Center for Learning and Tutoring
Online Help With English
Writing Guides, Tutorials, Resources, and Advice
- APA Style Guide
The American Psychological Association style guide is one of the two most commonly used style guides. It is most often used as a guide for preparing papers in social science classes such as psychology and sociology. This web page will help you follow the APA style.
- MLA Style Guide
The Modern Language Association style guide is the other most commonly used style guide. It is most often used as a guide for preparing papers in the humanities, such as history or philosophy.
- Big Dog's Grammar: A Bare Bones Guide to English
Interactive! You can review principles of English in this entertaining site, then test your knowledge by clicking on "Self-Test" at the bottom of the lesson.
- The Purdue OWL: Online Writing Lab
The style sheet information above is just part of this great service! The OWL has tons of suggestions and examples for writers of all skill levels. If you don't know when to use a comma, or you're not sure what a sentence fragment is, check out their Grammar and Mechanics section. Click on the topics with the + next to them to reveal more choices.
- E-Mail Questions About Writing
If you get stuck and can't figure out a writing problem, try Purdue's Writing Lab service as a last resort. It's free! Try to figure out the problem using their other tools first, but if you can't, email their Learning Center staff to see if you can get an answer.
- OneLook Dictionary
OneLook searches multiple dictionaries at once. It's a quick way to find definitions of even unusual words.
- LibrarySpot.com
This site has tons of reference links, including dictionaries on different subjects such as law and medicine. But it also has links to calculators, speeches, government resources, and historic documents like the Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Magna Carta. If you can't find it by starting from here, it probably doesn't exist.
- Cambridge Dictionaries
Good searches from this UK company, including French/English and Spanish/English.
- Encyclopedia Britanica
Wikipedia may be the rage, but this is the real stuff! This huge resource has been compiled by professionals from a wide range of disciplines. This is an incredible resource!
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