The Sustainability Action Team is a shared governance committee with representation from all areas of the campus community. Currently, the committee includes: two full-time and one part-time faculty members, two classified staff members, the Superintendent/President, the Chief Instructional Officer, one member of the community, the Director of Facilities or a representative of the facilities department, and one student.
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Sustainability Action Team, 2018-19
Dr. Darla DeRuiter; Faculty, Environmental Studies & Outdoor Recreation Leadership - Committee Chair
Bridget Tracy; Faculty, Environmental Studies & Earth Science
Dr. Will Lombardi; Faculty, English
Dr. Adam Fuller; Faculty & Staff, Environmental Studies & Hatchery Manager
Dr. Kevin Trutna; Superintendent/President
Dr. Derek Lerch; Vice President of Instruction
Agnes Koos; Director of Institutional Research & Planning
Nick Boyd; Director of Facilities & Chief Technology Officer
Kelby Gardiner; Plumas National Forest - Community Representative
Kyla DeOcampo; Student Representative
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