Environmental Studies
Environmental Studies Major (30-32 units)
The Environmental Studies major curriculum consists of 9 core courses (21-23 units), a menu of electives (9 units). The philosophy behind these curricula is that students gain broad exposure to the many facets of the field through the core, while having choices to match their interests through the elective offerings. Please see the catalog for a full list of courses.
Required Core Courses for Major (21-23 units)
Choose One Professional Skills and One Geospatial Course |
Units | |
ENVR 103 OR |
Professional Seminar in Environmental Studies |
1 |
ENVR 280 | Professional Development in Environmental Studies | 1 |
ENVR 201 OR | Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
ENVR 205 |
Geospatial Concepts | 3 |
Choose Two Natural Resource Management Courses: At least 2 must have a lab * |
Units |
ENVR 130 | Sustainable Food Systems * | 2 |
ENVR 120 |
Sierra Nevada Natural History * |
3 |
ENVR 160 |
Watershed Protection & Restoration * |
3 |
ENVR 220 |
Introduction to Forestry * |
3 |
ENVR 230 |
Introduction to Fire Ecology and Management * |
3 |
ENVR 235 |
Prescribed Fire Fundamentals * |
2 |
ENVR 240 |
Introduction to Wildlife * |
3 |
ENVR 250 |
Introduction to Aquaculture * |
3 |
ENVR 251 |
Ecosystem Management * |
2 |
ENVR 264 |
Introduction to Fish * |
4 |
GEOG 102 |
Physical Geography |
3 |
MATH 202 |
Statistics |
4 |
Choose Two Science Fundamentals Courses: Must from from at least two science areas (Env., Bio., or Phys. Sci.) |
Units | |
Environmental Science Course: | ||
ENVR 142 | Introduction to Environmental Science AND | 3 |
ENVR 142L | Introduction to Environmental Science Lab | 1 |
Physcial Science Course: | ||
ENVR 210 |
Introduction to Soil Science |
3 |
GEOL 102 |
Physical Geology |
4 |
CHEM 102 |
General Chemistry |
5 |
Biological Science Course: | ||
BIOL 102 |
Cell and Molecular Biology |
4 |
BIOL 104 |
Animal Biology, Evolution & Ecology |
4 |
BIOL 106 |
Plant Biology, Evolution & Ecology |
4 |
Choose One Social Science Course: | Units | |
ENVR 102 |
Introduction to Environmental Studies |
3 |
ENVR/POL 180 |
Environmental Policy |
3 |
ENVR 185 |
Principles of Indigenous Management |
3 |
*Courses not selected from above tables may additionally be chosen as electives.
Elective Courses for Major (Select 6 units)
Elective Courses | Units | |
ENVR 102 | Introduction to Environmental Studies | 3 |
ENVR/BIOL 102 | Sierra Nevada Natural History | 3 |
ENVR 125 | Wildlife Laws and Issues | 2 |
ENVR 130 | Introduction to Sustainable Food Systems | 2 |
ENVR 131 | High Altitude Crop Production - Fall | 2 |
ENVR 132 | High Altitude Crop Production - Spring | 2 |
ENVR 133 | Ecological Pest Management | 1 |
ENVR 134 | Season Extension Methods | 1 |
ENVR 135 | Small Farm Tools and Infrastructure | 1 |
ENVR 164 | Native Plants Workshop | 1 |
ENVR 190 | Environmental Studies Field Course | 0.5 |
ENVR 192 | Winter Ecology | 0.5 |
ENVR 194 | Current Environmental Issues | 1 |
ENVR/GEOG 201 | Introduction to Geographic Information Systems | 3 |
ENVR 241 | Wildlife Diversity and Field Techniques | 4 |
ENVR 250 | Introduction to Aquaculture | 3 |
ENVR 266 | Advanced Aquaculture | 3 |
ENVR 291 | Directed Study | 1 - 5 |
ENVR 299 | Special Topics in Environmental Studies | 0.5 - 3 |
ENGL 180 | Nature Literature of America | 3 |
MATH 202 | Statistics | 4 |
ORL 116 | Outdoor Recreation Principles | 3 |
To earn an A.S. in Environmental Studies:
- Complete major core requirements and major electives.
- Complete FRC General Education, CSU Breadth, or IGETC requirements.
- Complete a minimum of 60 units.
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