Financial Aid Policies
Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
A student shall become ineligible for a California College Promise Grant if the student is placed on Academic or Progress Probation, or any combination thereof, for two consecutive primary terms (fall, spring). Loss of eligibility shall become effective at the first registration opportunity after such determination is made.
Notification of Academic or Progress Probation Status
Students will be notified by email of their placement on Academic or Progress Probation no later than thirty days following the end of the term that resulted in the student’s placement on probation. The notice will clearly state that two consecutive primary terms of probation will lead to a loss of the California College Promise Grant until the student is no longer on probation.
Notification of Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students will be notified by email that they are no longer eligible for a California College Promise Grant, after being placed on Academic or Progress Probation for two consecutive primary terms of probation.
Appeal Process for Loss of Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students may appeal the loss of a California College Promise Grant due to extenuating circumstances, or when a student with a disability applied for, but did not receive, a reasonable accommodation in a timely manner. Extenuating circumstances are verified cases of accidents, illnesses, or other circumstances that might include documented changes in the student’s economic situation or evidence that the student was unable to obtain essential student support services. Extenuating circumstances also includes special consideration of the specific factors associated with Veterans, CalWORKs, EOPS, and DSPS student status. Foster Youth shall not be subject to loss of California College Promise Grant due to placement on Academic or Progress Probation.
Students may appeal for reinstatement of their California College Promise Grant eligibility by completing a “California College Promise Grant Appeal Form”. The Financial Aid Appeal Committee will review each complete and timely appeal and will make a decision whether or not to approve the appeal and to restore the student’s eligibility to receive the California College Promise Grant at FRC. The student will be notified of the decision by email. Committee decisions are final.
Students whose appeals are approved are eligible to receive the California College Promise Grant during the semester that he/she lost California College Promise Grant eligibility.
Regaining Eligibility for California College Promise Grant
Students who do not appeal or whose appeal is not approved, will not regain eligibility for the California College Promise Grant until they are no longer on Academic or Progress Probation, or after not attending FRC for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring).
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