WorkAbility III
WorkAbility III (WAB) is a joint program of Feather River College and the State of California Department of Rehabilitation designed to increase employment opportunities for adults with disabilities. The program provides comprehensive pre-employment assessment and training for students with disabilities who are enrolled at FRC and who meet Department of Rehabilitation criteria. The program offers assistance for individuals who are making the transition from school to work, or from one line of work to another.
Services may include, but are not limited to:
- Disability and/or General Counseling
- Support Services and Referrals
- Financial Assistance for Books, Supplies, Mileage, and Tuition/Fees not covered by Financial Aid
- Liaison Services with the Department of Rehabilitation
- Assistance in Resume and Cover Letter Preparation
- Assistance in Completion of Job Applications
- Instruction in and Practice for Job Interviews
- Job Search, Job Development, and Job Placement Activities
- Typing, Copying, and Telephone Access
- OJT Reimbursements - Employee Salaries may be offset by On-the-Job Training Opportunities.
Who is eligible?
All FRC students who qualify for Department of Rehabilitation services may participate in the program.
Contact Information
Billy Ogle, WorkAbility III Director
530-283-0202, Ext. 318
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