Upward Bound Services
The following services are currently offered to our participants each year at Portola High School, Quincy High School, Greenville High School, Chester High School, Plumas Charter School, and Indian Valley Academy. Services are provided in a variety of methods including: weekly advising, lunch meetings, after-school tutoring, Saturday academies, and SAT/ACT study groups. Schedules are provided in UB newsletters, on the UB website, and in your local school bulletin.
College Research
UB Advisors work with students to explore their postsecondary options. Students perform college searches where they investigate entrance requirements, cost, majors offered, student life, and demographics and match them with their own personal values. Advisors also provide information on college admissions, application deadlines, scholarships, education planning, and financial aid.
Advisors share resources on the internet to aid them in the whole college planning process. Listed below is a link to one of the most widely used college research sites on the web.
Individual Advising
Advisors meet with students weekly to monitor student progress and assess needs. During individual meetings advisors discuss grades, class schedule, college and career options, admissions requirements, and scholarship and financial aid opportunities. Each student keeps a binder of all of their research from the time of entrance into the program to the time of completion. Seniors are offered individual assistance with FAFSA applications, college applications, and essay writing.
Individual tutoring is offered on a weekly basis for all Upward Bound students and extra tutoring can be arranged if necessary. We also provide access to free, online tutoring in science and math 24/7 through the Photostudy app, available on cellphones or desktop computer. And new as of Fall 2021, Photostudy is now available for writing help/tutoring!! Any student receiving lower than a C in any subject or lower than a 2.5 GPA is required to attend weekly tutoring until their grades show improvement. Advisors are experienced in tutoring all subjects and have vastly improved students' academic performance to help them be more eligible for college entrance.
Students are encouraged to prepare for and take college entrance exams. Students can meet with Advisors to prepare for the SAT/ACT each week by attending after school tutoring, making an appointment, or during advisory period (only at Greenville High School). Workshops are provided at Saturday Academies which include:
- Mathematics preparation
- Reading and language arts preparation
- Test taking techniques
Financial Aid Information and Assistance
Each program participant is provided with financial aid information each year. Juniors and seniors and their parents/guardians are presented with intensive workshops on how to obtain a PIN, filing a FAFSA, Cal grants, scholarships, loans, and work study.
Career Exploration
Students are exposed to experiential learning in a wide variety of careers during our Saturday Academies and Friday field trips in the summer. During the summer program, students with the highest attendance rates are also eligible to participate in a summer internship program in a career field of interest and can earn up to $300 in stipends while working with educated professionals.
Field Trips
Each year the UB program sponsors several cultural, educational, and informational field trips. Previous college trips have included:
- UC Davis
- CSU Chico
- University of Nevada-Reno
- Sierra Nevada College
- Cal Poly-San Luis Opisbo
- CSU Monterey Bay
- UC Berkeley
CSU Fresno
- UC Santa Cruz
- CSU Humboldt
- Simpson University
- Dell'Arte School of Physical Theatre
- San Francisco State
- Napa Valley Community College
- Lake Tahoe Community College
- College of the Redwoods
- Shasta College
- Butte College
- San Francisco State University
- St. Mary's College
Previous cultural field trips have included:
- Tahoe Science Center
Fleischmann Planetarium
- Cannery Row
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Hearst Castle
- Ropes Course at Mt. Rose
- Railroad Museum
- Theater Productions
- California Academy of Sciences
- San Franciso Giants Game
- Japanese Tea Gardens in Golden Gate Park
Community Service
Upward Bound students participate in a variety of community service projects which expose them to learning to volunteer in their community. Past projects have included helping with the National Endurance Horse Trail Ride, property maintenance and landscaping for Lake Almanor Basin Resource Center, and river clean up for Feather River Coordinated Resource Management.
Upward Bound Summer Program
Each summer a 6-week summer program is offered to all participants. Students are provided with opportunities to enrich their education with instruction in lab science, language composition and reading, math, foreign language, and other academic disciplines. Students take a rigorous schedule of classes on the Feather River College campus and participate in a variety of enrichment activities and field trips. The highlight of the summer program is a college tour to a variety of campuses including 4-year universities, community colleges, private colleges, and technical schools. The trip also includes exposure to enriching and fun cultural events and activities. Leadership activities, outdoor recreation, and community service are also part of the summer program.
The following handbook outlines the policies and procedures that each student participant must adhere to.
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