Ecosystem Restoration & Applied Fire Management Bachelor’s Degree
Are you passionate about preserving our natural ecosystems, mitigating wildfire risks, and contributing to sustainable forest management? Our comprehensive program combines a unique blend of skills in ecosystem management, fire management, restoration techniques, and indigenous perspectives. This degree is not just an education, but a pathway to making a real impact.
Students pursuing the Bachelor of Science degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire will learn important skills in:
- Data and geospatial fields
- Environmental policy and management planning
- Communication
- Historical and cultural context related to natural resources and ecosystem management in the West
- Prescribed fire and fuels management techniques and receive National Wildfire Coordination Group (NWCG) certifications that are essential in this workforce
- Forest ecosystem management and reforestation
- Watershed restoration
Upon completion of this degree, students will be prepared to work as land managers with specific skills in the application of fire on the landscape, as well as forest and stream restoration. The suite of coursework and experiences proposed in this application aims to prepare students to understand landscape-scale issues and engage in system-level responses to challenges.
*Degree requirements are still in draft form and are subject to change.
Lower Division Major Requirements (35-38 Units)
ENVR 103 Seminar in Environmental Studies – 1 Unit
ENVR 280 Professional Development – 1 Unit
ENVR 180 Environmental Policy – 3 Units
ENVR 185 Principles of Indigenous Management, w/ Lab – 3 units
ENVR 205 Geospatial Concepts w/ Lab – 3 Units OR ENVR 201 GIS w/Lab – 3 units
Environmental Science Core – ENVR 142/L Environmental Science + Lab (3 Units + 1 Unit lab)
Biology Core – CHOOSE BIO 106 Plant Biology – 4 Units OR BIO 104 Animal Biology – 4 Units
Physical Science Core – CHOOSE ENVR 210 Soil Science – 3 Units OR GEOL Physical Geology – 4 Units OR CHEM 102 – 5 units
ENVR 120 Sierra Nevada Natural History w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 160 Introduction to Watershed Protection and Restoration w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 220 Introduction to Forestry w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 230 Introduction to Fire Ecology and Management w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 235 Prescribed Fire Fundamentals w/ Lab – 2 units
National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) Certificates – 4 Units Minimum
Upon successful completion of 1) lower division major requirements, 2) the CSU Breadth or IGETC general education pathway, and 3) sufficient electives such at the total number of units completed by the student totals at least 60, the student is eligible to earn an A.S. in Environmental Studies.
Once students have successfully completed at least 14 units of Natural Resource and Ecology lower division requirements, 30 total units, and college level Math and English while maintaining a 2.0 minimum GPA they are eligible to enroll in upper division courses. Note: several upper division courses also have specific lower division prerequisites.
Upper Division Major Requirements (33 units)
ENVR 305 Environmental Monitoring and Analysis w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 380 Environmental Management, Policy, and Planning – 3 Units (prereq ENVR 180)
ENVR 410 Restoration Ecology w/ Lab – 3 Units
ENVR 420 Advanced Forest Ecology & Management w/ Lab – 3 Units (prereq ENVR 220)
ENVR 425 Forest Disturbance and Health w/ Lab – 3 Units (prereq ENVR 220)
ENVR 430 Advanced Fire Ecology and Management w/ Lab – 3 Units (prereq ENVR 230 + ENVR 235)
ENVR 460 Advanced Riparian Restoration & Management w/ Lab – 3 Units (prereq ENVR 160)
ENVR 480 Human Dimensions of Natural Resources – 3 Units
CWEE 370 Internship – 3 Units Minimum
CHOOSE ONE from the English Department:
ENGL 310 Professional and Technical Composition – 3 Units
ENGL 416 Research Methods and Issues – 3 Units
AND ONE from the following list:
HIST 400 History of the American West – 3 Units
AGAB 335 Entrepreneurship – 3 Units
AGAB 410 Leadership Seminar – 3 Units
AGPS 300 Rangeland, Pasture, and Forage Management – 3 Units
Upon successful completion of 1) lower and upper division major requirements, 2) the CSU Breadth or IGETC general education pathway, 3) a minimum of 6 units of upper division general education breath courses, and 4) sufficient electives such that the total number of units completed by the student totals at least 120, the student is eligible to earn a B.S in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management.
Any class listed above as an OR option, not used to satisfy degree requirements
All other NWCG classes not used in 4 required units (ENVR 045, 041, 042, 043, 044, 049, 039)
CWEE Natural Resources and Management Internships
EMT 120 Emergency Medical Technician
ENGL 180 Nature Literature in America – 3 Units
ENVR 102 Introduction to Environmental Studies – 3 Units
ENVR 235 Rx Fire Fundamentals (Intermediate, Advanced, Leadership) & HEFT
ENVR 239 Prescribed Fire Field Experience (TREX)
ENVR 240 Introduction to Wildlife – 3 Units
ENVR 250 Introduction to Aquaculture – 3 Units
ENVR 260 Hatchery
ENVR 264 Introduction to Fish – 3 Units
ENVR 266 Advanced Aquaculture – 3 Units
GEOG 102 Physical Geography – 3 Units
GEOL 102 Introduction to Physical Geology – 4 Units
ORL 160 Backpacking – 1 Unit
ORL 180 Wilderness First Responder – 2 Units
ORL 045 Beginning Trail Building – 1 Unit
Rx Fire Fundamentals (Intermediate, Advanced, Leadership)
Other upper division general education classes (listed above) not used to satisfy GE requirements
All students pursuing our bachelor’s degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management will enter Feather River College as Environmental Studies students. You will begin by first completing lower division courses that will support your progress towards completing the B.S. degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management. Along the way, you will also complete your A.S. in Environmental Studies.
FRC students that have completed the following requirements will then submit a Bachelor’s Degree Advancement Form to the Admission and Records office at FRC. The approval of this form will allow the student to enroll in upper division courses within the Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Program in order to complete their degree. All students who complete the requirements outlined below are guaranteed entry into the upper division courses.
Bachelor’s Degree Advancement Eligibility Requirements:
- Completion of college-level math and English with a C or higher
- Completion of 30 units of college course work
- Completion of 4 classes in the lower division Natural Resource Management and Ecology requirements section outlined here
- A GPA of 2.0 or better
These requirements may be met with courses taken at FRC, at transfer institutions, or a combination of both. In addition, students may request equivalency for some technical skills courses due to professional experience.
Upon completion of the coursework for the Bachelor of Science degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management students should be able to:
- Measure and analyze environmental data and variables
- Use geospatial tools to map and analyze ecosystems and management projects
- Safely plan for and use prescribed fire as a restoration and management tool
- Hold valuable National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) certifications for various skills related to wildland fire
- Plan and execute effective forest and fuels management, and reforestation work
- Plan and execute effective riparian restoration work
- Explain social, historical, and political factors that influence land management in the Western US
- Understand the vital roles of indigenous land management practices and traditional ecological knowledge, and ways to support tribal capacity
- Communicate effectively about complex ecosystem processes and project planning
As our planet faces the growing challenges of climate change and ecosystem degradation, professionals with expertise in ecosystem restoration and fire management are in high demand. By pursuing this degree, you'll be prepared to:
- Mitigate Wildfire Risks: Your expertise in fire management and restoration will contribute directly to reducing the threat of wildfires and protecting communities and natural resources.
- Preserve Biodiversity: Ecosystem restoration efforts are vital for conserving and enhancing biodiversity, ensuring that future generations can enjoy diverse and thriving natural landscapes.
- Promote Sustainability: By incorporating indigenous perspectives and sustainable practices, you'll play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance between human needs and environmental health.
With a Bachelor's Degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management, you'll open doors to a wide range of rewarding career opportunities, including:
- Wildlife and Conservation Specialist: Work on projects to protect and restore native plant and animal species, contributing to the health of ecosystems.
- Forest Manager: Manage forests sustainably, balancing timber production, recreation, and ecosystem health.
- Fire Ecologist: Study fire behavior, develop fire management strategies, and contribute to landscape resilience.
- Environmental Consultant: Advise organizations and agencies on sustainable practices, restoration projects, and fire management plans.
- Community Outreach Coordinator: Engage local communities in ecosystem restoration efforts and educate them about the importance of managing fire risks.
- Research Scientist: Contribute to scientific advancements in the fields of ecology, restoration, and fire management through research and analysis.
Our program offers an exceptional value with the opportunity to earn both an Associates Degree in either Environmental Studies or Environmental Science, and a Bachelor's Degree in Ecosystem Restoration and Applied Fire Management for under $11,000. This cost-effective pathway allows you to build a strong educational foundation without breaking the bank.
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