Internships and Work Experience at FRC

Feather River College's internship and work-experience program offers credit for work-experience while teaching students the employability skills necessary to get ahead in their industry. The priority of the internship and work experience program is to help students graduate college with experience they need to get the job they want.
About the Internship and Work Experience Program
Students who are working currently, want to job shadow someone, or who are looking for an internship to get an idea about a career, can participate in the Internship and Work Experience program. Students with out a current job meet with the Internship Coordinator and discuss their career goals and the types of industry they would like to work in. The internship coordinator then contacts related community industry partners to see if any jobs or internships are available. When a student is matched, the student enrolls in BUS 171, a second-nine week course that allows students to get credit for their work, and learn valuable employability skills.
Students who complete the internship program walk away with unique insight and experience on their industry sector, and a stronger understanding of how skills like communication, empathy and self-awareness can make all the difference in getting the job you want.
Units available = 1.5 - 3 units
Course Length = second 9 weeks of semester
Hourly commitment = minimum of 25 hours of work throughout the semester
*Applicable for Internships, Jobs, or Job Shadowing
Internship Interest Form
Students who are interested in learning more about the Internship and Work Experience Program should contact Carolyn Shipp, Internship Coordinator, at cshipp@frc.edu or fill out the Internship Interest Form and we will be in contact with you.
Three Reasons to Intern Through FRC
1. Variety of Jobs and Unique Experiences
Plumas County is a thriving community with a variety of industries and opportunities. Over 90% of students who participate in the internship program get matched with internships or jobs that directly relate to their preferred career path.
Examples of Past Internships:
- Plumas County District Attorney’s Office
- U.S.. Forest Service
- Quincy Co-Op Preschool
- Plumas Physical Therapy
- Bell Lane Baked Goods
2. Paid Internships and Post-internship Job Offers
Students who participates in the FRC Internship Program may get paid for their work, and many receive job offers after the completion of their course hour requirement.
In Spring of 2018:
- 33% of students started the BUS 171 course in paid positions
- 60% of students were offered a position after the completion of their hours
- Of the students who were offered a job, 100% were offered over minimum wage
3. Personal and Professional Development through BUS 171
The internship program operates as a class: BUS 171 Project Based Learning
- Second nine week course
- 1.5 units minimum, with a 3 unit maximum
- One hour lecture, online assignments and the internship as the lab
The course teaches valuable skills to prepare students for the workforce.
- How to stay motivated and set career goals
- How to cultivate relationships and work well with others
- How to promote yourself professionally
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