Distance Education
Teaching Online at FRC
Designing an Online Course
Explore FRC’s resources to ensure high-quality, engaging online courses.
Before the Semester Begins...
- Copy or import course materials into Canvas and update dates.
- Merge multiple course sections into a single Canvas course.
- Review the course design checklist for completeness.
- Ensure all links and videos are functional.
- Email students a week before the semester with syllabus and material details.
At the Beginning of the Semester...
- Post a welcome announcement.
- Direct students to tech support resources.
- Announce office hours and contact information.
- Remind students about the first assignment.
- Email inactive students to encourage participation.
- Complete Census Rosters with Admissions and Records.
During the Semester...
- Ensure regular and substantive interaction.
- Post weekly updates to clarify key concepts.
- Remind students of upcoming deadlines.
- Encourage students to attend office hours.
- Submit progress reports and intervene as necessary.
- Provide timely, constructive feedback on assignments.
At the End of the Semester...
- Encourage students to complete course evaluations.
- Post a final announcement summarizing the course.
- Finalize and post all grades promptly.
- Submit the SLOAC report, if required.
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