Dual Enrollment
Carolyn Shipp
530.283.0202 x 265
The Feather River College Dual Enrollment program is committed to providing students access to college level coursework and units while attending high school. High school students will be offered clear pathways toward degrees and certificates in order to gain a jump start on post-secondary education and be more likely to complete an educational goal.
Why Dual Enrollment?
Feather River College’s Dual Enrollment Program was established in an effort to encourage a greater number of high school students to enroll and earn college credit while still in high school. The College views dual enrollment as an opportunity for eligible students to broaden their exposure to college programs and courses while at the same time getting a head start on their college education. We believe that participation in dual enrollment classes can ease the transition from high school to college and encourage local students to pursue post-secondary education—especially those students who might not otherwise do so.
Dual Enrollment Information for Prospective Students
Students interested in learning about dual-enrollment shoudl speak to their high school counselor.
Course | Course Description | Parcitpating High Schools |
Coll 101 | Get Focused Stay Focused | Plumas Unified School District |
Dual Enrollment Information for Prospective High Schools
High schools interested in participating in dual enrollment at FRC, should review the Dual Enrollment Procedure Manual.
Forms and Information
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