the broader physical universe.The study of physical sciences involves examination of various sub-topics, such as astronomy, chemistry, physics, and geology. A physical science degree prepares students to pursue science and engineering degrees at four-year institutions.
Physical Sciences Major (Degree: A.S. Physical Science)
The Associate of Science Degree in Physical Science offers a flexible, broad-based, and interdisciplinary approach directed toward and understanding of our physical world. Science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students who contemplate transfer to a university Bachelor of Science program and who envision themselves a teacher or professional in the sciences will find the Physical Science Degree especially valuable.
Majors must also complete one of the college’s general education requirement schemes. Students expecting to transfer to a 4-year university are strongly advised to complete the CSU Breadth or the IGETC requirements rather than the FRC GE requirements.
See the class schedule for current course offerings in astronomy, chemistry, geology, physics, and physical science.
Physical Science majors are encouraged to apply for the S-STEM scholarship.
For more information please contact:
Kurt Smart (Chemistry/Math) ksmart@frc.edu, (530)283-0202 ext. 217
Bridget Tracy (Earth Science) btracy@frc.edu, (530)283-0202 ext. 308
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