Middle Class Scholarship (MCS)

The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is for undergraduates who submitted a FAFSA or CADAA. There is not a separate application to apply for the Middle Class Scholarship, your FAFSA or CADAA also serves as your MCS application.  

The Middle Class Scholarship reduces student fees at the California State University, University of California, or California Community College Bachelor’s degree program. by up to 40 percent for middle class families.Middle Class Scholarship amounts vary according to each student’s eligibility and is tied to a student's enrollment. 


The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) provides undergraduate students with a scholarship to attend a University of California (UC), California State University (CSU) or California Community College Bachelor’s degree program.

Students who fill out their standard financial aid form (usually the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA) are automatically awarded the Middle Class Scholarship if they meet all the requirements.

Students must meet the following requirements: be a California resident attending a UC, CSU or CA Community College Bachelor’s degree program; be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident or meet the requirements for non-resident tuition exemption*; meet certain income/asset and other financial aid standards; maintain satisfactory academic progress; not be in default on a student loan; and must not be incarcerated.

The Middle Class Scholarship primarily benefits students who do not otherwise receive financial aid, such as Cal Grants, Pell Grants, and other existing UC and CSU grants.

You may receive the MCS award for up to 4 years depending on education level when awarded.

For more information about this scholarship, contact the financial aid office or check your WebGrants 4 Students account.

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