Student Employee Responsibilities
Feather River College strives to provide students with an opportunity to explore various work situations while financially supplementing their income. In exchange for this opportunity we expect a standard of behavior equal to that of any professional.
Employment Paperwork & Start Date: You may not begin work on campus prior to your Approved Start Date, which is reflected on your completed Student Employee Hire form. This hire form will be processed when all your employment paperwork required by Human Resources has been completed. A copy of this completed form will be provided to you by Human Resources. Any work completed prior to your Approved Start Date will be considered voluntary and unpaid.
Qualifications: You must be enrolled in at least 6 units at FRC for fall and spring semesters to participate in the Student Employment Program (enrollment may not be required for summer employment depending on funding source). Working on campus allows you and your supervisor the opportunity to schedule your work hours around your class schedule. Students are limited to 20 hours per week and are not authorized to work overtime (overtime is defined as working over 8 hours in a day or 7 consecutive days). If you work for more than one supervisor, you must coordinate your hours between your jobs to meet these requirements.
Attendance: Student workers are expected to treat their on-campus jobs as they would any other work situation. Attendance is mandatory, not optional. If you are going to miss work or be late, contact your supervisor prior to your absence. Excessive absence can be grounds for dismissal.
Supervision: Your supervisor will provide the appropriate training and delineate all expected duties and/or responsibilities for your position. Your supervisor is the only person who will evaluate your job performance. Unsatisfactory performance can result in dismissal.
Confidentiality: You will be working with college faculty and staff and may overhear conversations concerning college operation, or you might be working in an office that manages confidential student information. No matter where you are employed, the information you hear or see in your work area is strictly confidential and may not be shared with others. A breach of confidentiality may result in your dismissal.
Rights: In accordance with State and Federal laws, Feather River College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender or any other protected classification. You have a right to be treated with respect and in an unbiased manner. If you are having difficulty with your supervisor, please contact the Human Resources Office.
Payroll Responsibilities: You are responsible for keeping track of your work hours. By your last working day of the month, you must submit your monthly time sheet to your supervisor for verification of hours worked and for their signature, and the time sheet must be submitted to the College Payroll Officer according the College’s Mid-Month payroll schedule. Failure to submit your time sheet by the payroll deadline may result in a delayed pay check. Falsification of attendance records may lead to dismissal.
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