We are lucky to live in a community that value and pursuing sustainability and sustainable land management. Checkout some of our local partners.
Plumas Corporation - watershed protection & restoration.
Feather River Land Trust - works with local landowners to preserve open spaces in the Feather River watershed for present and future generations.
Friends of Plumas Wilderness - dedicated to studying, exploring and maintaining the integrity of ecosystems in the Northern Sierra and Southern Cascades. Check them out on Facebook.
Lost Sierra Food Project - working toward a world where everyone has access to healthy, affordable food and feels empowered to grow their own food. Check them out on Facebook.
KQNY Quincy Community Radio - utilizes local DJ talent to broadcast a diverse assortment of music and community events with the help of local supporters. It's possible to live stream KQNY on your computer or device - a great way to tune into local community music and happenings.
Plumas Arts - brings multicultural films, performances, and art shows to Plumas County and has partnered with FRC on Earth Day events and sustainability films at the Town Hall Theater.
Plumas Audubon Society - promotes conservation, education and monitoring of birds and other wildlife in the local area.
Quincy Certified Farmers’ Market - facilitates direct sales of local & regional food and connects consumers with their local food system.
Quincy Natural Foods Coop - promotes local ownership, economic democracy and environmentally friendly business practices and is dedicated to providing products and services that are beneficial to the health of its owners, community and environment.
This is not a comprehensive list of organizations in our region doing good work on behalf of sustainability & resilience. Please contact Darla DeRuiter if you would like your organization to be added to the list.
Get Involved:
Students interested in learning more about sustainability at FRC and getting involved should look into the activities of the Student Environmental Association. Please contact Darla DeRuiter or Bridget Tracy for more information. In years past, students have been involved with Earth Day, Campus Sustainability Day, World Water Day, a trash audit, and an annual campus clean up.
Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education- www.aashe.org
Disciplinary Association Network for Sustainability - http://dans.aashe.org/
US Partnership for Education for Sustainable Development -https://uspartnership.org/pages/higher-education-resources
The SEED Center - http://www.theseedcenter.org/default.aspx
Contact: dderuiter@frc.edu
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