Welcome to the Hatchery Blog

Plants in an aquaponics system

I've been looking for a way to keep people better informed about what's going on at the FRC fish hatchery, so I've decided to start up a blog on the hatchery website.  I'll be using this to post updates, pictures, information, and some thoughts about topics related to what we do here.  If you are wondering who I am, I'm Adam Fuller, Hatchery Director here on campus.  You can see my mugshot and bio on the Faculty Webpage.  

But enough about me.  Blogs should have pictures   Here's a few images showing a little bit of what's been going on this summer:

Our aquaponics system has really taken off lately. I'll describe in more detail how I made this in a future post, but for now the plants are growing great.

Next up, mesh coverings for the hatchery tanks.  We keep most of our fish in these round tanks, but our previous covers (pictured below) were...imperfect.  They couldn't really be raised up off the tanks easily and the mesh size was a bit too large for my taste.  They were also starting to come apart.

The old hatchery covers

So I made a new one with pvc pipes, smaller plastic mesh, and a central hoist system that allows them to be raised off the tank better.  I'm not 100% there yet with this design, but it's pretty good for now.

The new hatchery cover


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