To Apply
To Apply for EOPS
- Complete the EOPS Program Application
- Make an appointment to meet with an EOPS Counselor (call 530-283-0202, ext 313 or use the Calendly link to scheudle a Zoom meeting).
- Bring the following documents to the appointment:
- Completed application,
- "Student Detail" schedule of classes from your student portal,
- California College Promise Grant printout from your student portal,
- Assessment test scores.
To Apply for CARE
- Complete the EOPS Program Application
- Make an appointment to meet with an EOPS Counselor (call 530-283-0202, ext. 313 or use the Calendly link for a Zoom meeting).
- Bring the following documents to the appointment:
- Completed application,
- "Student Detail" schedule of classes from your student portal,
- California College Promise Grant printout from your student portal,
- Assessment test scores,
- "Passport to Services" from a California County Social Services.
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