CTE Grants
Strong Workforce and Perkins
Strong Workforce Program
Each year, the state allocates community college funding to help grow and enhance CTE Programs in an effort to develop a stronger workforce and lift-low level workers into living wage jobs. Feather River College receives two main sources of funding from the state determined by legislation, Strong Workforce Program Grants and Perkins Formula Grants.
AB 205, or the Strong Workforce Program, established the California Career Technical Education Incentive Grant Program, with the California Community College Chancellors Office as the administrator of the funding that goes to community college. They follow a funding formula established by the legislation, and each year Feather River College, along with all other community colleges in the state, receives an allocation.The purpose of the grants are to Enhance CTE offerings at community college's and increase student enrollment in CTE Programs. This leading-edge state economic development program is driven by “more and better” CTE. The “more” is increasing the number of students enrolled in programs leading to high-demand, high-wage jobs. The “better” is improving program quality, as evidenced by more students completing or transferring programs, getting employed or improving their earnings.
Examples of Previous Strong Workforce Projects Include:
- CTE Instructor Salaries
- Instructional Equipment for CTE Programs
- CTE Student Employment
- New Buildings and Infrastructure for CTE Programs
Strong Workforce Program Investment Guidelines
Each year under Perkins V, Congress appropriates roughly $1.4 billion dollars in state formula grant funds under Title I (Basic State Grants) for the development and implementation of career and technical education programs. Each eligible recipient that receives funds under this part shall use such funds to improve career and technical education programs. Feather River College must follow Perkins Guidelines when funding projects through the Perkins Grants.
Examples of Previous Perkins Funding Include:
- Professional Development for CTE Instructors
- Student Excursions to CTE Related Activities
- Job Exploration Software
- CTE Program Salaries
Perkins Guidelines
FRC CTE Grant Funding and Request Process
In an effort to ensure the college can fund as many requests as possible, FRC implements a funding request process that encourages participation from the CTE members of the Professional and Technical Studies Division at the college.
Each winter, a committee compiled of the Vice President of Instruction, the Division Chair, and the CTE Grants Program Coordinator reviews the eligible requests and awards funding based off regional workforce needs, college mission and goals, and allowables within each grant. If a requested project is funded, the cooresponding department will receive an allocation update from the CTE Grants Program Coordinator by the end of August. Please note, sometimes FRC does not receive its final allocation amount from the region until September or October, so it can delay the process.
If a project is funded, it is up to the CTE department to initiate the purchasing process and spend the money by the indicated spending deadline. Money that is not spent by the end of the fiscal year is at risk of being returned to the Chancellor’s Office. It is imperative the CTE Department follows the spending guidelines outlined by the Business Office.
Please contact Carolyn Shipp, CTE Grants Program Coordinator, for any additional questions or to make a request.
Additional Information or Requests
Carolyn Shipp, CTE Grants Program Coordinator
(530) 283-0202 ext. 265
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