Welcome Plumas & Sierra County Families!

Program Vision:
The TRiO Talent Search program at Feather River College envisions empowered communities where all students, regardless of background, have equitable access to education, confidence in their potential, and the resources to pursue and achieve their college and career dreams.
Mission Statement:
Our mission is to identify and support youth from disadvantaged backgrounds by providing comprehensive academic, career, and financial counseling to guide them toward high school graduation and postsecondary success. Through partnerships with local schools, community organizations, and families, we deliver engaging workshops, mentoring programs, and resources tailored to diverse student needs. We strive to foster resilience, self-efficacy, and a sense of belonging, ensuring students have the knowledge and confidence to navigate college and career pathways. Anchored in values of equity, inclusion, and community collaboration, we are committed to cultivating a culture of lifelong learning and opportunity for every student in our program.
Program & Staff Values: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Youth Empowerment, Integrity & Accountability, Empathy & Understanding, Collaboration, Community Efficacy, Resilince, Reflective Practices for On-Going Improvement
Key Stakeholders: Students, Parents, Educators (School personnel, teachers, administration, & counselors), Community Partners (SPJUSD, PCOE/PUSD, Sierra Schools Foundation, Musica Sierra, Roundhouse, Sierra/Plumas Arts Councils, Rotary, & the Feather River Land Trust), Feather River College Faculty & Personnel

Q & A
TRiO Talent Search is a federal program that partners with Plumas and Sierra County schools through Feather River College to provide fun, interactive, classroom workshops to our students in grades 6-12 for learning about financial planning, careers, & postsecondary programs.More information on the federal website, here.
Talent Search puts on special events like the College & Career Fair at FRC and takes high school students on Spring College Tours to experience campus life at local colleges and universities. For Plumas County 6th graders, Talent Search helps fund the "Plumas to Pacific" field trips, where students get hands-on experience in science careers! For Loyalton students, Talent Search sponsors the overnight Freshman Focus Camp at Grizzly Creek Ranch, giving students a kickstart to high school life!
Parents and guardians must register their child in order for TRiO to fund these special events for your students!
No, it’s the opposite! The Talent Search program is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. All of our events, field trips, and in-class workshops are free for all registered participants.
Is your child in 6th -12th grade? Don't let your child miss out on field trips and support in making strong plans for their future. Register your student now!
Easy! Click on the Application button above to fill out a registration form online! If you prefer to use a paper form, navigate to the "Register for Talent Search" page and there are directions for a printable form.
For the form, you will need to know how much your "taxable income" is....for more info about that, see the next two questions!
TRiO must collect this information for their program. TRiO uses the information to know the average income of all families across Plumas and Sierra Counties. All information is confidential and goes to the Talent Search Director. The government does NOT receive information about anyone’s individual income. We ask for TAXABLE INCOME - which is only a PART of your whole income.
Your “taxable income” is not your regular income! It is a number much *LESS* than your regular “income”.
Taxable income is the amount of money left after you subtract the standard deduction or your itemized deductions from your total income. So if you are a single parent and make $40,000 a year, and you take a standard Head of Household deduction for $19,400, your taxable income is what’s left—$20,600. If you are married and together make $40,000 a year, you would subtract the standard deduction of $25,900, and your taxable income is $14,100. THIS is the smaller number we are asking for. Your taxable income amount can also be found on Line 15 of your Form 1040 for 2022.
No, Talent Search Advisors help every student to explore all their options for life after high school and to find a college, training program, university, or life path that fits for them. Feather River College is a great option--we help students to know all the possibilities so they can decide what is right for them!
Talent Search Advisors guide students to create a plan for their life after high school. We want each student to have the knowledge and skills to develop a career that matches their talents, interests, values and goals. In today's job market, most jobs that lead to fulfilling careers require at least some training and education beyond a high school diploma. "College" has changed a lot! California's community college system has developed a wide variety of 1-2 year career certificate programs--welding, diesel mechanics, gunsmithing and robotics, wildlife technician, digital graphic arts, cosmetology, horticulture and many more. Talent Search Advisors help students gain the knowledge and skills to find the path that is right for them!
Great, Talent Search Advisors are here to help! We are usually out at schools talking to all the students. Send us an email or leave us a voicemail and we will make a time to talk with you. Go to the "Meet the Staff" page and contact the Advisor for the grade your child is in.
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