Why study English at FRC?

Students have a variety of choices for studying in English and Humanities. In addition to low tuition and a small college environment, students who take English at FRC will also be able to take advantage of several additional opportunities.  Our highly trained faculty bring a number of areas of expertise and personal interes to the classroom, such as literature of the west, social justice, and familiarity with the heritage of English language literature. Another opportunity is to be a part of an active social and intellectual community, where students and faculty can share ideas and plan future educational projects.

Students who are part of the English department also participate in the following areas:

Leadership Roles, Awards, and Tutoring Positions: English majors regularly find positions in student leadership on campus. They are also first in line for valuable campus employment opportunities as tutors in the classroom and at the Center for Learning and Tutoring. Finally, the Department sponsors student achievement awards each Spring!

Hands-on Mentoring: You have access! English majors have unique mentoring opportunities with English faculty. Many students schedule regular meetings to discuss long-range goals, transfer plans, and writing projects.

Clubs: English Department faculty act as advisors for Eagle Pride, FRC’s Gay-Straight Alliance, as well as the Social Justice Journalism Club, which contributes to prison journals and makes trips to prisons around the state.

Student Research Symposium: We sponsor the campus-wide Student Research Symposium each semester, offering students the opportunity to present their original ideas as a way to professionalize their liberal arts education.  

First Year Experience: Freshman Composition is the cornerstone for linking instruction and Student Support Services to create a sense of community on campus and to provide structured support for student success.

Book-in-Common: The English Department fuels the annual Book in Common initiative, connecting campus and the surrounding communities through a shared reading, usually a novel, creative nonfiction, or research-based reportage.

Literary Journal: The English Department's new literary journal, Cambium, will feature the writing of FRC students. Students will also have an opportunity serve on the staff of the journal in editorial and design roles.  

Department Brown Bags and Gatherings: English Majors participate in Brown Bag discussion groups with faculty members and visiting scholars. The Department also hosts gatherings of the Majors once each semester, where we talk about our projects, goals, and achievements.

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