Mechanized Agriculture
The welding facility is set up for the student who would like to prepare for a career in the welding industry. New to the welding shop is a brand new plasma cutter.
Students in the Mechanized Ag Program at Feather River College have the opportunity to develop skills that can help lead them to a technical career. Learning about welding, tractor driving, metal fabrication, building fence and irrigating are some of the helpful skills students can develop while taking courses in the Mechanized Ag Program at FRC.
AGMA 108 - Tractor Operation
45 LEC, 27 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU This course involves design principles, selection, maintenance, adjustment, and safe operation of wheel and track type tractors used in agriculture and in the construction industry.
AGMA 116 - Agriculture Welding
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU Entry-level welding skill development in modern agriculture welding and cutting processes, theory and practice. Emphasis on safety regulations as established by the National and State Occupational Health and Safety Act guidelines.
AGMA 132 - Advanced Agriculture Welding
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU An intermediate-level Agriculture welding course designed to develop skills in Shielded Metal Arc Welding, Gaseous Metal Arc Welding, Gaseous Tungsten Arc Welding and Plasma Arc Cutting. Emphasis on safety regulations as established by the National and State Occupational Health and Safety Act.
AGMA 140 - Beginning Agriculture Metal Fabrication
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU This course will provide students basic shop and job site fundamentals of welding so that students can design and apply ARC and MIG welding techniques as well as acetylene cutting in the field.
AGMA 146 - Introductory Agriculture Structural Technology
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU This is an introductory course in planning and designing various types of farm buildings necessary for agricultural enterprises. Characteristics, types, fabrication techniques and costs of construction materials used in farm buildings will be studied. A practical course in building metal, wood or composite frame buildings from planning to finish is included.
AGMA 160 - Introduction To Mechanized Agriculture
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS CSU This course involves basic mechanical skills in woodworking, cold metal, electricity, plumbing, concrete, and project construction skills as related to farm maintenance and repair. Hand and power tool use skills will be developed. Safety practices for all mechanical areas will be covered.
AGMA 184 - Agriculture Irrigation and Fencing
36 LEC, 54 LAB, 3 UNITS Introduction into agriculture irrigation and fencing principles: plant, soil, and water relationships; soil moisture sensing devices; delivery systems; design of drip, sprinkler, and surface irrigation systems, and use of chemigation. The class will also provide general knowledge into the fencing industry, including supplies, design, materials, and differing types of fencing.

Jacob Cloutman
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