State Aid Programs
The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) is available to "waive" the costs of California enrollment fees only. Supported by the California Community Colleges, the CCPG is available to all qualifying students, regardless of how many units they are carrying.
Please visit the California College Promise Grant (CCPG) webpage for complete details.
Cal Grants are California state-funded grants that may be applied toward meeting educational expenses at California colleges. Students must complete and submit the FAFSA or CADAA application by the March 2nd California state deadline to be considered for the grant.
For more information about the three types of Cal Grant, eligibility, renewal and deadlines please visit our Cal Grant webpage.
The Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) is an additional state grant for Cal Grant B and C recipients attending a California Community College full-time (12 or more units). SSCG allows up to $4,000 annually at $2,000 per semester for eligible students depending on student unit load.
For more information about eligibility, award payment and example scenarios please visit our Student Success Completion Grant webpage.
The FRC Promise Scholarship "waives" California enrollment fees for first-time, ful-time eligible California resident students. Our overall goal for the FRC Promise Scholarship is to provide free tuition to all qualifying California resident students. Although, students cannot be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant and/or California College Promise Grant (CCPG) in order to qualify for the FRC Promise Scholarship.
Please visit the FRC Promise Scholarship webpage for complete details.
The California Chafee Grant Program provides funding to current or former foster youth (who have not reached the age of 22 as of July 1st of the award year) to use for career and technical training or college courses. The Chafee Grant Program, also known as the Education and Training Voucher (ETV), is a federally funded program and is subject to the availability of federal funds each year.
For more information about eligibility, requirements and renewal please visit our Chafee Grant webpage.
WebGrants 4 Students
The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) has created WebGrants 4 Students (WGS) just for you, the student.
WGS will allow you to manage your Cal Grant and/or Chafee account(s) online by letting you view updates, make school changes, make address changes, make corrections, and post leave of absence requests.
It is important for you to understand that your WGS account does not replace your School or FAFSA accounts. Each account must be monitored and managed independently.
Important Note: Students must create a Web Grants account and claim their award. If neither the student nor the school claims their award, the student will not show up on the schools roster to award for the applicable academic year.
- Home
- Types of Financial Aid
- How to Apply for Financial Aid
- Finish Line Scholars Program
- Financial Aid Workshops
- Cost of Attendance
- Financial Aid TV (opens in new window)
- Plumas Pipeline
- Unusual Circumstances
- NextUp / Foster Youth
- UndocU
- Veteran Services
- Forms and Policies
- Important Dates
- Resources
- Financial Value Transparency and Gainful Employment
- Consumer Information
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