Student Employment at FRC

Jobs are available right now, do not miss out on these amazing employment opportunities!
Feather River College has a variety of on-campus jobs available to students. Students can work up to 20 hours per week. To be eligible for student employment, students must meet the following criteria:
- Must be enrolled in six (6) or more units during the semester of employment.
- Must present appropriate documentation that establishes identity and employment authorization.
Student workers enrolled for the fall semester may work beginning July 1. Student workers enrolled for the spring semester may work until June 30. Student workers enrolled for both spring and fall semesters may work the entire summer break period. Certain funding sources may require student workers to be enrolled in summer courses.
Check out the links below to learn about Student Employment Student Learning Outcomes, student employee expectations, current jobs that are available, and how to apply.
Employment Training
The safety of our students is of utmost importance. Make sure you begin your training for student employment here.
What is your passion?
Discover your passion by completing the Pathway U assessment and start building your experience now through student employment!
Current Jobs & How to Apply
1. Students will relate the tasks in their student employment to their classes, major and career and explain how these tasks prepare them for the workforce.
2. Students will demonstrate professionalism by practicing workplace etiquette, being reliable, understanding and practicing confidentiality, accepting direction, and receiving feedback and applying it for improvement.
3. Students will communicate effectively in person, on the phone, in writing, or through technology with other students, faculty, staff, and community members.
4. Students will exhibit resourcefulness by taking initiative, solving problems, adapting to new situations, and being willing to learn new skills.
5. Students will recognize teamwork as an important aspect of being part of the campus community by being flexible, being cooperative with coworkers, and managing conflict in order to develop strong work relationships.
There are always so many job opportunities available for students at FRC. Please visit our Student Job List webpage to view all current available jobs. These jobs are perfect for students looking to gain professional experience, or try out a field of interest for a future career!
Feather River College strives to provide students with an opportunity to explore various work situations while financially supplementing their income. In exchange for this opportunity we expect a standard of behavior equal to that of any professional. View our full list fo Student Employee Responsibilities here.
There is a process for applying for an on-campus job, but we make it easy by listing out all the steps for you on our On-Campus Job Application page located here.
Resources for Student Employees
Get familiar with the Student Employee Handbook. Printed copies are available in Human Resources.
Resources for Supervisors of Student Employees
All newly hired student employees who are hired to work more than 20 hours will be assigned the Student Employment Training course to get familiarized with the learning outcomes including Transferable Skills, Professionalism, Communication, Resourcefulness, and Teamwork.
Additional courses that may be assigned upon supervisor request include:
Email and Messaging Safety (14 minutes)
Email is the primary means of attack from cyber-perpetrators. This course provides an overview of cybercrime via email, and how to employ safe email and messaging practices to avoid and help prevent cyber threats, attempts at fraud and identity theft.
Cybersecurity (15 minutes)
The convenience of web access makes it easy to forget that we need to protect and care for our information. This introductory course provides an overview of cybercrime and cybersecurity, including the basics of cybersecurity along with the effects of cybercrime, the types of cyber threats and how users are susceptible.
Communication Styles and Skills (11 minutes)
This course provides basic information on the types and styles of communication, as well as a few ways to communicate more effectively with others. Topics included: types, characteristics and styles of Communication and ways to strengthen your communication. This course also includes an interactivity component that helps course-takers assess their own communication styles.
Diversity Awareness for Students (23 minutes)
This course will provide college and university students with an awareness of how a diverse student body, as well as diverse college faculty and staff members, strengthen a campus. It also provides tools to ensure that diversity is embraced on campus. The content in this course was designed with care and sensitivity; however, some may find certain topics personally upsetting. If you need to talk with someone, contact your administrator or a related resource in your community.
Creating a Respectful Campus for LGBTQ+ Students (19 minutes)
This course explores the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ students and provides ways that all students can help create a respectful campus environment.
Bystander Intervention for Students (29 minutes)
College students may very well witness or be victims of sexual violence. Focusing on bystander intervention awareness, this course examines the “bystander effect” and intervention strategies.
Please complete the On Campus Student Hire Form to initiate the hiring process.
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