Business Classes
Course Listings for AA in Business and AS-Transfer in Business
BUS 100 Introduction to Business 3 Units:
Provides a basic background for various areas of business with fundamental vocational guidance information. An exploration of management, production, marketing, accounting, finance, and the legal aspects of business.
BUS 102 Financial Accounting 3 Units:
An introduction to accounting theory and practice. This class presents the recording, analyzing, and summarizing procedures used in preparing the financial statements of a business
BUS 104 Managerial Accounting 3 units:
A continuation of the study of accounting theory and practice. Includes accounting for corporations, internal control, cost systems and budgeting, cost-profit-volume analysis, statement analysis and interpretation, cash flow, taxes and accounting concepts. There is a strong emphasis on the management uses of accounting data foe decision making.
BUS 106 Macroeconomics 3 Units:
An intensive study of the basic principles and laws that govern macroeconomic activity within society. Emphasis is on learning the tools of analysis and applying them to problem areas. This course contains global, international, and multi-cultural material interspersed throughout the classroom curriculum. It is designed for students who need a course in social science as well as a foundation course for business students. International business and the G-20 are a focus of the course. The U.S. economy, the gross domestic product from the expenditures approach, fiscal policy, and monetary policy are dealt with in-depth.
BUS 108 Microeconomics 3 Units:
An introduction to the principles of economic analysis and decision making from the viewpoint of the individual consumer, worker, and firm. Emphasis on the price system, allocation of resources and income, supply and demand analysis, the structure of American industry, and applications to current economic policy and problems. This course contains global, international, and multi-cultural material interspersed throughout the classroom curriculum.
BUS 115 Business Law:
Survey of the principles and terminology in business law to include: the legal system and environment, contracts, personal property, sales, negotiable instruments, agency and employment, business organization, insurance, and real property as well as wills.
BUS 116 Human Resource Management 3 units:
A study of the role and functions of human resource management, which presents current theories, research regarding the development of individual managers and business organizations. This course also covers topics such as the rewards and challenges of human resource management, how firms leverage employee differences for strategic advantage, basic rights of employee and dynamics of labor relationships, responsibilities of today’s human resource managers such as employee recruitment, selection methods, and human resource planning. It also explains total compensation, pay-for performance, and employee benefits as well as effective methods for implementing successful training and development strategies.
BUS 118 Personal Finance 3 units:
Management of personal income and expenditures emphasizing financial security. Topics include: problems associated with borrowing money, buying on credit, maintaining commercial and savings accounts, buying insurance, paying taxes, purchasing and maintaining a home and cars, investing money and estate planning, securities markets, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. The essence of this class it to manage ones wealth.
BUS 130 Small Business Management 3 units:
For current and future owners of small businesses. Analysis of personal qualifications, forms of ownership, sources of information, financing, planning, legal issues, record keeping, advertising, marketing, insurance, promotion, credit, and current aids to successful management.
BUS 140 Marketing 3 units:
A study of the role and function of marketing in the distribution of goods and services to familiarize students with marketing policies and practices and the integration of marketing activities. This course contains global, international, and multi-cultural material interspersed throughout the classroom curriculum. Emphasis is on pricing, distribution, product, and promotion as well as advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, and public relations.
BUS 170 Spreadsheet 1.5 Units:
Computer spreadsheet training using Excel for a variety of personal and business uses. Includes software fundamentals and tools, worksheet layout planning, and creating formulas. Creation of spreadsheets using graphs, word-art, built-in formulas and functions. Studies in inventory, retirement, financing, and general business spreadsheets.
Additional course descriptions may be found in the college catalog.
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