Instructional Service Agreements
Instructional Service Agreements (ISAs) exist between public agencies or private entities and the college to provide specific training and services. Individuals with specific expertise and training can be hired and assigned to teach courses that are approved through the college's curriculum approval process. Students successfully completing these courses can receive college credit.
Our Partners
Feather River College enjoys ISA partnerships with a variety of agencies who provide courses that foster lifelong learning, and skills that serve local and regional employment needs. Agencies include:
Resources and Information for ISA Partners
Each ISA includes the agency’s target enrollment, the courses that will be offered, and the reimbursement arrangement. A template of an ISA can be found here.
FRC establishes its academic calendar per Board Policy (BP)/Academic Procedure (AP) 4010. The academic calendar is posted on the Office of Instruction page https://www.frc.edu/instruction/faculty-resources
Dates to pay attention to:
Census date (per AP 5075): Instructors shall clear their rolls of inactive students not later than the end of the last business day before the census day for all students by indicating “NS” on census roster. “Inactive students” include:
- Students identified as no-shows,
- Students who officially withdraw,
- Students who are no longer participating in the courses and are therefore dropped by the instructor with the last day of attendance.
The census date is two weeks after the start of full-semester courses, or first 9-week courses; the census date for second 8-week courses is a week after the course start date.
The Admissions and Records Office emails census roster to instructors with instructions on how to complete the census. These are then emailed back to Admissions and Records by the census date.
Q. What are the minimum qualifications to become an ISA Instructor?
Any Master’s or Bachelor’s Degree and two years of experience working in the field; OR
Any Associate’s Degree and six years of experience working in the field.
Q. What is the application for equivalency process?
Official College Transcripts from the Institution issuing the degree. These are necessary to establish an applicant has completed the minimum education requirements. Click here for the application for equivalency.
Q. What is the hiring or contract process for ISA instructors?
Once an applicant has approved, FRC will send a letter of appointment that needs to be signed and returned to the college.
Q. What are the ISA instructor duties?
ISA Instructor duties include, but are not limited to the following:
- Ensure that training time is expended in full compliance with the course objectives determined by the Agency.
- Ensure the proper delivery of instruction in accordance with District course outlines and approved curriculum.
- Supervise instruction for each course section, which includes maintaining continued physical presence and contact with students during all instructional activity and/or maintaining continued synchronous online contact with students during online instructional activities.
- Maintain accurate and current records, such as student attendance and student accomplishment of defined student learning outcomes.
- Sign and submit census rosters
- Ensure the accurate calculation of final student grades and the prompt submission of grades per the FRC academic calendar.
Each agreement includes the agreed upon courses that may be offered. Keeping in mind the target FTE per the agreement, the agency will request for courses to be added to the schedule by emailing the Assistant Dean of Instruction and the Course scheduler.
- Instructional Dean: Katie Desmond, kdesmond@frc.edu (ext. 361)
- Course Scheduler: Ashley Snow, asnow@frc.edu (ext. 214)
More and early communication is important. Please send us scheduling requests at least 30 days before the course starts.
There is not a “one size fits all” process for FRC’s various ISA partners. Our Admissions and Records staff are happy to assist our partners with this. Contact our Admissions and Records Office, and talk to the admissions and records specialist with any questions (530)283-0202 ext. 222.
Students should be directed to complete their enrollment by using CCCApply (required of all California Community College Students).CCC Apply includes ID.me as part of the appplication process. Click here for a link to Step by Step directions.
Useful Forms
Students who have been legal residents of California for a full year prior to enrolling.
Standard Enrollment Fee: $46/unit
Students who have not been legal residents of California for a full year prior to enrolling and who are enrolling for 4 or more units.
4 units or more: $282/unit
Enrollment fees are subject to change on an annual basis and ae published in AP 5030.
Adding Students After Start Dates
If adding students after a course start date, complete the enrollment and request approval of the addition from the VP of Instruction and cc Admissions and Records: dlerch@frc.edu; admissions-records@frc.edu. Include the course, student names, and student ID number (900#).
Dropping Students
Students who do not attend class or how stopped attended should be dropped from the course. You may request drops by emailing Admissions and Records: admission-records@frc.edu
In your email, include the course #, student name, and student 900#
Census Rosters
Accurate enrollment records require all instructors submit census reports for each course. By the third week in a semester (earlier for short-term courses) you will receive an email from Admissions and Records with instructions on completing census roster. This is an important chance to review course enrollments and student attendance. Please submit these rosters by the due date communicated by Admissions and Records.
One question that comes up is about student residency classification. There are a few ways a student may be classified as a non-California resident. Checking the non-resident category (not a California resident), enters an out of state address, or graduation from an out of state high-school, may be triggers for non-resident classification. If in doubt give our Admissions and Records Office a call.
Establishing residency is detailed in California Title 5 (Education Code) requirements, as explained in AP 5015: Residency Determination.
FRC reimburses agencies for resident FTES. When the agency enrolls a student, the residency section should be reviewed.
If a student would like to appeal a residency classification, please fill out this form (click here).
After the Course is Completed and Grades Have Been Submitted...
- Partners will generate an invoice at the end of a term. Once a course is completed, please send the enrollment confirmation to the Instructional Dean (kdesmond@frc.edu). FRC will then verify the numbers.
- Once enrollments are validated, send the invoice to the Instructional Dean for payment.
- Please keep in mind that all invoices for a fiscal year (July 1 - June 30) must be submitted by July 1. Be sure to allow a few weeks for grade entry, enrollment verification, and invoice preparation.
Submitting Payments to FRC
Separately, the FRC Student Accounts Specialist in the Admissions and Records Office generates the invoice for each ISA, and this is sent to the ISA partners via email from the office of the Instructional Dean with the billing for student fees. Please do not make payments using a credit card; checks are preferred. Questions may be directed to the Student Accounts Specialist, 530.283.0202 ext. 292.
Payments are sent to:
Student Accounts, Admissions and Records Office
Feather River College
570 Golden Eagle Ave.
Quincy, CA 95971
The Curriculum Committee reviews and oversees the development and modification of courses and programs. The process begins with the submission course revisions or new course proposals by the program lead faculty. If the course has been a approved for transfer degree (AA-T or AS-T), the lead faculty will look at the approved C-ID descriptor to assure the course outline aligns with what has been approved by community college and CSU faculty. The Curriculum Committee approves a course proposal, which then goes to the Academic Senate, and then to the Board of Trustees for final ratification. Once approved, this becomes the Course Outline of Record (COR). This process takes a few months. Every course outline of record is reviewed every four years.
All courses approved in the curriculum process are printed in the FRC catalog. If you would l like to update course descriptions or SLOs, please contact the Assistant Dean of Instruction, kdesmond@frc.edu
The approved COR is Curriculum Committee reviews a course’s, ensuring alignment between outcomes statements and other curricular elements, including course objectives, methods of instruction, assignments, and grading standards.
Course Outlines of Record include an approved course description, course content outline, and student learning outcomes. The COR also includes recommended textbooks and material for the course. To view the approved CORs at FRC, click on the curriculum inventory site: CurrIQunet META (curricunet.com)
For more information on course identification numbering system, or C-ID, see: https://c-id.net/descriptors
The Office of Instruction can provide all instructors with the COR for the courses they teach. Instructors should use these CORs for creating their course syllabus and course content.
When creating, revising, reviewing, and using course outlines, instructors should pay particular attention to the approved SLOs. These inform the assessment of student learning.
FRC uses the Canvas learning management system. A Canvas course area is created for all scheduled courses. Instructors may use this course area to deliver course content, contact students, record course grades, etc. If you are interested in using Canvas for course delivery, please visit the Distance Education page.
Submitting grades: FRC uses a system called Banner for reporting grades. All instructors access Banner from the FRC home page by clicking on the link “My FRC login.” This step by step process for entering grades will assist you in navigating this system.
Reporting Positive Attendance: Positive attendance courses (only activity courses) must submit documentation of student attendance, which is required in California State Education Code. ISA partners will work with Instructional Dean to record theis PA in a shared document.
The calculated hours on the attendance documentation will match the hours reported in Banner.
- Catalog
- Curriculum Development
- Degree Programs
- Distance Education
- Disability Support Program for Students (DSPS)
- Faculty Directory
- Faculty Resources
- Rising Scholars/Incarcerated Student Program (ISP)
- Center for Learning and Tutoring
- Instructional Service Agreement Partners
- SLO Assessment
- Teaching and Learning Resources
- Zero Textbook Costs
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