Health Services
Did you know that FRC is now a Smoke & Tobacco Free campus? This means that FRC is now a healthier place to live, work, and learn! Check out all the details on this new milestone here.
Feather River College provides health services to students through a special agreement with the Plumas County Public Health Agency Health Clinic. The Health Clinic is not a full scope medical clinic and its services include family planning, physical assessment, referral, counseling, and health education. All services will be provided by a licensed health care provider. The Clinic is located in the building next to the FRC Residence Hall.
To receive services, students:
- Must make an appointment by calling 530-283-6330. Appointments are available Monday-Friday, 9am - 4pm.
- Must show their FRC ID card with the current semester's validation sticker.
- Under the age of 18 years must have parental consent to receive services, except family planning services, and must provide documentation of such consent before an appointment is made.
Students are responsible for all costs as a result of referral visits including but not limited to prescription medications, lab tests, x-rays, and any hospital emergency room or patient fees.
Services include:
- Pregnancy testing, family planning, and referral as indicated.
- HIV antibody testing, counseling, and education and referral as needed.
- Assessment and referral to community health care providers or hospital emergency room as needed. Primary or emergent care for issues not in this list, including chronic pain or chronic medical case management, is not provided.
- Immunizations for FRC students who qualify for the Vaccines for Children program.
- TB skin testing.
- Assessment of health risk behavior, counseling, intervention and/or referral as needed.
- Counseling regarding lifestyle decisions toward greater wellness, including diet, exercise, health care intervention, and mental health referrals.
- Assessment of clients for sexually transmitted disease; information and/or referral as needed.
- Facilitate access to Children Health Disability Prevention (CHDP) Services for eligible adolescents.
- Limited over the counter medications may be provided at no charge. The clinic only prescribes medications, lab tests, x-rays or other diagnostic tests necessary for family planning, sexually transmitted diseases, and tuberculosis.
- Referrals to care for other health services as needed.
TimelyCare Tele-Health Services
Feather River College now offers FRC TimelyCare - a new 24/7 telehealth program for students. This service provides access to FREE mental virtual health care from anywhere in the United States through your smartphone, laptop, or desktop. Mental health providers are available to offer mental health support for things like anxiety, depression, stress, relationship issues, and MORE! To access this service, go to timleycare.com/FRC, or download the TimelyCare app and register using your FRC email address.
Mental Health and Wellness Center
FRC has a Mental Health and Wellness Center with free services for students, including individual counseling, couples counseling, groups, crisis management and educational activities. Visit the Wellness Center Website for more information.
Student Insurance
Feather River College provides students with limited secondary accident insurance coverage in the event of an injury occurring in the course of a college class or activity. All such accidents should be reported immediately to the instructor in charge of the class or activity, Athletic Trainer, or the Human Resources Office. It is the student's responsibility to file any insurance claims with their primary carrier, then with the secondary accident insurance. Claim forms and general information are available in the Human Resources Office.
Plumas District Hospital
Plumas District Hospital, located on Bucks Lake Road, is the local hospital available to students. Feather River College partners with Plumas District Hospital to provide physical assessments which are typically scheduled through the athletics department. All other hostial services are provided at the students expense Please follow the link for more information about accessing their services.
- Student Services Home
- Advising
- Basic Needs
- CARES Team
- Community Ed (opens in new window)
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Financial Aid (opens in new window)
- Health Services
- Housing (opens in new window)
- Student Discounts
- Student Employment Services (opens in new window)
- Student Equity and Achievement Services (opens in new window)
- Student Life
- Student-Parent Resources
- Student Policies (opens in new window)
- Support Services (opens in new window)
- Student Safety (opens in new window)
- Student Leadership & Government
- Student Success Programs
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