To Qualify
Qualifying Factors for EOPS Eligibility
- California resident or eligible for California Dream Act.
- Receiving a California College Promise Grant (formally Board of Governors Fee Waiver), Grant A, B, or C with zero Estimated Family Contribution (EFC).
- Enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit units (or approved for less by DSPS) at the time of acceptance into EOPS.
- Degree applicable units completed must not exceed 70 units (excluding basic skills, remedial education, and ESL units).
- Underprepared in at least one of the following areas:
- Not qualifying for the minimum level English or math requirements,
- Not having graduated from high school or obtained a GED,
- Having a high school grade point average below 2.5. Transcripts required for documentation,
- Having high school remedial classes,
- Neither parent graduated college,
- Emancipated foster youth,
- Non-English home language.
Qualifying Factors for CARE Eligibility
- Qualify for EOPS (see to the left).
- Be at least 18 years of age and be single head of household.
- Receiving CalWORKs/TANF funds for themselves or dependent child.
- Have a current “Passport to Services” from any California County Social Services department
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