Distance Education
Requesting a Canvas Area
Would your program, group, or committee like to use a Canvas area to manage information? You may request a course area in Canvas.
- If you are managing a non-instructional course, you will be responsible for adding users to that course.
- Do NOT give students anything other than student access.
- If you allow users to self-enroll, do NOT post that link on any web site. This can jeopardize the security of Canvas.
- Since students must either accept an invitation or deliberately self-enroll in a non-instructional course, this constitutes a choice on their part. As a result, FERPA restrictions regarding student visibility and interaction do not apply. However, in the rare case where a non-instructional course automatically enrolls students without their choice, FERPA requirements will apply.
Request a Canvas Area
Email the Canvas administrator (jreilley@frc.edu or kdesmond@frc.edu) to request the creation of a non-instructional Canvas area. Include the name you would like for your Canvas area.
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