Social Media Guidelines
Feather River College supports the use of social media as a valuable tool to further its vision and mission, support student learning, student success, communication, promote college activities, staff development, and create a thriving online community. These basic guidelines will assist faculty, staff, and students at Feather River College who create, administer or post to social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, or Instagram on behalf of the district.
Social media sites reflect on the district and should therefore be written and structured in an appropriate, ethical, professional, and lawful manner and every effort should be made for sites to be 504/ ADA compliant. If activity on an FRC social networking site is offensive or violates district policy including Standards of Student Conduct it may result in disciplinary or legal action. Use of the district’s official media sites and approved accounts indicates that you have read and will abide by these guidelines and related district policy. The College reserves the right to moderate and remove any comments and posts that do not fall within its official guidelines.
An official district social media platform is a site authorized by the superintendent or designee. Sites that have not been authorized by the superintendent or designee, but contain content related to the district or comments on district operations, such as a site created by other school-connected organizations, a student or employee’s personal site, are not considered official district social media platforms.
Formal Social Media Guidelines
The Communications Committee regularly reviews the Social Media Guidelines located on the FRC website. The guidelines include authorized users, appropriate use/authorized content, inappropriate use/ prohibited content, as well as best practices and other helpful information. The guidelines are a training document and resource to help authorized users utilize social media as a communication tool in a responsible way that advances the college’s vision and mission, promotes college activities, and fosters an engaging online community.
Before posting to Feather River College social media accounts, please read the official FRC Social Media Guidelines.
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