English as a Second Language
ENGL 001 – English as a Second Language
54 Lecture Hours, 0 UNITS
This is a competency-based education course designed for the beginning ESL student who has little or no formal education, who lacks experience with the Roman alphabet, or has other literacy problems. English survival skills will be taught while emphasizing listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.
ENGL 002 - English as a Second Language
Beginning Level 54 Lecture Hours, 0 UNITS
This is a competency based education course designed for the beginning ESL student who is beginning to learn survival English skills. Emphasis on listening, speaking, reading and writing skills will allow students to gain confidence in survival English and go on to use more complex structures.
ENGL 003 - English as a Second Language
Intermediate Level 54 Lecture Hours, 0 UNITS
This is a competency based education course designed for the intermediate ESL student with some experience with English, but may still have difficulty with complex English structures such as tenses, imbedded clauses and modalities. Most students at this level need few survival skills, but lack fluency in the structures that they use. While this course will continue to provide advanced listening and speaking skills, the emphasis will begin to shift toward reading and writing skills. Formerly ENGL402.
ENGL 004 – English as a Second Language
Advanced 54 Lecture Hours, 0 UNITS
This is a competency based education course designed for the advanced ESL student who needs to develop grammar and structure skills in English before going into higher academic-level English courses. This course will fine-tune listening and speaking skills but will focus on the complex grammatical structures needed to advance into higher academic-level classes. Reading and writing skills will be especially emphasized.
Courses in Writing, Communications, and Literature
ENGL 005 - Reading and Writing Skills (3 Units)
54 Lecture hours, CSU
This course is designed for those students who need a review of the reading and writing process. The student should have a background in grammar and sentence structure but will need additional help in developing the ideas, critical thinking, details and revision skills necessary to succeed in ENGL010. This course will provide instruction with particular emphasis on learning to read and write more effectively.
ENGL 010 - Elementary Composition and Reading (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU
Pre-college level composition and reading intended to prepare students for college-level work. Reading: emphasis on reading rate, retention, comprehension and vocabulary. Composition: emphasis on grammar, structure and usage, paragraph construction, short essays. Completion of ENGL 303 with a “C” grade or higher or appropriate assessment test score.
ENGL 101 - Composition and Reading (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A2), IGETC(1A)
College-level expository writing based on critical reading of influential writers contributing to cultural literacy. Emphasizes the analysis of ideas in oral and written form. Concentration on the essay and the research paper as resources for expression and argumentation. Each student will write 7,000 to 8,000 words. ENGL 010 with a C or higher.
ENGL 102 - Introduction to Literature (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A3, A2), IGETC(1A)
Students are introduced to major literary genres of fiction, poetry, and drama. Students learn to read and write analytically and critically about major literary themes taken from a wide variety of writers, time periods, and cultures. Students build on the writing and expository skills learned in English 101. This is the second course in the composition and reading sequence. Each Student will write 7,000-8,000 words. Completion of ENGL 101 with a “C” grade or higher.
ENGL 103 - Critical Thinking and Writing (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A3), IGETC(1B)
Course develops critical thinking, reading and writing skills beyond the level achieved in English 101, 102. Special emphasis put on the use of sound thinking in written communication of ideas. Based on the logical fundamentals of critical thinking, analysis and argumentation. Readings are oriented toward philosophy and similar areas. This is the third course in the composition and reading sequence. Each student will write 7,000 to 8,000 words. Completion of ENGL 101 with a “C” grade or higher.
ENGL 118 - Small Group Communication (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A1)
Group process theory, leadership concepts and techniques, and the role of communication in small groups. Course involves participation in small group dynamics and development of skills in problemsolving, critical thinking, and individual communication techniques within the small group context.
ENGL 119 - Interpersonal Communication (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A1)
A survey of the field of interpersonal communication that includes a review of the theory, research and skills that students can use to improve the quality of their relationships.
ENGL 120 - Speech (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(A1), IGETC(1C)
Theory and techniques of public speaking in democratic society. Discovery, development, and criticism of ideas in public discourse through research, reasoning, organization, composition, presentation, and evaluation of various types of speeches. Including informative and persuasive speeches. Composition, presentation, and evaluation of original speeches and critical assessment of public communication events. Speaking modes include informative, persuasive, descriptive, narrative, and impromptu speaking.
ENGL 128 - Film Appreciation (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C1), IGETC(3A)
Analytical and critical survey of a genre of films, including fields of production, direction and acting. Cross-listed as HUMN 128.
ENGL 150 - Introduction to Journalism (3 Units)
36 Lecture hours, 54 LAB hours, CSU(C2)
An introductory journalism and new media website/blog production course. Emphasis in the lecture portion of the course focuses on contemporary journalism/media and its role in society, as well as ethics, news writing and editing and multimedia storytelling; lab portion emphasizes web-based news production, reporting, blogging, social media networking and advertising, copy editing, layout and design.
ENGL 170 - Creative Writing (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2)
Emphasis on fiction but may include poetry. Practical writing assignments follow from analytical knowledge of basic elements of fiction. Critical reading of established writers and critique of student work. Some degree of individual instruction.
ENGL 172 - Creative Writing II (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours CSU
Students undertake intensive work in creative writing, choosing to work in fiction, prose, or poetry. Special attention is paid to enhancing specific writing skills and to work on well-defined and large projects. A portion of the students’ class time will be to mentor students in English 170, Creative Writing as a way to teach themselves more about their own writing and skills.
ENGL 180 - Nature Literature in America (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2), IGETC(3B)
A survey of American literature that will investigate how our emotions, aesthetics, personal and social consciousness, and even our very orientation in the world, have always been inseparably tied to our experience of nature. Students will discover how the best American writers have portrayed the natural world as nurturing or antagonistic, as robust or endangered, and especially as a symbolic means of expressing those elements of the inner life that seem impossible to articulate in normal, discursive language.
ENGL 228 - Novel and Film (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU
A study in literary and cinematic technique focusing on narrative genres and theme. Selected novels compared to transposed versions on film. Novel types covered: Bildungsroman, Gothic, Detective, Post-modern, Contemporary. Examples of theme: love and revolution, coming of age, ethnic assimilation, colonialism and consciousness. Lecture, discussion, film viewing. Cross- listed with HUMN228.
ENGL 245 - Contemporary Literature (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2), IGETC(3B)
An intensive examination of literature from the Englishspeaking world, 1945 to present. Students will consider different national perspectives and cultures, as well as the major trends of contemporary literature. Issues covered will include modernism and post-modernism, the nuclear age, technology, society and culture, and the end of colonial rule. In addition, we will also examine the underlying political and philosophical issues which are necessary for an understanding of contemporary literature.
ENGL 246 - Women’s Literature (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2)
A survey of literature by women writing in English in all genres that will examine both canonical texts and overlooked, neglected or forgotten works which have fallen outside the traditional canon. Students will investigate how these works engage and/or circumvent the traditional canon.
ENGL 252 - American Literature I (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2)
An intensive examination of American literature from its beginnings to 1877. Students will examine writings that reflect cultural encounters from 1492 to 1750, practical and political ideas of revolutionary thinkers, romantic spirit of individualism, and realistic challenges of the civil war, reconstruction and frontier life to 1877. Students will explore America’s cultural diversity, as well as our unity, in an examination of what it means to be an American. Advisory: ENGL 101.
ENGL 254 - American Literature II (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2)
An intensive examination of American literature from 1877 to the present. Students will read selected literature, discuss the material in-depth, and write reflectively to discover what it is about these texts that make them distinctly “American”. Students will consider the major historical, cultural, intellectual and political events that influenced the American authors whose writings are examined. Advisory: ENGL 101.
ENGL 256 - Survey of British Literature I(3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2), IGETC(3B)
Survey of literary culture and civilization of England. Covers development of literary forms and the history of critical taste in political, cultural and philosophical context. Emphasis on the great writers and central works from Beowulf to Pope (Medieval period through 18th century).
ENGL 257 - Survey of British Literature II (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2), IGETC(3B)
Survey of literary culture and civilization of England. Covers development of literary forms and the history of critical taste in political, cultural and philosophical context. Emphasis on the great writers and central works from Blake to Seamus Heaney (19th through 20th century).
ENGL 277 - Introduction to Shakespeare (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours, CSU(C2), IGETC(3B)
Acquaints students with dramatic structure, poetry and central themes of Shakespeare’s work. Plays selected to represent range and development of his art. Emphasis on close text analysis, critical viewing of videotaped plays, and thematic interpretation. Includes introduction to Shakespearean criticism. Formerly ENGL 077.
ENGL 291 - Directed Study (1 - 5 UNITS)
18 - 270 HOURS, CSU
A student may take advanced course work or complete a student designed project in English after having completed introductory courses. The topics, learning objectives, educational material(s), number of units to be awarded, and method of evaluation are determined in a written agreement between the instructor and the student before the student engages in the learning experience. A “Learning Contract for Directed Studies” must be completed by the student, approved by the instructor and Chief Instructional Officer, and placed on file with the Office of Instruction.
ENGL 310 - Applied Professional and Technical Communication and Composition (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours (B.S. in Agriculture core course)
Provides experience and feedback on writing effective and concise professional and technical communications such as memos, emails, letters, reports, technical papers, proposals, reports, social media, pamphlets, and other communications media. Important skills such as working in teams, preparing and giving presentations, and managing information are emphasized. The purpose of this course is to improve the writing and presentation ability of students in their professional communication with others.
ENGL 416 - Research Methods in Equine and Ranch Management Current Topics and Issues (3 Units)
54 Lecture Hours (B.S. in Agriculture core course)
Research in current Equine and Ranch Management topics through critical exploration of research language, ethics, and approaches. The elements of the APA style research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches, and emphasizes industry related topics including animal welfare and ethical training methods.
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