Welcome New Golden Eagles!
Welcome to the FRC fam! As you probably already know, we are a small community college nestled in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountain range. There are literally mountains of opportunity around every corner in our million acre classroom, and we look forward to you joining us on campus soon!
This webpage is dedicated to all future Golden Eagles and has all of the important information you need to begin your transition to college. This page is considered a digital enrollment package, and with that said, contains lots of useful links and resources. Please bookmark this page so it is easily accessible.
To help make it easier for you during the transition, please follow the below guide and feel free to reach out if you ever have any questions. We are here to help in whatever way possible!
#1 - Get Set Up With Tech
As with any college, the majority of our communications and engagement will take place online. There are a couple very important steps you need to follow to help set yourself up for success at FRC that involve getting set up with campus tech. Please begin the steps below to get all set up with a campus email account, network access, and the MyFRC app & Student Portal.
Head over to either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and download the FRC app by simply searching "Feather RIver College".
Students need to request a MyFRC account in order to get an FRC student email address and to log on to computers on campus. Your MyFRC Account login information will also be your Canvas login information.
Click here to access our MyFRC Request Form
You will receive an email once the account has been created, please keep in mind it usually takes 1-3 days.
Once your email account has been created and you have successfully logged in, please use the following information. We recommend that you download the Official Microsoft Outlook app for iOS or Android. If you want to use the built-in apps please see the below support pages from Microsoft. Again, we strongly recommend using the Official Microsoft iOS or Android Outlook app.
Official Microsoft Mobile Apps
Microsoft support pages
Accessing your MyFRC account online:
- Browse to frc.edu
- Click “MyFRC login” located in the Quick Links sections
- Set up your Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA), following the prompts
- If you have questions or something is not working, please contact Admissions and Records.
Once you have set up your MFA and have access to MyFRC, you will be able to register for classes, as well as other common student functions, such as:
- Add or Drop Courses
- Paying Tuition and Fees
- Reviewing Financial Aid
- Accessing Class Schedule
- View Student Records
- View Final Grades
- View/Request Unofficial Transcripts
#2 - Mark Your Calendars
Each new semester, FRC offers students a week full of activities to help encourage networking and allow new students to meet others. We refer to this as our Week of Welcome, or "WOW" for short. These events are a great way to meet new people, become familiar with your surroundings, and have a fun start to each semester. *Please note that all events and activities are subject to change.
#3 - Other Important Resources
Living in a rural area such as Quincy means keeping open lines of communications at all times! Check out all of our safety protocols on our FRC Safety webpage. Follow the steps below for registering your Regroup Emergency Notification Account:
In the event of an emergency, including campus closures, we make every effort to post an announcement as soon as possible.
FRC has partnered with Regroup for emergency notifications to alert students and staff as quickly as possible.
- Enrolled students & staff are automatically added to Regroup for notifications. Please ensure contact info is correct in Banner.
- Go to the Emergency Notification page for more information, including how to download the App and how to join as a "Friend of FRC".
Feather River College is located in the beautiful town of Quincy, CA. We are lucky to still have that small-town vibe that embraces our unique student body and encourages FRC students to frequent the various restaurants and stores around town. We have compiled a list of businesses that offer a FRC Student Discount or incentive. Check out all of the FRC Student Discounts here!
Feather River College has a variety of on-campus jobs available to students. Students compete with other students for these jobs. No one is promised a position, and qualifying for Work Study is not a guarantee of employment. Students can work up to 20 hours per week.
Visit our Student Employment Services to learn more and explore all the current jobs available!
Are you a leader or do you want to develop your leadership skills? Learn more about ASFRC and the Student Ambassador Program by visiting the webpage.
Download our college ready checklist to make sure you are paying attention to the items and skills needed to be a successful college student living awa from home!
Make sure you are staying up to date with important Academic milestones by checking the FRC Academic calendar found here on the FRC Calendars page!
Student Services You Should Know About
Academic Advisors assist students in identifying educational and career goals, and developing a schedule of classes and individualized Student Education Plan (SEP). School transcripts are used to help in this process. An SEP helps ensure that students will meet all degree, transfer and/or certificate program requirements. Advisors will assist with the transfer process including college searches, scheduling campus visitations, and completion and filing of applications. Advisors monitor students’ progress on an ongoing basis.
The Admissions/Records Office administers the registration process for all classes; handles student accounts (tuition, parking pass, printing fee); maintains student records (transcripts, grades, declaration of major, release of information); and conducts graduation petitions and eligibility review as per deadlines outlined in the Academic Calendar.
The Bookstore sells required textbooks, school supplies, FRC apparel, backpacks, greeting cards, snack foods, and gift items unique to the FRC campus. It also offers a textbook buyback program during final exam week and a United States Postal Service counter and PO Boxes. The Bookstore accepts VISA and MasterCard.
The CalWORKS program is a welfare-to-work program administered by the County Welfare Department. Welfare recipients have various options of services available depending on their specific situation and enrollment status.
The Center for Learning and Tutoring staff is dedicated to helping students achieve academic excellence across the curriculum by offering a variety of services including individualized or group-based tutoring, writing critiques, and instructional assistance in mathematics, English, and English as a Second Language.
The Child Development Center (CDC) is a state funded preschool program serving children ages 2-5 Year of age. The CDC enrollment priorities are income eligible students and working families. The Center is open Monday-Friday 7:45a.m.-2:45p.m. and follows FRC’s academic calendar. They provide CACFP Food program breakfast, lunch, and an afternoon snack each day, at no cost to the family. Please join the waitlist here, if interested.
DSPS provides services to students with disabilities to assist them in equally participating in and benefiting from the instructional offerings of the College. Specialized, individualized support includes accommodations designed to remove barriers that hinder an individual’s ability to access the educational process. Services are available for students with a permanent and/or temporary disability, including physical disability, deafness or hard of hearing (DHH), blindness or low vision, learning disability (LD), acquired brain injury (ABI), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD), intellectual disability (ID), autism spectrum disorder (ASD), mental health disability, and other health conditions or disabilities that affect major life activities. To receive assistive technology, alternate media (e.g., textbooks in digital format), test accommodations, mobility assistance, or other accommodations, please contact the DSPS office.
The Eagle’s Perch provides affordable, nutritious breakfast and lunch menus for various eating styles; there is always a variety of food to choose from. Food is prepared fresh daily. Meal cards can be purchased at the FRC Bookstore in increments of $10 to $50. Grab and Go Hours: 8:00am to 2:00pm; Monday-Friday.
EOPS is a state-funded program designed to offer additional financial assistance and special support services to help and encourage those students who are determined to have either social or economic barriers to success. For eligibility information, contact the EOPS office. The CARE program serves EOPS eligible, single parents who are full-time students and have children under the age of 14. Services for eligible students might include: books, supplies, transportation and childcare reimbursement, and cash aid.
Financial Aid staff assists students in obtaining funds to help meet educational and living expenses while attending college. Staff members assist with the FAFSA and California Dream applications and processing to determine federal and state financial aid eligibility, including eligibility for the California College Promise Grant. They also assist students with researching scholarship opportunities available to community college students.
A Foster Youth/NextUp Liaison is available to provide support for current and former foster youth. The liaison helps youth find resources to go to college, provides a safe and supportive environment, is familiar with the challenges of foster youth, and is committed to helping students access and connect with college and community resources.
The FRC Mental Health and Wellness Center provides free and confidential counseling services for FRC students. Services include:
- Individual and Group Counseling
- Consultation and Outreach
- Programming and Workshops
- Crisis Intervention
- Referrals to Community Providers
Any FRC campus community member concerned about a student in distress may contact the Center.
Student Accounts processes all student fees, refund checks, third party billing, and student housing fees. Students may pay fees through their Student Portal (MyFRC), in person with cash, check, Visa or MasterCard, or call 530-283-0202, ext. 292 to pay by phone.
All tuition and enrollment fees are due in full by the first day of the semester. If not, a payment plan outlining how the balance will be paid in full by the beginning of the 10th week must be signed by the first day of the semester, OR evidence that full payment will be made through Financial Aid or a waiver signed by the Chief Student Services Officer must be on file with Admissions & Records. A HOLD will be placed on the student’s account by the beginning of the 10th week of the semester if payment in full has not been received. Also, billing statements will be sent following a regular, monthly schedule.
All student housing fees are due according to the Payment Plan Option chosen by the student. A HOLD will be placed on the student’s account by the beginning of the 10th week of the semester for students who are not current with their housing payment. Please note that for housing fees paid on a monthly basis, payments received after the 5th of each month will result in a minimum of a $20 late fee, plus an additional $10 for every 5 additional calendar days that the payment is late. If payment has not been received by the 21st of the month, the student may be evicted.
A HOLD on the student’s account prevents the student from enrolling in future semesters, obtaining official transcripts, and receiving their diploma until all balances owed to the College have been paid in full.
The Associated Students of FRC (ASFRC) and the Student Ambassador program work together in sponsoring student activities and events. ASFRC officers also serve on campus wide committees providing the students perspective in the shared governance process. Through student leadership FRC sponsors a variety of activities designed to reflect the interests of a diverse student population. Several committees, clubs, and service areas sponsor entertaining and educational events and activities throughout the year. Examples of some the activities include:
- Week of Welcome
- Resource Network Fair
- First Year Experience
- Cultural Fair
- Spirit Week
- Earth Day
- Movies at the local theater
FRC offers students a variety of Student Employment opportunities. To be eligible a student must be enrolled in 6 units or more, and can work up to 20 hours per week while classes are in session. Student employment is competitive involving an application and interview process. Qualifying for work study is not a guarantee of employment. A list of available campus jobs can be found on the FRC Student Employment webpage.
Student Equity & Achievement provides comprehensive outreach to support educational access and academic achievement for all students. Academic support services and activities are offered to address the needs of students from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds to close the achievement gap and foster a supportive and inclusive environment for all students, faculty, and staff.
TRiO is a federally funded student support program designed to help first-generation, low-income, and disabled students who plan to graduate and transfer to a 4-year university. As a transfer program, it is the goal of TRiO staff to help students streamline the process. TRiO provides students with a variety of services designed to create an academically focused environment.
The Veteran’s Certifying Officer is available to assist veterans in meeting their educational goals by providing eligibility and VA educational benefit information, assisting with the benefit application process, and making referrals to support services as needed to help veterans acclimate to college life.
Contact Info
Academic Advisors/Counselors: (530) 283-0202 ext 313. Please leave a message.
Admissions/Records: (530) 283-0202, ext 222
Financial Aid Office: (530) 283-0202 ext 603
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