Covid-19 Planning and Updates
Feather River College is following state guidance regarding isolation and quarantine for Covid-19: https://covid19.ca.gov/quarantine-and-isolation/
Additional information can be found here: https://covid19.ca.gov/
Students: FRC is excited to welcome students to campus! Health and safety is a top priority and we will continue taking measures to promote a safe learning environment. FRC works collaboratively with Plumas County Public Health Agency and will continue to follow guidelines set forth by local and state health agencies. Guidance is subject to change. Below are existing protocols.
- At this time, neither vaccines or masks are required for on campus activities, including those held indoors.
- The use of masks and social distancing measures are still strongly recommended, especially when indoors, crowded areas, or utilizing public transportation.
- Those who are able to receive a COVID-19 vaccine are encouraged to do so.
- See below for information on vaccine locations.
- Free face masks are available for members of the campus community upon request.
- Free antigen testing is available for students and staff upong request. If experiencing symptoms, stay home and make arrangements to test before returning to campus.
- Students and staff who are visibly displaying symptoms may be asked to go home and produce a negative test prior to returning to campus. This is for the health and safety of others.
- All students and staff must adhere to the state guidance for isolation and quarantine protocols found here.
- All students and staff should continue to follow hand washing and personal hygiene guidance.
- All students are expected to follow campus safety measures as well as state and county guidance and adhere the Standards of Student Conduct (AP 5500). Threatening the health and safety of others is a violation of the Standards of Student Conduct and subject to disciplinary action in accordance with Student Discipline Procedures (AP 5520).
For more information on Covid-19 in Plumas County, visit the Plumas County Covid-19 webpage.
Please note: We encourage students to do an at-home Covid test prior to returning to Quincy.
In the event a member of the campus community tests positive, close contacts may be identnified and asked to test in order to protect the health of others and prevent an outbreak.
Where to get a Vaccine or Free In-Home Test Kit?
In an effort to foster a safe learning environment and community, FRC is requesting that all students and staff take advantage of the vaccination options in Plumas County. Below are details on different options for scheduling your vaccine appointment. Plumas County Public Health Agency holds vaccination clinics at the Courthouse Annex every Thursday. Appointments are required through myturn.ca.gov.
Local Pharmacy Sites: quincypharmacy.com & riteaid.com/covid-19
Statewide Portal: myturn.ca.gov
*Please note, the local site has the ability to serve walk-ins and make appointments
FRC has a limited amount of covid test kits available and is currently limiting distribution to two tests/one box per person. The test kits are not for an official medical diagnosis as they may be beyond the recommended expiration date. The FDA has approved extensions on the tests since they are still under Emergency Use Authorization. Students/employees will need to seek the advice of medical personnel for official testing and diagnosis.
Plumas County Public Health Agency (PCPHA) made available to the general public free at-home COVID-19 test kits which were provided by the state or purchased by PCPHA through a grant. PCPHA worked with other county departments and local non-profit organizations to assist with providing multiple locations in four of our main communities: Quincy, Portola, Greenville and Chester. Free at-home tests kits will continue to be available while supplies last; hopefully through February. Locations should receive more test kits once a week. Locations for distribution of free in-home test kits may change, so please go to Plumas County website for details.
Click here for full local press release from Pumas County Public Health.
Test kits are also available for purchase at local pharmacies.
HEERF Information for Students
Update: All HEERF for students have been spent as of summer 2023.
HEERF (Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds) are Emergency Financial Aid Grants payable to students to help alleviate hardships created by the COVID-19 pandemic. These grants can help with expenses such as housing, childcare, food, supplies, transportation, medical bills, outstanding balances or other bills and expenses. All students are eligible to receive HEERF Emergency Financial Aid Grants; however, students with exceptional need will be prioritized.
Click here for more information pertaining to CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Funds.
Contact Information for COVID Related Questions
Student-related questions: cmccarthy@frc.edu
Employee-related questions: hr@frc.edu
Student Housing: Sarah Ritchie at sritchie@frc.edu
- FRC cooperates with Plumas County Public Health and recognizes the authorities of Plumas County Public Health Department, and California Department of Public Health for advisories regarding campus operations
- CDPH Guidance on Institutions of Higher Education
1. COVID-19 Prevention Plan
NEW: Process for COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine - FALL 2022
- The Superintendent/President will develop and implement the overall Prevention Plan (Dr. Kevin Trutna)
- The Plumas County Public Health (PCPH) Director is the liaison with the local health department (Andrew Woodruff) with Nursing Director (Tina Venable)
- FRC will follow the Exposure Control Plan when an outbreak occurs, in cooperation with PCPH Department and CDPH Guidelines
- COVID-19 symptoms, exposures, and hazards should be reported to a supervisor without fear of retaliation
- COVID-19 testing is available through Plumas County Public Health Department https://plumascounty.us/2725/COVID-19-Testing
- Human Resources provides training on how COVID-19 is spread, infection prevention techniques, and the importance of physical distancing, face coverings, and frequent hand washing. Information regarding COVID-19 benefits that employees may be entitled to under applicable federal, state, or local laws will also be provided.
- Independent contractors, vendors, and volunteers are required to adhere to FRC safety protocols, including face coverings
- The following resources provide guidance on operational aspects during the COVID pandemic:
- Campus Communication for COVID-19 Case Alerts
- Employees Returning to Work in Offices – August 2020
- COVID-19 Leave FAQ’s
- Student Services Opening Plans
- FRC Reopening Plan for Students
- Feather River College Equine Facility COVID-19 Restrictions and Prevention Guidelines
- Athletics and Athletic Training COVID Safety Plan
- Fitness Center Opening Plan
- Feather River College Athletic Department PCR Testing Plan
- Campus Housing Addendum
- Authorization for Release of Records Form
- Waiver of Liability Form
- Symptom Monitoring Worksheet
- Injury and Illness Prevention Program Addendum Disinfection Safety Plan
- COVID-19 Notification Protocol for AB 685 and SB 1159
- COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP) Inspection Checklist
- COVID-19 Prevention Program (CPP)
2. General Measures
- Visitors and volunteers not engaged in official campus business are prohibited from entering campus without permission
- If necessary, arrangements for campus closures due to COVID-19 during the semester will be developed by the President’s Staff, Council on Instruction, and Student Services Council, in cooperation with PCPH.
- The authority to close campus for COVID-related events rests with the Superintendent/President
- Employees Returning to Work in Offices – August 2020
- FRC Reopening Plan for Students
- CDC Screening for Employees Reporting Sick and/or Symptoms - September 2020
3. Promote Healthy Hygiene Practices
- Healthy and safety protocols are included in the reopening plan
- Reminders will be posted on campus and communicated with students and staff
- HVAC systems have been adjusted to allow for maximum fresh air intake
- Healthy Campus/Healthy Communities
- Safer Play
4. Intensify Cleaning, Disinfection and Ventilation
- Employees will be provided with PPE and safety equipment. Barriers will be erected to ensure proper 6-foot distancing. Traffic flow and signage will be posted in offices.
- Employees Returning to Work in Offices – August 2020
- Nightly FRC Custodial cleaning Protocol
- FRC Athletic Department Response to COVID-19 Plan
- Health & Exercise Studies Guidance on Safe Course Participation
- Custodial staff will be provided PPE and will limit entrance into individual offices, enhanced cleaning during daytime heavy use hours will be increased
- Outside dampers will be open to introduce as much outside air as possible. Employees are encouraged to leave windows and doors open while working on campus
- Water fountains will be closed for use and restrooms will cover up units to ensure social distancing
5. Implement Distancing on Campus
- Lecture courses will occur via distance education. Laboratories and activity classes will occur in limited capacities using proper social distancing and safety protocols and hybrid instruction
- To the extent possible, students will be assigned their own laboratory supplies to limit sharing. When this is not possible, cleaning will occur between usages.
- Office Hours and Contact Posting
- Employee Telecommuting Agreement
- Communal spaces for students and employees will be closed; computer laboratories and access will be limited in capacity with proper sanitization between each use. Room capacities will be reduced and posted.
- The Eagles Perch will only provide take-out, grab-and-go food service using disposable utensils
- Fitness Center Opening Plan
- CDPH Guidance on Fitness Facilities
- CDPH Guidance on Campgrounds, RV Parks, and Outdoor Recreation (pools)
An outbreak of respiratory illness caused by the COVID-19 form of the coronavirus has been identified as starting in Wuhan, China. Some patients have had mild illness, while others have been more severe and some have died.
The California Department of Public Health is reporting that although there are concerns about novel coronavirus, the health risk to the general public in California remains low. While COVID-19 has a high transmission rate, it has a low mortality rate. From the international data, of those who have tested positive for COVID-19, approximately 80% do not exhibit symptoms that would require hospitalization, according to the Public Health Department.
At the present time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified five geographical areas or countries that are affected by “widespread or sustained community transmission” of the COVID-19 form of the coronavirus: China, Iran, Italy, Japan, and South Korea. The government has asked that travelers avoid travel to those countries rated with a Level 3 Warning (China, South Korea, and Italy) and consider postponing travel to Level 2 areas (Iran and Japan). Other destinations that are being closely watched are Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and Thailand. Learn more.
As a reminder, we ask everyone to take responsibility for your health and hygiene as this affects our work and learning environments. Please take note of the following:
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.
- Stay home when you are sick.
- Avoid traveling if possible, especially to areas with confirmed cases.
- Practice Social Distancing - avoid close contact with people who are sick and large gatherings.
- Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash and wash your hands.
- Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. Custodial staff are currently doing extra cleaning and disinfecting on commonly touched surfaces around campus.
- Do not share food and beverages.
- Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
- Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
- Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
- Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
- Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
Good afternoon students-
I want to give a quick update on where we are with implementing the weekly testing or vaccination requirement that will begin at the start of spring semester. Registration for spring classes opened yesterday, so it is important that you are aware of this new mandate now in case it impacts your decision to take classes on campus. We realize it will feel like a burden for some and others will feel safer on campus. As a reminder, this was a decision made by the Board, alternatives included a vaccine mandate for all, so this allows for some personal choice to be accommodated.
All students who plan to take classes on campus, work on campus, or access services regularly on campus must complete this form agreeing to the weekly testing requirement or provide a copy of your vaccination card. Students who have tested positive are not required to test for 90 days but must email covidhealth@frc.edu with a copy of the positive test result so that you can be notified when your weekly testing requirement will begin. Vaccine records may be able to be retrieved here.
Students who fail to complete the form will be dropped from classes on January 11th and a hold will be placed on the student account until the form is completed. If you have already completed a form or provided documentation, we are asking that they do it again to acknowledge this new mandate.
We still have logistics to work out including where and when testing will occur on campus and what type of test will be administered. Collecting information early will help us plan and prepare based on student needs.
Last, your ASFRC President, Rachel Abramson and Student Trustee, Morgan Avrit attended the Board of Trustees meeting last Thursday and proposed that students who are vaccinated receive a vaccine incentive during spring semester, similar to employees. The Board was supportive and students who are fully vaccinated will receive $750 during spring semester. Another reason to be sure to complete the attestation form!
Thank you for your patience as we work through this! Questions can be sent to covidhealth@frc.edu.
- Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/CSSO
Good evening students-
We are already halfway through the fall semester! Registration for spring semester will begin later this month. See below for more details and other updates!
COVID Vax or Test Mandate
In order attend classes on campus for spring semester, students must be vaccinated, or participate in weekly surveillance testing. The ASFRC Officers will be discussing ideas to further incentivize the vaccine during the Board meeting this Thursday. If you have already been vaccinated and have not yet provided a copy of your vaccine card, you may do so here. More information about getting vaccinated can be found on our COVID Updates page. We will continue to communicate as the procedures develop. We appreciate your cooperation with this mandate as the goal is to create the safest learning environment possible for all. Most colleges in California have adopted similar, or more stringent policies.
At today’s special Board meeting, the decision was made to implement a policy that requires either voluntary full vaccination or weekly testing for employees. In addition, a $150/month incentive will be available to fully vaccinated employees. We are checking on one small payroll issue, and we will distribute the final instructions for signing up at that time. Any incentive or vaccine status disclosure is an entirely voluntary activity offered to FT, PT, and temporary employees.
In summary:
1. All fully vaccinated employees are eligible for $150/month incentive through the end of their assignment for this academic year
2. Any unvaccinated employee, or anyone declining to state their status, will need to have weekly COVID testing
3. No COVID testing will be required for 90-days following a documented COVID case for any unvaccinated/decline-to-state persons
4. Athletics staff may continue with their current process per CCCAA regulations
5. The full weekly testing process has not been finalized
6. The sign-up process is not available at this time pending one tax implication question
7. Look for more details with exact information in the near future
8. Respecting the wishes of employees who may not want to be vaccinated, the choice to become vaccinated and the choice to send in your vaccination status are both entirely voluntary
9. The goal is to promote a safe learning environment for employees and students and to maintain continuity of operations as much as possible
- Kevin Trutna, Ed.D.
Good afternoon,
During the September Board Meeting, Trustees voted to implement a vaccine or weekly test requirement for students who take classes on campus and staff who work on campus. This requirement is not yet in affect. Administration is currently working on an implementation plan to present to the Board. More information will be shared with the campus soon.
To foster a safe campus environment and community, eligible students and staff are strongly encouraged to get vaccinated. Below are different ways to schedule an appointment locally. Plumas County Public Health Agency holds vaccination clinics at the Courthouse Annex every Thursday. Appointments are required through myturn.ca.gov. MyTurn can also be used to locate vaccination sites throughout California.
Quincy Pharmacy is holding Drive Thru Vaccination Clinics for both Flu and COVID Vaccines!
- Every Tuesday from September 14th through October 26th between 8:30am-9:30am
- Saturday, October 2nd 2pm - 4pm
Drive thru clinics are located at Christian Life Fellowship Church (317 1st St. East Quincy)
Local Pharmacy Sites: quincypharmacy.com & https://www.riteaid.com/covid-19
Statewide Portal: myturn.ca.gov
Updates for the state of California can be found HERE
According to the covid19.ca.gov website, vaccines prevent serious illness, save lives, and reduce further spread of COVID-19. As more people are vaccinated, the virus is less likely to spread, mutate, and potentially become even more dangerous. Vaccines will help put an end to the pandemic. From September 5, 2021, to September 11, 2021, unvaccinated people were 7.9 times more likely to get COVID-19 than fully vaccinated people.
- Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/CSSO
Good evening,
Attached is this month’s report. For newcomers, this is a monthly report to our Board of Trustees about happenings at FRC. It is also widely dispersed to locally elected officials, our state and national representatives, community leaders, and local businesses.
This month’s report includes
1. Dixie Fire response
2. Student and employee accomplishments
3. President’s activities representing FRC
4. New Student orientation and Week of Welcome
5. Reminder about the free Timely Care tele-mental health benefit for employees this month.
Also included is our monthly update regarding COVID and now, Dixie Fire impact.
Finally, the Board voted to request a proposal from administration for Option #3, with an implementation date of October 15th. We will start working on an implementation plan.
A clarification on the board action last night for FRC employees.
Face coverings are still required indoors. There is no change to current policy at this time.
The Board asked for an implementation timeline to be developed. They requested an October 15th deadline for developing a proposed process. Their action was to have a “vaccination-or-weekly test policy”, with administration to work out the details and recommend an implementation. Note that we do not have any of the processes, requirements, or other elements developed at this time. It was the directive of the board to start this work, determine its feasibility, and how it will impact the campus operations. Their policy does not go into effect until we develop the details.
It was a good discussion trying to balance campus safety with personal decisions with feasibility with ability to take on a new responsibility campuswide. The Board was very open with their thoughts and they acknowledged the balancing act. They also made it clear that whatever process is developed, it will certainly evolve as situations change.
In summary,
- Face coverings are still required indoors.
- No change in policy has been implemented.
- We will start developing a process for a “vaccination-or-weekly test” policy, to be implemented at a later date TBD.
Feel free to let me know if there are any questions.
We do not have any details worked out at this point, so please let me know if there is important information that should be included in the yet-to-be-developed process. Your input into elements that need to be included will be helpful as the details are developed.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Students –
Please see the email below with the announcement from President, Dr. Trutna that was sent to employees today announcing that as of Monday, face coverings will be required on campus for everyone, regardless of vaccination status. This is due to Plumas County currently in the “high-transmission” category. We need to do our part and not contribute to the surge we are seeing.
We would appreciate those who are vaccinated and have not already provided documentation to Student Housing, to still fill out a self-attestation by uploading a copy of their vaccination record here: https://frcforms.forms-db.com/view.php?id=97204
This will be used when face covering requirements are removed.
A vaccine clinic will be held on campus Thursday, August 19th from 8:30-9:30 am in the Allied Health Nursing Parking Lot. Student who get vaccinated can receive a $50 Visa Gift card as an incentive to helping foster a healthy learning environment.
We look forward to seeing you on campus in the coming weeks!
- Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/CSSO
To FRC employees,
Due to our concern for the health and safety of our campus community, I have made the decision to implement the current CDC guidance of requiring face coverings indoors at FRC regardless of vaccination status until further notice. This requirement goes into effect on Monday, August 16th. This is not a decision that I have made lightly as we have enjoyed a respite from face coverings for the past few months, yet I am compelled to minimize the risk of on-campus transmission and believe that this is the right decision based upon our current understanding of COVID and its evolving variants and stemming from our conversations with local medical professionals.
Why the change? With the increased risk of spread due to the Delta variant, and the fact that Plumas County is currently in the “high transmission” category, I am taking this action to align with CDPH And CDC guidance. For perspective, a recent survey of California community college CEOs this week showed the following requirements:
- Indoor masking for all – 27 districts
- Indoor masking for all, with daily screening required – 8 districts
- Masking for unvaccinated only – 13 districts
- Vaccination required for all – 22 districts
- Unknown – 2 districts
We would also appreciate those who are vaccinated to fill out a voluntary self-attestation by uploading vaccination information Employee Attestation of Vaccination (forms-db.com). This will be used when face coverings requirements are removed.
1. Where do we have to wear face coverings? Indoors unless at your individual office space and not interacting with others in the same space (i.e. if you are alone in your office, you are not required to have a face covering)
2. Does this apply to students? Yes, while indoors
3. If I have received the vaccine, do I still have to use a face covering? Yes, due to the current high transmission rate in our area
4. How long will the face covering requirement last? Unknown at this time (in accordance with CDC guidelines for areas with high transmission rates)
5. Are there exceptions to wearing face coverings indoors? Yes some legal exceptions are allowed. Employees should contact HR on the iterative process for accommodations as allowed by law, and students should work with DSPS Office for accommodations
6. Will FRC provide face coverings if I need one? Yes, contact your supervisor as Facilities Department will disperse masks when requested
In summary, face coverings will be required for everyone indoors at FRC beginning Monday, August 16th. Thank you for your attention to this matter and your efforts to protect the health of our fellow employees and students.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
At this time, in accordance with CDC and local health department guidance, Feather River College is requiring that all students, staff, faculty, visitors, etc. wear a face covering when indoors on campus (i.e. classrooms and offices), unless the individual has been fully vaccinated and has provided documentation to the college verifying this status. To be “fully vaccinated” at least 14 days must have passed since receiving either the second dose in a two-dose series (e.g. Pfizer or Moderna), or a single-dose vaccine (e.g. Johnson & Johnson). Students who have already provided vaccine documentation for Student Housing or athletics, do not need to complete this form.
If you wish to provide documentation of your fully vaccinated status, please complete this form: COVID Vaccination Verification Form - Student (forms-db.com)
Face covering requirements may change in accordance with CDC or local Public Health guidance. Students who are not vaccinated and are unable to wear a face covering due to a legitimate ADA, religious, or other valid exemption, should contact Sarah Dimick in the DSPS office: sdimick@frc.edu.
We are working with Plumas County Public Health Agency to schedule vaccine clinics on campus this month. Dates and times will be shared once finalized.
Covid cases are increasing again in Plumas County as well as around the state, nation and world. The health and safety of our students, employees and community is our top priority and essential so that we can resume face-to-face instruction. We appreciate your efforts and cooperation in following guidelines to promote a healthy learning environment. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
- Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/CSSO
A very brief update for this week:
1. Face Coverings – following CDC and CDPH guidance, only fully vaccinated individuals may forgo wearing face coverings indoors on campus.
a. Employees: HR will be sending out a brief, voluntary form later this week where employees can choose to upload proof of vaccination if they want to not wear face coverings indoors on campus. Anyone who is not fully vaccinated, or chooses to not fill out the form, will be required to wear face coverings indoors on campus. Look for the voluntary self-attestation from David Burris this week.
b. Students: a similar form will be sent to students with similar information for those who want to provide proof of vaccination and therefore may forego wearing face coverings indoors. Employees will have access to the information for their class roster or other need-to-know circumstances.
Note: the pandemic is a changing situation and the above is our current status as of the most recent guidance. We are all committed to have students on campus this semester is a safe manner that protects both students and employees. At the same time, the pandemic situation is evolving and there are many unknowns, which may alter recommendations and guidance. If there is anything that you feel you need for your personal protection on campus, please let us know.
2. Move-in dates – some student-athletes will be moving in this Thursday, so expect more student foot-traffic on campus this week. Another wave of student-athletes move in on Monday of next week.
3. Institutional Day is Wednesday, August 18th at 9:00 am in the Multi-Purpose Building. More details for the activities during that week will be sent out as plans are finalized.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Good afternoon students,
In an effort to limit physical access to campus, we encourage students to utilize virtual services as much as possible. Please keep in mind we still have staff under mandatory evacuation orders so offices may be short-staffed and some services may only be accessible virtually. Please check department websites.
The fall semester begins Monday, August 23rd and New Student Orientation is Friday, August 20th. Unless you need to report sooner (i.e. fall athlete, summer bridge participant) we encourage students who are out of the area to wait until closer to the start of the semester to come to Quincy. Many roads are still closed, the air quality has been poor, which limits outdoor activities, and we still have a lot of emergency responders in the area as the fire is still active. We are optimistic that things will look more normal by mid-August. If you are planning to travel to Quincy, please check Caltrans Division of Traffic Operations - Road Information - California Highway Information as you may need to take an alternate route.
Last, as mentioned below, we continue to see a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Delta Variant. We encourage students who are eligible/able to receive a vaccine to do so. We are working with Plumas County Public Health Agency to organize some vaccination clinics on campus and vaccines are available at Rite Aid and Quincy Pharmacy. Visit https://www.vaccines.gov/ or https://myturn.ca.gov/ to find a COVID-19 Vaccine near you. FRC will adhere to the CDC and CDPH guidelines for face coverings. Plumas County is currently in the moderate level, which is less restrictive in terms of not currently requiring face coverings be worn by all when indoors. Because the population of the county is small, it does not take many positive cases to change that. We appreciate everyone doing their part!
Enjoy your last few weeks of summer. We look forward to seeing you on campus soon!
Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/CSSO
Good morning,
This update will address face coverings and California “opening up” recently.
The news last week highlighted lifting of mandates and CalOSHA’s new, relaxed employer mandates regarding face coverings that went into effect immediately per Governor Newsom’s Executive Order. Some quick information:
a. Vaccinated employees do not need to wear face coverings.
b. Unvaccinated, or partially vaccinated, employees need to wear face coverings indoors and in vehicles with more than one person.
c. FRC will supply respirators (N95 masks) to employees for use on a voluntary basis at work when requested
d. All employees can get tested during work time. Testing is available through Plumas County Public Health
e. No physical distancing requirements
f. While Plexiglas shields are not required, we will continue to provide barriers for individuals who request them.
We are developing a process for employee vaccination status through self-attestation. Due to privacy requirements, please do not ask students, visitors, guests, or other employees about vaccination status. Important to note that with the relaxed regulations, our primary concern of safety for students and employees continues. If there is something that you need to improve safety in your work area, please do not hesitate to communicate with your supervisor.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Good afternoon,
This is intended to provide a quick update on a few important campus items as we approach the July 1 date for permanent, 12-month employees to transition back to their campus work location.
1. June 15 state “reopening” – With the State of California to “reopen” on June 15th, several unanswered questions still remain due to conflicting requirements between the Governor’s orders and CalOSHA regulations. For example, vaccinated persons will no longer be required to have face coverings in certain situations after June 15th, yet CalOSHA is currently requiring face coverings unless all persons in the same space show they are vaccinated. CalOSHA is meeting on June 17th to vote on new guidelines that many are predicting will be more in line with the Governor’s orders. Bottom line as an employer responsible to CalOSHA regulations – face coverings are still to be used by employees and students while indoors on campus and outside of your immediate office. This will likely change in the next week, so stay tuned.
2. Fall student return – Planning is currently taking place for a phased-in return of students to the dormitories and for classes on campus this fall. Athletes who have early fall practices will be the first to arrive, followed by specific programs and general students in the dorms. Carlie is leading a group of staff and working with Plumas County Public Health and Plumas District Hospital to organize orientation, testing, vaccines, and other activities for move-in. Public Health is agreeable to increased dorm capacity above our spring reduced levels as long as we follow the cohort model and have a vaccine plan. Orientation will be integrated with students returning to campus for testing and vaccines.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Good afternoon,
Balancing the continued need to keep our students and employees safe while providing face-to-face services to help students reach their educational goals, FRC is strategically moving toward a full return to campus for employees and reopening all on-campus services. The following items have been discussed with President’s Staff and Management Council; I’m providing this communication now to help provide clarity on next steps in reopening campus. Please work with your supervisor for individual questions or exceptions.
Return of Permanent Staff to Campus
a) July 1 is our target date for all 12-month permanent employees currently working from home to return to work on campus
b) Extraordinary circumstances will be dealt with by your immediate supervisor; the goal is to have permanent staff return to campus to serve students in a face-to-face manner, and then exceptions can be discussed on a case-by-case basis with your supervisor
c) Partial year (11-month and 10-month) employees will develop a work calendar with supervisor per usual procedure
Summer Flex hours
a) An announcement was forwarded from HR listing summer Flex dates. Note that campus will be open two Fridays this summer per the Flex calendar. Please submit your department’s Summer Flex hours as requested for 12-month employees
Travel approval
a) In-county travel approval will be the responsibility of your immediate supervisor
b) Out-of-county travel will require approval from your President’s Staff administrator, with the goal of consistency and looking out for safety in travel, knowledge of regional tiers, purpose of travel, etc.
c) Athletic travel will be approved by the Athletic Director per GVC and CCCAA guidelines
Visitors on campus
a) External groups using indoor spaces on campus: requires President approval and limited to essential infrastructure training at this time (e.g., health care, USFS, fire, search/rescue)
b) We are welcoming students to visit campus for outside tours. We are also working on a virtual tour that was filmed last week and soon to be developed.
c) External groups officially using outdoor spaces: due to staffing shortages and the need to clean, sterilize, and trash pickup, we are not allowing non-FRC external groups to officially use outdoor facilities at this time. We are targeting the timeframe in August when students return to campus for opening up this service to outside groups. An exception has been made for high school graduation in Brennan Stadium (it just sounds good to say that phrase J)
Summer camps
a) We are working with athletics and housing departments to allow smaller, limited number of summer camps only related to our programs/services. They will be required to follow CDC and state camp guidance and regulations
Note that limited capacities, CDC guidance, state guidance, PCPH directives, facial coverings, and social distancing are still required and expected to be followed.
We are working with Plumas County Public Health to offer and incentivize vaccinations as we move closer toward a full reopening in the future. With the existing experimental status, as well as current case law, community colleges really cannot require vaccines for employees or students in classes. We are under a different set of laws from UC and CSU systems that are mentioned in the news right now regarding vaccines. Higher Education guidance from the CDPH should be forthcoming in the next few weeks, along with vaccine updated guidance.
As always, if there is anything that you need to help you perform your work safely, please let us know.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Good afternoon,
I am pleased to share that Plumas County is moving to the Orange Tier effective today. While this is exciting and a step in the right direction, I want to highlight this important part of the memo sent out by Plumas County Health officials:
"Even though Plumas County has moved from Red to Orange Tier and our overall cases of COVID-19 have decreased; it is still critical everyone continue to practice the following mitigating actions: wear face coverings while in public places or while interacting with others not in your household, frequent hand washing, physical distancing, avoiding social gatherings with those not from your household and get vaccinated once it is your turn. Thank you, Plumas County, for your continued patience and commitment to slowing the spread and saving lives."
I also want to share that we acknowledge and truly appreciate the sacrifices that our students are making to help maintain a healthy campus and community. Our athletic department and student athletes deserve acknowledgement on their efforts and cooperation with regular testing (nearly 300 tests are run per week) screening processes, and continuing to wear face coverings, when required while practicing. FRC has helped our county get to this position. Please keep up the good work!
As the weather gets better this spring, we look forward to providing more student activities and opportunities to connect with your peers in a safe manner.
Lastly, please see the attached notice below regarding the new vaccination platform My Turn. We are in early conversations with Public Health about offering vaccination clinics on campus later this spring.
Stay safe and thank you for your continuous efforts!
Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students
Hello employees,
FRC student-athletes and coaches are doing a remarkable job in their dedication to safety of the campus and the community. All students were required to test negative before returning to campus prior to any on-campus classes or to move into the dormitories. SaferPlay monitoring and testing did occur, with only one student out of over 180 returning a positive test since returning students to campus. Kudos to our students for their work and many thanks to our coaches and faculty for setting the expectations.
In the second step, athletics is undergoing routine COVID surveillance testing in order to clear student-athletes for practice and leading up to potential competition later this semester. Therefore, approximately 25% of each active teams are required to undergo COVID surveillance testing every week where there are no games (increasing to 100% of athletes testing within 48 hours of any competition). This also includes all coaches and others associated with athletics. Recently, three individuals tested positive during routine surveillance testing: one student, one adjunct faculty member, and one FT staff. None of the persons showed any symptoms and they are now quarantining per Public Health directions. Note the student and staff member did test negative in the last two weeks, and now showed a positive test.
The below attached chart is our next evolution of campus communication. It involves some required language per new state laws. The charts describe each of the cases where a positive COVID test was returned, while protecting personal identification information. The rest of the letter is required legal notices and should not be construed to imply that these situations are any more serious or less serious than prevision notifications. The charts simply represent an improvement in incorporating legal requirements into the FRC notification.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Attachment: Campus COVID Notification Information
Hello students,
We hope your semester is off to a good start! We are looking forward to welcoming a limited number of students back to campus for labs and hard-to-convert classes beginning the week of February 16th (2/15 is a holiday). If you are enrolled in one or more classes that will begin meeting in-person, please see attached information regarding COVID testing and daily symptom monitoring below this message under "Downloads". There is a lot of information, including the link to sign up for testing embedded in the memo, so please read carefully. Maintaining the health and safety of our students, staff and community is our top priority and critical to resuming some face-to-face instruction. We appreciate your cooperation in these efforts.
- Students with a face-to-face component need to be tested for COVID prior to the first class meeting. Please choose a date accordingly.
- Students must sign the attached release and waiver once per year. If you have not already signed the forms, please do so and return to kdrybread@frc.edu prior to your test. You will not be able to test if we do not receive your forms.
- Students with a face-to-face component will be required to complete symptom monitoring through Healthy Roster each day they meet face-to-face. You will receive a separate email invite from Healthy Roster. If you have any questions or if you do not receive the invite, contact dmitchell@frc.edu. In addition, we strongly encourage you to complete the daily screening for 2 weeks prior to testing. Students with a positive test will not be able to participate in face-to-face learning until their isolation order is up.
As a reminder, students will still be required to wear a face covering when on campus including outdoors when 6 ft. of social distance cannot be maintained and abide by other efforts to help reduce the spread. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out. We look forward to seeing you on campus in the coming weeks!
Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students
FRC Phases-in a Limited Student Return to Campus
Feather River College welcomes back a limited number of students for the spring 2021 semester. With the stay-at-home lifted by Governor Newsom, FRC is making plans to resume limited on-campus classes that cannot be taught online. The spring semester began on January 19th in a virtual format for all courses. Laboratory classes that train essential infrastructure graduates and other hard-to-convert programs will begin slowly returning to campus over the next month.
“It is important for our students who cannot complete an online curriculum to be on campus. We have found that access to technology, housing security, Wi-Fi, on-campus resources, mental health counseling, and tutoring yield higher success rates,” commented Superintendent/President Dr. Kevin Trutna.
Returning to campus will be a slow, planned effort in conjunction with Plumas County Public Health and Plumas District Hospital to help promote safety of students and the community. Only students who are enrolled in on-campus classes for essential infrastructure or hard-to-convert laboratories are allowed to move into the dormitories. Capacity for the dorms will be severely reduced and students will be housed in cohorts according to similar classes. “We learned from the fall semester, that the better we can group people within a closed cohort, the better we can monitor and help prevent the spread of COVID-19,” added Dr. Trutna. FRC did not have any COVID cases in dormitory housing during the fall semester.
A negative COVID-19 test result is required before attending any on-campus class, laboratory, or moving into the dormitories. Students will also be required to use the daily SaferPlay monitoring app before attending any class session. Students returning in the next few weeks have been instructed to use the monitoring app before returning to campus. All on-campus classes will operate at less than 50% capacity, or they will be held outdoors later in the semester. Facial coverings are required as are social distancing.
Once athletic contests are scheduled, student-athletes will undergo the strictest monitoring, with weekly random testing and all participants must test negative for COVID 19 within 48 hours before any competition. Travel will be limited to the region and conference games; no spectators are allowed.
January 19th welcomed back students training in health care in EMT and licensed vocational nursing programs, including required clinical laboratories. LVN students are now performing COVID testing on fellow FRC students as part of their clinical rotation at Plumas District Hospital. On February 1st, students taking animal production and agricultural mechanics classes and early spring sports will return (football, volleyball, cross-country, and basketball pending Golden Valley Conference competition).
During the week of February 16th, other hard-to-convert laboratories or prerequisite laboratories for essential infrastructure academic programs will start on campus to supplement the existing online portion. These include: biology, chemistry, culinary, early childhood education, outdoor recreation leadership (including rescue classes), environmental studies (including forestry), art, and late spring sports (softball, track, baseball).
Even with Plumas County’s return to the Purple Tier, the Feather River Fitness Center will remain closed to the public until the region moves to a lower tier.
“This decision is about student success and keeping our community safe,” commented Dr. Trutna. “We have students who need on-campus services to succeed in their educational goals.” FRC staff are diligently working to plan and coordinate a safe, limited return of students to FRC over the next several weeks, in coordination with local health officials and Plumas District Hospital.
-Dr. Kevin Trutna
Feather River College Superintendent/President
Remember, all classes except EMT and Nursing begin online Tuesday, January 19th.
Face-to-Face Instruction Begins
Week of February 1 for:
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Agriculture
- HES Activity classes for spring 1 athletics (football, volleyball, M & W basketball, M & W soccer, cross-country)
Week of February 16 for:
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition and Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Studies, Health & Exercise Studies, Outdoor Recreation Leadership
- HES Activity classes for spring 2 athletics (baseball, softball, beach volleyball, track)
- Other hard to convert labs: AG, ENVR, ORL, ART – potentially others.
PLEASE NOTE - it is critical that you check your email and Canvas and communicate with your instructors and coaches to stay abreast of the schedule, plans and updates.
Covid Testing
We are close to finalizing a schedule for Covid testing at Plumas District Hospital. Times will be scheduled for students who live in Student Housing. You should receive an email from Student Housing before the end of the week. Other students with an on-campus component will be able to schedule an appointment that corresponds with when they will begin face-to-face instruction. The link to schedule will be available next week.
Healthy Roster – Safer Play Symptom Monitoring
All students are STRONGLY encouraged to complete daily screening for two weeks prior to returning to Plumas County/ testing. A student who is positive may not move into housing, attend classes in person, or be on campus until they have completed their isolation order per Public Health. If you are enrolled in a class that meets in-person and have not yet used this system, watch for an email invite from Healthy Roster. You can also download the Heathy Roster app to complete screening.
Yesterday, Governor Newsom lifted the Stay-at-Home order for the Greater Sacramento region, which includes Plumas County (see attached).
In a brief meeting today, we outlined the following changes at FRC relative to this new information. It is important to note that Plumas County remains in the Purple Tier. Our approach at FRC will be a “soft opening” given the remaining seriousness of COVID in our region. Priorities for opening will be in areas where students may need face-to-face assistance.
- Classes – no change to previous dates. Instruction begins Tuesday January 19th in a virtual format. Essential infrastructure classes and hard-to-convert classes remain on the planned schedule
- Dorms – no change as we are planning for phased testing and move-in beginning February 1st, but there may be some slight modifications depending upon PDH testing availability. More info to come if any changes are made.
- Offices – use next week to plan for staggered staffing and we will re-open for the “Core Hours” of 9 am-3 pm, beginning Monday, January 25th.
- Bookstore – will open to students on January 14th, although we are encouraging students to contact the Bookstore virtually for pickup. We are planning some pick up dates, possibly coordinated with food delivery for students. More information to follow as plans develop.
- Eagles Perch – TBD but probably will not open for take-out to the public until February 1st.
- Library/LRC – opening with limited capacity beginning on the first day of school, January 19th.
- DSPS/TRiO – partial opening next week after consultation with VPSS, encouraging virtual meeting where possible
- Fitness Center – not allowed to open for indoor activities, per Purple Tier designation.
- All plans are subject to change
- Student and employee safety are still the priority; please let your supervisor know if you need anything to help improve your safety and well being
- We are still encouraging virtual work where possible and when it does not impact services to students
Please ask if there are any questions and be safe.
Kevin Trutna
Good afternoon students,
We hope you are having a relaxing break and are recharging for the New Year! We know how challenging the fall semester was given the COVID pandemic, we celebrate your success and your continued commitment to your education as you plan to return to FRC for the spring semester. As you are probably aware, Governor Newsom’s stay-at-home order is still in effect for the Greater Sacramento Region (which includes Plumas County). With the exception of classes that are considered “Essential Infrastructure”, we will not be able to return students to campus for limited instruction or to the dorms while the order is in place. However, the semester will still begin on January 19th with all classes online and we are continuing to plan and prepare for students to return do the dorms and more face-to-face instruction in February. As a reminder, your schedule (accessible in MyFRC) indicates if your classes are fully online or hybrid. Below are the dates that we are planning for Essential Infrastructure courses with a face-to-face component to begin.
Week of January 19
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: EMT and Nursing
Week of February 1
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Agriculture (Animal Production & Ag Mechanics)
Week of February 16
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition & Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Studies (Forestry only) Health & Exercise Studies (Athletic Trainer only), Outdoor Recreation Leadership (Rescue only)
*There may be some variations to the above classes and start dates, so it is important to check your email and canvas site. Reach out to your instructors if you are unsure.
If the order is lifted by late January, we will resume additional face-face instruction (bold text below depicts the additional courses):
Beginning Week of February 1
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Agriculture
- HES Activity classes for spring 1 athletics (football, volleyball, M & W basketball, M & W soccer, cross-country)
Week of February 16
- Essential Infrastructure Labs: Biology, Chemistry, Nutrition and Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education, Environmental Studies, Health & Exercise Studies, Outdoor Recreation Leadership
- HES Activity classes for spring 2 athletics (baseball, softball, beach volleyball, track)
- Other hard to convert labs: AG, ENVR, ORL, ART – potentially others.
PLEASE NOTE - it is critical that you check your email and Canvas and communicate with your instructors and coaches to stay abreast of the schedule, plans and updates.
In addition, we are working with Plumas District Hospital and Plumas County Public Health Agency to develop a COVID testing protocol and schedule based on the students projected return date. All students who have a class that meets in person will need to be tested. Students who live in the dorms will not be able to move into their room until we receive a negative result. More information will be forthcoming regarding the testing schedule and protocol.
Finally, we will be requiring the Safer Play daily symptom screening for all students in housing and enrolled in class with an on-campus component. Additional information regarding how to access and use the screening toll will be send in the coming weeks.
We are all eager to get back to normalcy and will as soon as it is safe for our students, staff, and community. Please continue to check email for additional updates.
Carlie McCarthy
Vice President of Student Services/Dean of Students
Phone: 530-283-0202 x273
Email: cmccarthy@frc.edu
Dear FRC students,
I am writing to provide current guidance on our plans for the start of the Spring 2021 semester that is quickly approaching. Due to the COVID-19 surge, Plumas County is currently under a stay-at-home order that will affect our ability to resume in-person instruction as planned on January 19. Despite some uncertainty about the timing of in-person instruction, all full-term classes are going to begin on January 19 as originally scheduled so you should make sure that you’re actively monitoring your Canvas courses and communicating with your teachers by this date. The attached document below will be posted to our website and provides detail on when certain programs and activities will resume for in-person instruction. If there are any exceptions to this timeline for specific courses, your instructors will communicate directly with you to inform you of those exceptions.
I know that COVID-19 has created many challenges for all of you, I want you to know that FRC appreciates your efforts to continue to reach your educational goals despite these challenges. I wish you good luck in your finals this week, I hope that you can finish strong and enjoy your holiday break. All of us at FRC look forward to serving you in the spring semester.
Download Spring 2021 Planning Grid for Start of Semester
Thanks, Derek
Vice President of Instruction
Feather River College
Due to the stay-at-home order issued by Governor Newsom, college operations will be conducted remotely. Please visit department websites for contact information.
In addition, FRC will be closed to observe the holidays from December 23rd - January 1st.
- Updated 8/19/20 - Emergency Preparedness and Reminders
- Update 8/10/20 - Summer Bi-Weekly Update to Students - Fall Semester is Approaching
- Update 7/27/20 - Summer Bi-Weekly Update to Students - Fall Plans
- Update 7/23/20 - Class Changes Update Coming Soon
- Update 7/13/20 - Summer Bi-Weekly Update to Students
- Update 7/9/2020 - Update to Campus from President Trutna
- Update 6/30/20 - Summer Bi-Weekly Update to Students
- Update 6/15/20 - Summer Bi-Weekly Update to Students
- Update 6/10/20 - President Gives Update on Athletics in 20-21
- Update 6/1/20 - Student Update - End of Semester and Summer Classes
- Update 5/18/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 5/11/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 5/4/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 4/27/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 4/20/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 4/14/20 - Instructional Resource Center Now Online
- Update 4/13/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 4/6/20 - Instructional Resource Center Going Online
- Update 4/2/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 3/29/20 - Weekly Update to Students
- Update 3/26/20 - Student Housing Closure and Other Updates
- Update 3/24/20 - Update to Students Regarding Spring Semester from President Trutna
- Update 3/20/20 - Update on Items Impacting FRC Operations
- Update 3/17/20 - Non-Essential Activities Cancelled, CDC & Fitness Center Closed
- Update 3/15/20 - Classes Prepare for Online Delivery...
- Update 3/14/20 - Update to campus from President Trutna...
- Update 3/12/20 - Update to campus from President Trutna...
- Update 3/10/20 - President addresses college on Covid-19...
- Update 3/09/20 - UPDATE on COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) in Plumas County...
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