Rodeo Course Descriptions
AGEQ 135 - Conditioning The Horse and Rider I - 0.5-1 unit
Development of sport specific strength, neuromuscular strength, power and speed for both horse and rider. A progression of exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program.
AGEQ 136 - Conditioning The Horse and Rider II - 0.5-1 unit
Development of sport specific strength, neuromuscular strength, power and speed for both horse and rider. A progression of exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program. Demonstrate exercises for both horse and rider. Progression of skills from prerequisite course AGEQ 135.
AGEQ 137 - Conditioning The Horse and Rider III - 0.5-1 unit
Development of sport specific strength, neuromuscular strength, power and speed for both horse and rider. A progression of exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program. Evaluate exercises for both horse and rider. Progression of skills from prerequisite course AGEQ 136.
AGEQ 138 - Conditioning The Horse and Rider IV - 0.5-1 unit
Development of sport specific strength, neuromuscular strength, power and speed for both horse and rider. A progression of exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program. Develop exercises for both horse and rider. Progression of skills from prerequisite course AGEQ 137.
AGEQ 180 – Rodeo Skills & Techniques Men’s Events – 1-4 units
This course focuses on the fundamental, theory, and practice of intercollegiate men’s rodeo events; bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, tie down roping, steer wrestling, team roping emphasizing the physiological fundamentals, history of the sport, scoring, rule interpretation, and judging. The course will also provide the student the opportunity to study, learn and practice the skills and techniques necessary to participate in intercollegiate men’s rodeo events. PREQ: Approval of instructor in regards to student’s minimum physical and mental abilities necessary to participate in rodeo events.
AGEQ 181 – Rodeo Skills & Techniques Women’s Events – 1-4 units
This course focuses on the fundamental, theory, and practice of intercollegiate women’s rodeo events; barrel racing, goat tying, break away roping, team roping emphasizing the physiological fundamentals, history of the sport, scoring, rule interpretation, and judging. The course will also provide the student the opportunity to study, learn and practice the skills and techniques necessary to participate in intercollegiate women’s rodeo events. PREQ: Approval of instructor in regards to student’s minimum physical and mental abilities necessary to participate in rodeo events.
AGEQ 182 – Intercollegiate Rodeo – 2 units
Designed to provide students the opportunity to further develop their proficiency in men & women’s intercollegiate rodeo events. Methods in competitive performance, individual and team strategy, in a National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) sanctioned competition event. Students will travel to various college rodeos and practices. Classes will be held at the Rodeo facility. Includes practice field trips. PREQ: Recommended or concurrent enrollment in AGEQ 180 or 181. Limited to students who qualify to compete in NIRA events.
AGEQ 184 – Advanced Intercollegiate Rodeo – 2 units
Designed to provide students with additional opportunities to further develop their proficiency in man & women’s intercollegiate rodeo events. In depth advanced techniques of competitive performances, individual and team strategy in National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA) sanctioned competitions. Students will travel to various college rodeos and practices. Classes will be held at the Rodeo facility. Includes practice field trips. PREQ: Recommended or concurrent enrollment in AGEQ 182. Limited to students who qualify to compete in NIRA events.
AGEQ 186 – Rodeo Production – 1 unit
Practical application of the planning, organizing, and staging of an intercollegiate rodeo. Students participate in all aspects of rodeo production, procedures, promotion, finance, rodeo contractors, and sponsorship. Students will be required to serve on a rodeo committee and work outside of class and on the weekends of the rodeo.
AGEQ 235 Advanced Conditioning the Horse and Rider I 0.5-3
This course covers sport-specific conditioning exercises for the rodeo athlete. Topics include a progression of exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program.
AGEQ 236 Advanced Conditioning the Horse and Rider II 0.5 - 3
This course covers a progression of sport-specific conditioning exercises for the rodeo athlete that were introduced in AGEQ 235. Topics include exercises and techniques to maximize individual performance, minimize injury, develop and maintain a safe and healthy horse and rider conditioning program.
AGEQ 280 – Advanced Rodeo Techniques – Men’s Events – 1-4
This course focuses on the advanced theory, and practice of intercollegiate men’s rodeo events; bareback riding, saddle bronc riding, bull riding, tie down roping, steer wrestling, team roping emphasizing the physiology and physical foundations, history of the sport, scoring, rule interpretation, and judging. The course will also provide the student the opportunity to study, learn, and practice the skills and techniques necessary to participate in intercollegiate men’s rodeo events.
AGEQ 281 – Advanced Rodeo Techniques – Women’s Events – 1-4
This course focuses on the advanced theory, and practice of intercollegiate women’s rodeo events; barrel racing, goat tying, break away roping, team roping emphasizing the physiological fundamentals, history of the sport, scoring, rule interpretation, and judging. The course will also provide the student the opportunity to study, learn, and practice the skills and techniques necessary to participate in intercollegiate women’s rodeo events.

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