River Writers
An English club dedicated to writing, reading, and word play.
The River Writers is a club whose mission is to foster a love of writing and reading in the student community on campus. It is open to all students who love the craft regardless of the major. We foster creativity and critical thinking on campus.
Interesting in joining? Please reach out to Dr. Grose at NGrose@frc.edu
River Writers 2024-2025
This year holds great things for our group--join us to get planning!
River Writers 2023-2024
It was a busy year for the River Writers. This year, we hosted many campus events, including:
- Murder Mystery Dinner Theater and Dance
- An Open Mic Night, where students were selected to represent FRC as the Featured Artists for Plumas Arts' Words and Music in March 2024
- Weekly Writing Activities to foster a creative community on campus
- Shakespearean Insults at the Spring Field Day
- Limerick Candy Grams at Christmas to end our semester with cheer
- Read Across America Week, featuring reading Dr. Seuss to the children at the Child Development Center, Get Lunch and Get Lit(erature), and partnering with EOPS and Basic Needs to provide books to students with famlies
- Banned Books collaboration with EOPS and Eagle Pride
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