ALL instructors MUST complete one

Textbook Adoption Form (TAF)

for EACH class for Each semester regardless

if you plan to order through the FRC Bookstore or not.

It is an instructor’s responsibility to submit to the FRC Bookstore one Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) for EACH class they are teaching for EACH of the upcoming semesters, spring, summer, and/or fall, regardless if you plan to order through the FRC Bookstore or not.  In general, the deadline is in April for summer and fall textbook orders and in November for spring textbook orders.

These are the reasons why a Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) is necessary and required:

First and most importantly, the information on a Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) is needed and valuable information for incoming students seeking to find textbook information for upcoming classes on the Booklists provided for them on the FRC Bookstore webpage.  Here students are able to look up classes and see what books are required, or not, or optional and if they need to purchase a book or where to find the book online. 

Secondly, FRC has students receiving financial aid assistance using Textbook/School Supply Vouchers, which accounts for a large volume of sales through the FRC Bookstore.  There are several programs on campus, and off campus, to help with the cost of textbooks and school supplies. EOPS, Equity/SSSP, CalWorks, Workability, Department of Rehabilitation, DSPS, Veterans Services, Alliance for “Workforce Development and Burton are some of these services.  FRC students receiving financial aid assistance are REQUIRED to shop with vouchers for their textbooks and school supplies in the FRC Bookstore ONLY.  By submitting your Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) on-time, you are helping this population and all students to be better prepared so they can find their required materials on the shelves by the beginning of the semester.  

Another reason why it is required a Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) be submitted for EVERY class EACH semester is to have an accounting for every class being taught in the upcoming semesters.  Once submitted, it notifies the FRC Bookstore Staff and Office of Instruction that the faculty member teaching that class has been heard from and what that faculty member’s textbook method they are planning on using eliminating the need to have to track down faculty for this information for the upcoming semesters Booklists. The submissions from the Textbook Adoption Forms (TAF’s) go directly into a MachForm where the information is input into one location thus creating a quicker more efficient way to generate the Booklist for each semester from.

Lastly, textbook information provided on the Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) is also necessary information to have for the Textbook Buy Backs held at the FRC Bookstore at the end of each semester. From the Textbook Adoptions Forms (TAF’s), a Textbook Buy Back List is generated of what textbooks are needed for the upcoming semesters providing the information for the Textbook Buy Back of which textbooks to buy from students hoping to sell back their textbooks. If the FRC Bookstore has not received Textbook Adoption Forms (TAF’s) from faculty members in a timely manner before Textbook Buy Back, we cannot buy back books not knowing which ones are needed.  Students wanting to return books not on the Textbook Buy Back List, will turned away missing the opportunity to sell their textbooks and the FRC Bookstore misses out on potential sales for used textbooks that could then benefit future students’ ability to purchase a textbook at a lower cost the next semester.

Helpful tips when filling out the Textbook Adoption Form (TAF) if you are NOT ordering through the FRC Bookstore and using an online textbook:

If you DO NOT plan to order through the FRC Bookstore, in the field "Total Number of Books Needed":

  • Enter “0”

If you DO plan to use an online book, in the field "Do you have any pertinent information", provide the following information as it still needs to goes on to the upcoming semester's Booklist for your incoming students to reference: 

  • Name of the Online Textbook you are planning on using
  • The Publisher for the textbook
  • The LINK to where your students can find this textbook.

Thank you in advance for your assistance in submitting your textbook information on the Textbook Adoption Forms (TAFs)!

Please place your textbook orders online here:     Textbook Adoption Form (TAF)

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