Spring 2025 Courses
ORL 130 Adventure Based- 6 Units
Adventure Based is our premier course in Outdoor Recreation Leadership. Focusing on instruction of technical skills, Adventure Based is a semester long course built around snow, river, and land based expeditions.
Students participate in a variety of field based activities aimed at improving teaching and leading skills in a variety of outdoor adventure activities including: Whitewater kayak and rafting, backpacking, winter travel and camping techniques, cross-country, Alpine-Touring, and Telemark skiing, as well as rock climbing and mountaineering techniques.
Mondays: 1-3pm
Tuesdays: 11am-5pm
Fridays: 11am-5pm
Winter Trip: March 14 - 16
River Trip: May 15 - 19
ORL 120 Program Planning- 3 Units
This course will equip students with a variety of program and event planning methodologies and skills. Emphasis is placed on the planning, organization, implementation, and evaluation of recreation programs. Theories are applied in an experiential setting.
Mondays & Tuesdays: 9:30am-10:45am
Lab: TBA
ORL 168, Cross-Country Skiing (1 Unit)
An introduction to the basic principles of cross-country skiing. Students will learn to tour over a variety of terrains in winter conditions. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment and techniques.
Tuesday, January 28: 6-9pm
Friday, January 31: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, February 1-2: 8am-8pm
ORL 146, Beginning Alpine Skiing (1 Unit)
An introduction to alpine skiing. Content includes an introduction to equipment and clothing, body position, sequential learning of basic skills, fall line skiing, and skiing in difficult snow conditions. This course will include instruction at a ski area as well as in the backcountry.
Course Fee: $120 for lift tickets at Tahoe ski areas
Tuesday, February 4: 6-9pm
Friday, February 7: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, February 8-9: 8am-8pm
ORL 170, Telemark Skiing (1 Unit)
An introduction to Telemark skiing. Content includes an introduction to equipment and clothing, body position, sequential learning of basic skills, fall line skiing, and skiing in difficult snow conditions.
Course Fee: $120 for lift tickets at Tahoe ski areas
Tuesday, February 4: 6-9pm
Friday, February 7: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, February 8-9: 8am-8pm
ORL 144, Backcountry Ski & Snowboard (1 Unit)
Traveling in the winter backcountry requires a variety of skills. This course will provide students with a breadth of knowledge related to those skills, including equipment, group travel, avalanche protocol, avalanche forecasting, rescue, route finding, and ski and snowboarding techniques.
Tuesday, February 18: 6-9pm
Friday, February 21: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, February 22-23: 8am-8pm
ORL 190, Avalanche Technician Level 1 (1 Unit)
Students learn to evaluate snow pack stability, choose safe routes for winter travel, and respond to accidents involving avalanches.
Course Fee: $150
Tuesday, March 4: 6-9pm
Friday, March 7: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, March 8-9: 8am-8pm
ORL 152, Raft Guide School (2 Units)
Students in this class will learn how to logistically organize their own rafting trips. Students will enhance their ability to navigate intermediate whitewater as the guide of an inflatable raft. Upon completion of the course, students will be prepared for entry level work as commercial raft guides.
Tuesday, March 18: 6-9pm
Friday, March 21: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, March 22-23: 8am-8pm
Friday, March 28: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, March 29-30: 8am-8pm
ORL 172, Whitewater Kayaking (1 Unit)
Students enrolled in ORL 172 will learn the basics of paddle strokes and maneuvers, safety, and navigating whitewater in a kayak.
Tuesday, April 22: 6-9pm
Friday, April 25: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, April 26-27: 8am-8pm
ORL 150, Beginning Whitewater Rafting
(1 Unit)
An introduction to basic competencies related to effective travel in a whitewater raft. Content includes skills and techniques in paddling, clothing and equipment, self-rescue, commands for navigation, basic safety, and logistical planning.
Tuesday, May 6: 6-9pm
Friday, May 9: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, April 10-11: 8am-8pm
Fall 2024 Courses
ORL 116 Outdoor Recreation Principles- 3 Units
This course is designed to prepare students for further training and education and to enhance their knowledge of and appreciation for the natural environment so that safe, responsible and enjoyable outdoor adventures are possible. Upon completion of this course students will be able to plan and implement backpacking trips in a safe and efficient manner.
ORL 110 Intro to Recreation & Leisure- 3 Units
An introduction to the history, philosophy and principles of recreation and leisure. The significance and implications of leisure and recreation will be explored from the perspective of the individual, the society, the community, and the family. Additional topics include the agencies providing programs and an investigation of professional employment opportunities in recreation.
ORL 200 Outdoor Recreation Leadership- 3 Units
A study of leadership as it pertains to recreation. This course allows students to develop as recreation leaders by providing a theoretical framework of leadership theory and experiential learning as recreation leaders. Emphasis is placed on appropriate theories and techniques for addressing the needs of a variety of clientele in an outdoor setting.
ORL 280 Professional Development- 2 Units
This interdisciplinary class has two broad objectives: (1) to synthesize information gathered in courses required for the ORL major; and (2) to develop skills in seeking out, applying to, and interviewing for continued education and/or employment in outdoor recreation fields.
ORL 159, Climbing Wall Instructor (1 Unit)
This course is designed to train climbing wall instructors for the Outdoor Recreation Leadership’s campus and community climbing wall.
August 19 - December 13
Mondays: 4-6pm
ORL 291, Directed Field Experience (1 Unit)
The course involves students working on a special project focusing on teaching and/or leading groups in an outdoor adventure setting. Such projects make possible the enrichment and broadening of a student’s experience beyond that available through the regular curriculum.
54 hours of applied experienced determined through a learning contract established with course instructor.
ORL 172, Whitewater Kayaking (1 Unit)
Students enrolled in ORL 172 will learn the basics of paddle strokes and maneuvers, safety, and navigating whitewater in a kayak.
Tuesday, Sept 3: 6-9pm
Friday, Sept 6: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, Sept 7-8: 8am-8pm
ORL 140, Sea Kayaking (1 Unit)
An introduction to the joys of sea kayaking. Learn the fundamentals of sea kayak touring, including equipment use, proper paddling techniques, self and assisted rescue, and group traveling techniques.
Tuesday, Sept 10: 6-9pm
Friday, Sept 13: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, Sept 14-15: 8am-8pm
ORL 182, Swiftwater Rescue Technician (1 Unit)
This course is designed to teach river-running enthusiasts, Search and Rescue team members, and Emergency Responders, skills related to safe travel and rescue in swift water.
Tuesday, Sept 17: 6-9pm
Friday, Sept 20: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, Sept 21-22: 8am-8pm
ORL 160, Backpacking (1 Unit)
An introduction to the basic principles of backpacking. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment and clothing, navigation with topographic maps, Leave No Trace principles, time / energy control planning, trip planning, campsite selection, trail techniques, and camp cooking.
Tuesday, Oct 1: 6-9pm
Friday, Oct 4: 11am-Overnight
Sat-Sun, Oct 5-6: Overnight
ORL 156, Rock Climbing (1 Unit)
An introduction to the basic principles of top roped rock climbing. Students will learn to ascend steep rock in a safe and efficient manner. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment, systems, anchors, movement, and safe climbing practices.
Tuesday, Sept 24: 6-9pm
Friday, Sept 27: 11am-8pm
Sat-Sun, Sept 28 - 29: 8am-8pm
ORL 180, Wilderness First Responder (2 Unit)
Students will learn to respond to medical emergencies in the backcountry. This course focuses on identifying symptoms and providing treatments in the backcountry given minimal first aid resources.
Tuesday, Oct 22: 6-9pm
Thursday-Sunday, Oct 24-27: 8am-5pm
Thursday-Sunday, Oct 31-Nov 3: 8am-5pm
Core Requirements
ORL 110 Introduction to Recreation & Leisure
ORL 116 Outdoor Recreation Principles
ORL 120 Recreation Program Planning
ORL 130 Adventure Based Outdoor Recreation
ORL 200 Outdoor Recreation Leadership
ORL 280 Capstone In ORL
ORL 291 Directed Field Experience
Certification Courses
ORL 152 Whitewater Raft Guide School
ORL 180 Wilderness First Responder
ORL 182 Swiftwater Rescue Technician Level I
ORL 184 Challenge Course Facilitation
ORL 188 Wilderness First Responder
ORL 190 Avalanche Technician Level I
ORL 192 Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced
Technical Skills Courses
ORL 140 Beginning Sea Kayaking
ORL 142 Intermediate Sea Kayaking
ORL 144 Backcountry Ski & Snowboard
ORL 150 Beginning Whitewater Rafting
ORL 154 Canoe & Stand-Up Paddleboard
ORL 156 Beginning Rock Climbing
ORL 158 Intermediate Rock Climbing
ORL 160 Beginning Backpacking
ORL 161 Intermediate Backpacking
ORL 162 Mountaineering
ORL 166 Mountain Biking
ORL 168 Cross Country Skiing
ORL 170 Telemark Skiing
ORL 172 Beginning Whitewater Kayaking
ORL 174 Intermediate Whitewater Kayaking
ORL 299 Special Topics: Outdoor Recreation Leadership
Core Requirements
ORL 110 Introduction to Recreation & Leisure 3 Units
An introduction to the history, philosophy and principles of recreation and leisure. The significance and implications of leisure and recreation will be explored from the perspective of the individual, the society, the community, and the family. Additional topics include the agencies providing programs and an investigation of professional employment opportunities in recreation.
ORL 116 Outdoor Recreation Principles 3 Units
This course is designed to prepare students for further training and education and to enhance their knowledge of and appreciation for the natural environment so that safe, responsible and enjoyable outdoor adventures are possible. Upon completion of this course students will be able to plan and implement backpacking trips in a safe and efficient manner.
ORL 120 Recreation Program Planning 3 Units
This course will equip students with a variety of program and event planning methodologies and skills. Emphasis is placed on the planning, organization, implementation and evaluation of recreation programs. Theories are applied in an experiential setting.
ORL 130 Adventure Based Outdoor Recreation 6 Units
Students participate in a variety of field based activities aimed at improving teaching and leading skills in a variety of outdoor adventure activities including: Whitewater kayaking and rafting, backpacking, winter travel and camping techniques, cross-country and Telemark skiing, as well as rock climbing and mountaineering techniques. A majority of the class time is spent in field based activities.
ORL 200 Outdoor Recreation Leadership 3 Units
A study of leadership as it pertains to recreation. This course allows students to develop as recreation leaders by providing a theoretical framework of leadership theory and experiential learning as recreation leaders. Emphasis is placed on appropriate theories and techniques for addressing the needs of a variety of clientele in an outdoor setting.
ORL 280 Capstone In Outdoor Recreation Leadership 2 Units
This interdisciplinary class has two broad objectives: (1) to synthesize information gathered in courses required for the ORL major; and (2) to develop skills in seeking out, applying to, and interviewing for continued education and/or employment in outdoor recreation fields.
ORL 291 Directed Field Experience 1-5 Units
A student may take advanced course work or complete a student designed project in Outdoor Recreation Leadership after having completed introductory courses. The topics, learning objectives, educational material(s), number of units to be awarded, and method of evaluation are determined in a written agreement between the instructor and the student before the student engages in the learning experience. A “Learning Contract for Directed Studies” must be completed by the student, approved by the instructor and Chief Instructional Officer, and placed on file with the Office of Instruction.
Technical Skills Courses
ORL 140 Beginning Sea Kayaking 1 Unit
This class is designed to introduce participants to the joys of sea kayaking. Students will be exposed to the fundamentals of sea kayak touring, including equipment use, proper paddling techniques, self and assisted rescue, and group traveling techniques. These skills will be learned in the classroom and applied on the water with an emphasis on learning safe and efficient techniques which can all be later applied to the ocean environment. Class will be conducted on local lakes and reservoirs.
ORL 142 Intermediate Sea kayaking 1 Unit
Students will continue to develop their sea kayak touring skills by adding expedition techniques. A multi-day expedition will expose participants to the equipment and methods used to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip. Skills include advanced rescue techniques, navigation, proper campsite selection, group travel techniques, and boat / equipment care and maintenance. Opportunities to work on Eskimo roll. Discussion of tides, currents and other ocean elements will be included.
ORL 144 Backcountry Ski and Snowboard 1 Unit
Traveling in the winter backcountry requires a variety of skills. This course will provide students with a breadth of knowledge related to those skills. Specific topics include: Equipment, group travel, avalanche protocol, avalanche forecasting, rescue, route finding, and ski and snowboarding techniques. This class requires that students are in a physical condition which allows them to exercise vigorously at high elevations. This class assumes that students know how to ski or snowboard.
ORL 150 Beginning Whitewater Rafting 1 Unit
An introductory course designed for students interested in learning basic competencies related to effective travel in a whitewater raft. Content includes an introduction to the following skills and techniques: paddling, clothing and equipment, self-rescue, commands for navigation, basic safety, and logistical planning.
ORL 154 Canoe & Stand-Up Paddleboard 1 Unit
An introductory course designed for students interested in learning basic competencies related to safe travel in a canoe and SUP. Content includes an introduction to the following skills and techniques: paddling techniques, clothing and equipment, self-rescue, navigation, logistical planning, and knots.
ORL 156 Beginning Rock Climbing 1 Unit
An introduction to the basic principles of top roped rock climbing. Students will learn to ascend steep rock in a safe and efficient manner. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment, systems, anchors, movement, and safe climbing practices.
ORL 158 Intermediate Rock Climbing 1 Unit
In addition to advanced discussions related to moving over stone, students will develop skills related to placing protection, building anchors, ascending a fixed line, and lead climbing.
ORL 160 Beginning Backpacking 1 Unit
An introduction to the basic principles of backpacking. Students will learn to visit backcountry environments for extended stays. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment and clothing, navigation with topographic maps, leave no trace principles, time / energy control planning, trip planning, campsite selection, trail techniques, and camp cooking.
ORL 161 Intermediate Backpacking 1 Unit
A class designed for students who have obtained basic competencies related to backpacking and backcountry travel. Content will include a more advanced survey of equipment and clothing, navigation with map and compass, leave no trace principles, time / energy control planning, trip planning, campsite selection, trail techniques, and camp cooking.
ORL 162 Mountaineering 1 Unit
An introductory course designed for students interested in learning basic competencies related to safe travel in alpine environments. Appropriate for aspiring guides, Search and Rescue team members, and recreational mountaineers. Content includes an introduction to the following skills and techniques: Equipment and clothing for the mountaineer, self-arrest, hiking techniques, ascending a fixed line, basic knots, navigation, mountain weather, basic first aid, seated glissade, and anchors and belay systems.
ORL 166 Mountain Biking 1 Unit
An introduction to the basic principles of mountain biking. Students will learn ride mountain bikes in a safe and efficient manner. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment, techniques, repairs, group management, and route finding.
ORL 168 Cross Country Skiing 1 Unit
An introduction to the basic principles of cross-country skiing. Students will learn to tour over a variety of terrains in winter conditions. Content will include a basic introduction to equipment and techniques. The course is field based.
ORL 170 Telemark Skiing 1 Unit
An introductory course designed for students interested in learning basic competencies related to Telemark skiing. Content includes an introduction to the following concepts, skills, and techniques: Equipment and clothing, body position, sequential learning of basic skills, fall line skiing, and skiing in difficult snow conditions.
ORL 172 Beginning Whitewater Kayaking 1 Unit
Whitewater kayaking is an exciting sport. It is, however, a difficult activity to learn. This course is designed for people who are comfortable in the water but have no experience related to whitewater kayaking. We will begin by learning the roll and proceed through a gradual progression that will allow students to kayak through whitewater rapids by the end of the course.
ORL 174 Intermediate Whitewater Kayaking 1 Unit
This class is designed for students who possess basic skills related to whitewater kayaking. If you have a roll and understand basic strokes and maneuvers, this class will allow you to proceed with more advanced skills. Students will learn basic kayak safety and rescue, advanced principles related to peel outs, eddy turns, and ferries, and a variety of kayak play techniques.
ORL 299 Special Topics: Outdoor Recreation Leadership 0.5-1 Unit
Selected topics that develop knowledge of recreational resources, activities, and issues.
Certification Courses
ORL 152 Whitewater Raft Guide School 2 Units
Students in this class will learn how to logistically organize their own rafting trips. Students will enhance their ability to navigate intermediate whitewater as the guide of an inflatable raft. Students will be prepared for entry level work as commercial guides. Content includes group organization, guide commands, giving a safety talk, safety and rescue, fundamental hydrology, and raft guiding techniques. Ninety percent of class time is spent on the river. Students must be prepared for participation in all types of weather on a variety of rivers.
ORL 180 Wilderness First Responder 1 Unit
Students will learn to respond to medical emergencies in the backcountry. This course focuses on identifying symptoms and providing treatments in the backcountry given minimal first aid resources. An emphasis is placed on methods for improvising and problem solving during medical emergencies. Successful completion of the class satisfies National Safety Council standards for First Responder and Wilderness First Aid.
ORL 182 Swiftwater Rescue Technician Level I 1 Unit
A course designed to teach river-running enthusiasts, Search and Rescue team members, and Emergency Responders skills related to safe travel and rescue in swift water. Course content includes rope-rigging systems, rescuer/ victim psychology and physiology, boat handling, patient trauma treatment, and swimming techniques. Successful completion of the course will result in American Canoe Association Swiftwater Rescue Technician I certification.
ORL 184 Challenge Course Facilitation 1 Unit
This course will introduce and familiarize students with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively operate, facilitate and lead groups through a Ropes Challenge Course Experience. The course will be an active and dynamic exploration of such general skills as high adventure leadership and effective facilitation of high adventure pursuits. Specific areas to be covered include course set-up and maintenance, risk management, operation, debriefing, programmatical problem solving and high-angle rescue techniques.
ORL 188 Wilderness First Responder Recertification 2 Units
Recertification courses are focused on skills labs and scenarios with little lecture time. We offer CPR certification with this course. Students refresh skills related to their Wilderness First Responder training and certification.
ORL 190 Avalanche Technician Level I 1 Unit
This course is designed for aspiring professional guided, emergency response professionals, and recreational skiers and snow boarders who choose to spend time in avalanche terrain. Students will learn to evaluate snow pack stability, choose safe routes for winter travel, and respond to accidents involving avalanches.
ORL 192 Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced 2 Unit
Swiftwater Rescue Technician Advanced (SRTA) integrates techniques learned in Swiftwater Rescue Technician 1 and Technical Rope Rescue: Technician Level, taking the students beyond the emphasis on self-rescue to concentrate on victim rescue. This three-day course combines advanced water rescue techniques with rope skills. Students are exposed to more complex water rescue situations culminating in the completion of a mock night river rescue scenario and a high line (Tyrolean) with a mid-point drop pick-off rescue. Upon completion of this class student will be an approved National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) rope and water rescue technician.
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