Teaching Online at FRC

Online teaching Course design

New to online teaching?

After you apply for a teaching position at FRC, you may be assigned to teach an online course.

Designing an online course

Creating an online course involves many important factors, and FRC is dedicated to maintaining high quality and rigor in its online offerings. The DE Handbook on Canvas outlines the specific requirements for both online and hybrid courses.

Before the semester begins...

  1. Copy or import your course materials into Canvas and update all dates.
  2. If you have multiple sections of a course or cross-listed courses, merge them into a single Canvas course area.
  3. Review the course design checklist to ensure completeness.
  4. Verify that all links and videos are functioning correctly.
  5. One week before the semester starts, use MyFRC to email students the course information. Include the syllabus and details about required books or materials.



Beginning of the semester ...

  1. Post an announcement welcoming students to the course.
  2. Remind students where to find technological assistance.
  3. Announce your office hours and how students can contact you.
  4. Provide a reminder about the first assignment to help identify active students and determine who may need to be dropped.
  5. Email students who have not logged in during the first week to encourage participation.
  6. Complete the Census Rosters provided by Admissions and Records.


During the semester ...


  1. Ensure Regular and Substantive Interaction
  2. Create weekly wrap-ups or announcements to address common areas of confusion based on student questions or submitted work. Use these to provide additional clarification on key concepts.
  3. Post announcements to remind students about upcoming due dates and other important deadlines.
  4. Encourage students to attend office hours for personalized support and clarification on course materials.
  5. Complete required progress reports and initiate student interventions if necessary.
  6. Provide timely and constructive feedback on all submitted work to support student learning and growth.



At the end of the semester ...


  1. Course Evaluations: Remind students to complete course evaluations, if applicable, to provide valuable feedback on the course.
  2. Final Announcement: Post a closing announcement summarizing key takeaways from the course, addressing any outstanding items, and reminding students to complete feedback surveys. Include your final thoughts and well wishes for their continued success.
  3. Post Final Grades: Ensure all grades are finalized and posted accurately and promptly.
  4. Complete Learning Assessments: Submit the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Cycle (SLOAC) report, if required, to evaluate and document student learning outcomes.


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