NetTutor FAQs
What is NetTutor?
NetTutor is a comprehensive online tutoring service for all levels of college courses. All of the tutors are highly trained and experts in the course that you are taking. They’re ready to help. NetTutor provides online tutoring in many subjects, except English, and Writing during the fall and spring semesters.
How do I access NetTutor?
If you are taking a course using Canvas, click the NetTutor link in the course navigation menu.
How do I get started using NetTutor?
- Select the subject for which you wish to receive tutoring. The dashboard for that subject will open.
- To connect with a tutor, click on "Ask NetTutor - Live 1-to-1 Help."
- You will be directed to a page where you can see your position in the queue and view a video with instructions for asking questions in NetTutor.
What happens in a tutoring session?
When a tutor is available, you will automatically be brought into a tutorial room. A cowbell will ring. This lets you know that the session has begun. Your tutor will help you work the problem out and give you hints if you get stuck. Please come prepared to learn.
What if I don’t have time to chat with an online tutor?
The Q&A Center allows you to ask a question offline, which a tutor will usually answer within 24 hours. When an answer has been prepared, you will receive an email notifying you that your question is ready. After you review the answer, you can ask a follow-up question.
Will it work on my computer?
NetTutor works with Windows and Macs, and in almost any browser. After you log in, a browser test will confirm that your computer is compatible with NetTutor. If anything is missing, the test will tell you where to find it. Try the browser test directly.
What if I need technical help?
If you have any questions or technical difficulties, click the Customer Service Request link within NetTutor, and fill out the form. You may also call the NetTutor Customer Support Team at (813) 674-0660 x204. The direct email is support@link-systems.com.
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