Institutional Data
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All data in this section was sourced from our local student information system (Banner).
IPEDS - Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System
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The distribution of enrollments is fairly stable across the 5 years pictured (2018-19 through 2022-23) with 2 groups (White & Latinx) accounting for over 70% of enrollments in any given academic year. The third largest group (4 out of 5 years) was Black or African American students.

Students identifying as Asian outperformed their peers in each of the academic years pictured. The Latinx and White subpopulations had relatively stable success rates throughout the period (a byproduct of their size [see figure 1.A]). Black or African American students underperformed relative to their peers, but saw a steady increase (roughly 8%) in success rates from 2019-20 to 2022-23.

Face-To-Face (F2F) and Hybrid courses accounted for the majority of FTES in each academic year followed by Instructional Service Agreements (ISA), the Incarcerated Students Program (ISP), and online courses respectively. The 2020-21 academic year was heavily impacted by the COVID pandemic which shifted FTES from F2F/Hybrid to online instruction. While there was a drop in online FTES in subsequent years (2021-22 & 2022-23), the proportion nearly doubled when compared to the first year in the dataset (2018-19).

A clear hierarchy is present in this data with Instructional Service Agreements (ISA) experiencing the highest success rates, followed by Face-To-Face (F2F) and Hybrid courses, the Incarcerated Students Program (ISP), and online courses respectively. All modalities (with the exception of ISA) saw a significant increase in success rates in the 2020-21 academic year.

Upper division success rates exceeded those of the lower division in all but one (2020-21) of the 5 academic years observed. The 2020-21 academic year was heavily impacted by COVID having a particular effect on upper division courses which are held almost exclusively in-person.

Associate degrees account for the majority of degrees awarded in every academic year observed. A policy change in 2019-20 to automatically award certificates led to a dramatic increase in the number of certificates awarded in that year. Following this change certificates accounted for a larger share of total awards in each subsequent year.
Comparison Data
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Comparison Data was downloaded from the California Community Colleges Student Success Metrics Dashboard "All Students" journey. Data from each college was combined to produce an aggregate rate.
Small 7 Comparison Group - Barstow College, Copper Mountain Community College, Lassen College, Lake Tahoe Community College, Mendocino college, Palo Verde College, College of the Siskiyous
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Feather River College (FRC) consistently outperformed the Small 7 (see introduction to this section for colleges included) and the Statewide comparison group across all academic years observed. 5 year course success rates: 84.1% (FRC), 76.4% (Small 7), and 73.6% (Statewide).

Feather River College (FRC) outperformed the Small 7 across all academic years observed. In 2018 FRC trailed the Statewide group by roughly 6 percentage points and exceeded this group in 2022 by roughly 9 percentage points. 5 year fall to spring persistence rates: 66% (FRC), 53.7% (Small 7), and 66.9% (Statewide).The large persistence increase for FRC in 2022 was due to an increase in total awards and a decrease in fall enrollment (both leading to a decrease in the denominator for this metric).

Feather River College (FRC) significantly outperformed the Statewide and Small 7 comparison groups across all 5 academic years observed. 5 year completion rates: 17.4% (FRC), 6.9% (Small 7), and 9.5% (Statewide).

Feather River College (FRC) consistently underperformed the Statewide group and outperformed the Small 7. 5 year completion rates: 8.4% (FRC), 6.4% (Small 7), and 10.6% (Statewide). All 3 groups saw a significant increases to completion rates in the 2020 academic year (note: AB705 was implemented in Fall 2019).

Feather River College (FRC) underperformed the Statewide group and outperformed the Small 7. It’s important to note that all 3 groups are within 2 percentage points across the 5 academic years observed. 5 year completion rates: 2.2% (FRC), 1.5% (Small 7), and 2.9% (Statewide).

Feather River College (FRC) had a highly variable completion rate throughout the 5 years observed. FRC outperformed the Statewide group in 2018 and 2021 while falling short of both comparison groups in 2021. The large increase in the FRC completion rate for 2020 was due to the automatic awarding of certificates (see fig 6.A in Institutional data).
Campus Climate
- Spring 2022 Campus Climate Survey
- Spring 2019 Campus Climate Survey by SSSP and Political Science 140
- Spring 2016 Campus Climate Survey by SSSP
The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) Reports
- 2023 Data Feedback Report
- 2022 Data Feedback Report
- 2021 Data Feedback Report
- 2020 Data Feedback Report
- 2019 Data Feedback Report
- 2018 Data Feedback Report
- 2017 Data Feedback Report
- 2016 Data Feedback Report
- 2015 Data Feedback Report
Institutional Set Standards
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