DSPS Student Rights and Responsibilities
DSPS Student Rights
- As a qualified student with a verified disability, the student has the right to receive reasonable academic accommodations and support services in order to have access to instruction and program participation without any fundamental alteration of the educational program. The college faculty and staff shall not automatically reject an accommodation unless other effective, more feasible accommodations exist, or unless the identified accommodations have been determined to lower academic standards or otherwise fundamentally alter the nature of the program in question. Feather River College faculty and administration will establish fundamental academic requirements in a reasoned, deliberative manner utilizing relevant expertise.
- According to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), students with disabilities have the right to privacy with regard to their disabilities. Faculty and staff should refrain from discussing their students' disabilities or accommodations around others.
- All records maintained by DSPS personnel pertaining to students with disabilities shall be protected from unauthorized disclosure.
- A student may file a formal complaint or grievance regarding discrimination on the basis of disability by contacting FRC’s VP of Student Services or the campus ADA/504 Coordinator. The student may also contact the California Office of Civil Rights in San Francisco.
DSPS Student Responsibilities
- To qualify for the program, a student must provide DSPS with the information, documentation, and/or forms (medical, educational, etc.) deemed necessary to verify a disability.
- Participation in DSPS is entirely voluntary and, as such, it is the student’s responsibility to identify as an individual with a disability, to request accommodations and/or support services, and to seek information, counsel, or assistance as desired. A student with a disability must initiate the request for academic accommodations and/or support services by making an appointment with the DSPS Director each semester, as accommodations and services are individualized for each course in which a student is enrolled.
- A student with a disability must meet the academic standards established by Feather River College.
- A student with a disability must comply with the Student Code of Conduct adopted by Feather River College.
- A student participating in the DSPS program must use DSPS services responsibly and must adhere to written procedures and responsibilities.
- The failure of a student with a disability in the responsible use of DSPS services, or in the adherence to written procedures and responsibilities pertaining to a service, will initiate a written notification from DSPS of possible suspension of the service. The student will be invited to discuss the issue in a meeting with the DSPS Director. Written notice will be sent to the student before any action is taken to suspend services.
More Information about Student Rights and Responsibilities
Students with disabilities may view additional information about their student rights and responsibilities by viewing literature provided by the Office of Civil Rights at this link: Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities.
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