Employer Outreach Events
- Feather River College Job Fair -
March 6, 2025
Feather River College will be working in partnership with the Alliance for Workforce Development (AFWD) to host the inaugural Feather River College Job Fair on March 6 from 12:00- 4:00 p.m. at the college gym. The fair will bring companies and organizations from all over the region to connect job seekers with potential employment.
In an effort to connect FRC students with potential employers, the FRC Job Fair staff are excited to offer a free lunch to the first 100 students in attendance. This event provides students with access to part-time, full-time, and summer job opportunities that can help them build employability skills and gain experience in their preferred industries. The college is partnering with AFWD, the region’s career services organization, to connect both students and local job seekers with employers, further expanding career opportunities for all attendees.
While the list of employers is ever growing, the college anticipates a variety of organizations and industries to be at the event including the U.S. Forest Service, Sierra Pacific Industries, municipal and educational organizations, and tourism and recreation companies.
Job Seekers! Need support preparing for the job fair? The Alliance for Workforce Development (AFWD) offers free services to ensure your success. An online workshop on "How to Prepare for a Job Fair" is scheduled for March 5th at 2 pm.. You can register at AFWD to learn more.
Check back for an updated list of attending organizations. If your or your company would like to participate in the job fair, please register online or follow the QR code below. Creat an account under "Employers" to login.
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